Rudy Rucker says, in passing,
at this point, Ive somewhat lost interest in promulgating the Wolframite belief that reality is made of gnarly computations. I still think its true, but Im tired of pointing it out.
The resonance for me is with the “tired of pointing it out”, not the Wolfram connection.
I still write notes to myself about teaching-and-learning, but they rarely make it into blogland because, well, what’s the point? I said/wrote all that stuff before, mostly to little effect, and “I told you so” is so much cold oatmeal (I spent a bunch of years harrassing and haranguing library and departmental colleagues on those issues, and retired six months ago, feeling that I was getting nowhere with the effort).
It’s comforting that there are people who don’t just get It, they seemingly are It. George Siemens is one of them, over and over again (most recently, Learning, assessment, outcomes, ecologies), and I am reminded how indebted I am to Stephen Downes and a number of other canny commentators –Gardners, Brians, Bryans, Alans, etc. A glorious case in point is an hour of audio from a recent talk Stephen did, after returning from a sojourn in the Magdalene Islands. I’m posting some especially pithy excerpts as an experiment in access to what seem to me to be original and important ideas. Stephen’s style is digressive, but productive …especially if you can re-listen, and even more so if you can have the bits separated, so it’s not a 60-minute bolus. I suspect that many in his Tennessee audience were baffled/nonplussed by his message, which is pretty much bone-radical:
Where we’re headed: Learning Networks *not institution-based (0:34)
*not product-based educators… focused on enabling people to provide service for themselves (1:00)
we’re locked into this idea that this is a service we give them… (0:25)
*education isn’t about the content …it’s about engagement, about practise, about reflection (0:39)
Web 2.0 isn’t a fad (0:17)
‘quality in education’ (0:58)
Richard Nixon (2:36)
information about a resource is scattered across the Web (1:26)
learning becomes a network phenomenon (0:35)
content mashes: aggregated, remixed, edited, distributed (0:45)
APIs allow distributed things to talk to each other (0:18)
standards vs protocols: RSS as example (1:47)
produce knowledge by interaction: markets (0:32)
if you’re looking for the elements of e-learning 2.0… (1:35)
from text-based to full multimedia content (0:45)
producing educational resources (0:41)
MyGlu (see freebie code link) (1:31)
RSSWriter, and comparison to Learning Management Systems (see documentation) (1:20)
what’s the future of learning resources… why can’t our students do this? (0:39)
Four Basic Principles: is it Open Source? (1) autonomy (2) diversity (3) openness (4) interaction (2:15)
See also a wonderful followup in the Australian Wisebytes (Lisa Wise).