“Self,” I said…

Now and again I dip back into past trains of thought and wander around for a bit. Today’s venture was inspired by a first listen to the first disk in Allen Lowe’s stupendous jazz history (That Devilin’ Tune: A Jazz History [1895-1950], but available from him directly for considerably less), which led me to revisit the logfile I’d constructed as I prepared to teach a final iteration of Cross-Cultural Studies in Music (winter term 2005). And there I found a link to a page I’d made one morning when the DSL was down. Always interesting to meet one’s own former self, and a pleasure to find that one approves of what the former self was thinking. A home-made aphorism gives something of the flavor you’ll encounter if you click that link:

Taming the babbling brook or the raging torrent is a vain hope, and really one must settle for dipping the cup.

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