Digital processing is really a marvel, especially in the ease with which one can tweak an image to express different flavors, moods, attitudes. The danger is that it’s easy to take the tweakage too far, but that’s really subjective. Here’s one from yesterday in which various changes are rung (as Bill Skinner was wont to say). It’s worthwhile to contemplate why one might prefer one or another version.

cropped and adjusted, subjectively pleasing:
monochrome, with green filter:
Of course I see a creature, probably a large-mouthed fishy person (a staring eye in the upper center)
original has a luminous found object aura about it – color forward
morphing into a more indigenous woodland identity and
then to a spooky presence ignited from within with a ghostly fire,
flattening to a one dimensional graphic and on to
a wildly possessed, feathered, one eyed creature of the forest floor . . .
so many choices for the artist