Monthly Archives: December 2008

Revere on Dummett on Frege

Revere (be it one person or more than one, hardly matters) is always worth reading, and is pretty sure to please either because (1) my own sentiments are more clearly expressed than I could manage myself, and/or (2) some new vista of the world’s complexities is opened and eloquently articulated, and/or (3) something is brought to my attention that I’d otherwise never have given house room. And just because “Public Health” is such a broad and vital canvas… Anyhow, today’s On being inspired by the preface of a philosophy book quotes at some length from Michael Dummett’s Preface to his Frege: The Philosophy of Language (1973/1981) –a book I’d never have picked up, let alone read the Preface to. Revere’s posting sucked me right in, and occasioned a cascade of thoughts, memories, mental asides, and personal resolutions for the future (among them: always read the Preface…). Can’t ask much more of a blog posting, can you?

links for 2008-12-23

links for 2008-12-22

  • “A true WVHD is a heavenly creation that begins with a wiener on a bun. Add mustard, a chili-like sauce and top it off with coleslaw and chopped onions. Different parts of West Virginia have variations on the theme but the common elements are sweet, creamy coleslaw and chili. Anything else is just not a true WVHD!” (see for more)

meteorological drama

It’s been like this for several hours: howling snowstorm outside, band of sleet just off shore, rain out to sea. Hard to say how much is on the ground, what with the drifting.
weather now

Nice big heaps of logs by the stoves, and the plow will arrive sometime in the morning. No worries.