I’m slightly surprised not to have seen much reference to Bruce Sterling’s SXSW Rant this year. I listened to it today and (as usual) found bits of it apposite and provocative. Some good lines even if one doesn’t entirely agree, and/or hadn’t had occasion to think of it that way –a lot to chew on, follow up, explore in more detail. He’s a luvvim/hateim speaker, like Garrison Keillor in that respect (my spouse can’t abide GK, and knows it’s him within ONE syllable, and OFF goes the radio).
Here’s another way to experience Bruce (8:15, and worth it as an Example), and it (as object, and as Example) will make even more SENSE once you’ve listened to the soundbites below:
So on to the SXSW soundbites:
1. broadband eats everything …the old line guys are trying to live on artificial scarcity, pile up the DRM… (0:18)
2. the native Internet generation cares nothing for the proprieties of 20th century media (0:13)
3. you pitch Google and Wikipedia together, and it’s kind of game over for the 80s (0:32)
4. Reformulating the Four Worlds model to reflect new realities: (2:05)
First: global market world (make it in Shenzhen, ship it to…)
Second: governance at all levels
Third: commons-based peer production a new thing, growing fast with profound effects on general population
Fourth: disorder, parts of the world just falling off that don’t have any of this (fastest-growing part of the planet)5. commons-based peer production more powerful than people give it credit for (0:30)
6. things that are businesses stop being businesses …CraigsList, the profession of journalism and the Global Precariate(1:39)
7. a new world of laptop gypsies, vulnerable to charlatans, ripoff artists, dunderheads, lynch mobs (0:19)
8. on artistic qualities: repurposing of Harry Potter characters, pastiche: Sow’s Ears aren’t Silk (0:48)
9. mashups in vogue, but a raw source of creativity? no musical staying power, pastiche, epiphenomenon (1:08)
10. Lev Manovich’s ‘Soft Cinema’, and powerful compositing tools in people’s hands (1:47)
11. need a new form of media criticism (0:50)
12. using the term ‘blog’…a passing thing? (0:08)
13. style of discourse: Dig This! (0:28)
14. spam as semiotic pollution, machine-generated robbery and gibberish (0:36)
15. broadcast tv as evil medium that debases (1:58)
There’s more… Go to Bruce Sterling’s SXSW Rant for the link to the whole thing.