Keeping Found Things Found (KFTF)

Mindful that my Word for the Year was Curate, what can I say about how that has gone as we near the cusp of November, with prospects that are at best uncertain and fraught? While I haven’t been systematic about Curating, there have been some interesting developments on the remote edges of the mountains of things-retained, and I want to put some links where I can find them more easily. Thus:

Oxford English Dictionary exploration 1995

Philosophy of Teaching and Learning ca. 1995

Hollows and other toponymy bits 2000

Sabbatical Fall 2002

Walls in China ca. 2003

Doubtless other toothsome bits will surface. These (mere Ears of the Hippopotamus) remind me of how I was using html to keep track of and summarize projects during the Washington & Lee library years.

The photographic archives are vast and full of surprises. Consider these from a 2022 excavation, and Horton Landing bozos, 1973. Every photograph has a backstory, of course.

There will be more in this vein.

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