Sidney Padua is simply marvelous: Author! Author!
(just a bit, to whet the appetite):
Sidney Padua is simply marvelous: Author! Author!
(just a bit, to whet the appetite):
At Daniel Heikalo’s suggestion I’ve set up a Soundcloud page (which he’ll populate with some of our duet material) and started it off with Otiose Maggie, a tune I created in 2005 to memorialize an encounter with a goat (the eponymous Maggie).
UPenn Library’s Online Books Page New Listings is forever pushing new stuff in our collective directions. Today’s harvest includes links to materials that I think of as fundamental to my own development and views of the world (imperfect and contradictory as they prove to be): CoEvolution Quarterly (1974-1984) and Whole Earth Review (1985-2003)
or you could go directly to Back Issues
and, since I’m rooting around in stuff from the past, a look at Whole Earth Software Review (1984) is interesting too.
We’re at Miranda pretty much every Monday night…
Hartlepool Museum on Flickr
One of the treats that comes with being in Rockland midday:
I’ve been working on the mountains of STUFF in the barn, and here’s the current state of the Museum of Obsolescent Technologies:
(using Photosynth and the iPhone –a bit lacking in acuity/resolution, but hyper-cool as an idea and sure to develop in interesting directions via updates. Click on the third icon to see FULL SCREEN version)