Not sure if this is a Good Thing or a calumny, but it’s progress of a sort.
The new iPad arrived yesterday, and I’ve been playing with Adobe Illustrator Draw, attempting to actualize an idea I’ve had for a few months. Take an image in which I see something that I want to call other viewers’ attention to. Sketch the outlines of what I see on a new layer, then export the sketch. Here’s an example, raggedy but clear enough to show the potential:
Start with an unfolded image (what I call a tessellation, though it’s just a single mirroring), like the one I labelled “voracious blue-eyed goddess”:
sketch in the lines my imagination sees:
and turn off the background:
Who is it?
Hillary Clinton.
I had no idea…
Thou shalt become possessed by thy new toy!
And wont’t it be fun for all of us!
Who next will float up out of the soul of the stone . . .