Category Archives: Nova Scotia

Only just a bit creepy

I bought this portrait years ago, and it’s been reposing in the barn at Horton Landing (where I’ve been busily cleaning and organizing for the last few days):
the Gold Locket portrait
I know very little about its subject, but presume that she died before it was done –such memorials were common in Nova Scotia parlours in the late 19th century. Attached to the lower corner is a photograph that I can’t squeeze any more out of than this:
attached to the Gold Locket portrait
You can fill in the rest of the story…

On the Force being with one

In answer to Max’s query, Robert Force is HERE, complete with a digital version of In Search of the Wild Dulcimer and musical examples and oh jeez a whole lot of other stuff. Now it’s time to dust off that Mike Rugg rosewood CapriTaurus dulcimer that’s been sitting on the shelf:
dulcimers for two
(it’s the one Kent is playing –and it’s really his, but lives with me until he comes to reclaim it. I’d love to see him, but… The one I’m playing is by Paul Reisler, and resides chez Ron Brunton. These bits of provenance might matter someday.)