wannit wannit wannit
Monthly Archives: June 2009
links for 2009-06-24
"Wondrous, curious, and bizarre locations around the world"
links for 2009-06-22
infinitely engaging, especially as one dips into the comments and discovers voices of the subjects themselves. I'm in awe…
"lyrics and knowledge" they say. And how.
links for 2009-06-21
from Mark Rubin's Chasing the Fat Man, a delicious assortment
links for 2009-06-20
for whenever time seems to be hanging heavy…
links for 2009-06-15
the (English) world of 60 years ago, for which a measure of nostalgia is permitted (via Warren Ellis)
keep an eye on THIS one
or anyhow I can’t think of anything remotely like it:
See their Web site for more
links for 2009-06-10
So, Bunky, you thought YOU were a misanthrope? Take a snort of THIS…
and zvuci too…
links for 2009-06-09
deja deja, and very welcome
via Gizmodo, and see his Flickr photoset for more
what I said…
Too much fun: "An ongoing project devoted to discovering
all the words and everything about them…More than 1.7 million words, and more than 130 million examples!"
links for 2009-06-08
lotsa interesting mappage
a cautionary read
via The Automata / Automaton Blog, and just SUPER cool to see the process of design (even though I realize thereby the poverty of my own creativity, automata-wise)
"…debilitating belief disorders..". "It's a plausible scenario…" "A Great Plague can fix that…" "Why do I keep falling in love with these loser unlicensed massage therapists?" "henh henh henh" "Who has half a brain anymore?" "…memorizing the entire Zeitgeist addendum…" "this is some repugnant shit, man…"