Category Archives: Uncategorized

links for 2011-08-20

links for 2011-08-06

links for 2011-08-03

  • "It’s as if Washington’s leading political players, aided and abetted by the media’s love of the horserace, had eaten LSD-laced brownies, then gone on stage before an audience of millions to enact a psychotic spectacle of American decline…" But READ THE WHOLE THING
  • good old Shorpy, always something to ponder (and how would YOU like to take a train across that thread? …but don't miss the link to a 2009 article on its longevity!)
    (tags: engineering)


Being a fallen-away Twitterer (I played with it for a short time in the early days, but couldn’t find myself in its truncated format), all I do is follow a few people who seem to have figured out personally-relevant adaptations to the service. One from (or is it retweeted by) Bryan Alexander brought me up short:

The macropocalypse isn’t a tiny, momentary debt (policy) crisis. It’s the unravelling of the global macroeconomy. Just a friendly reminder.

Yup. That’s exactly right. Not that a ‘deal’ between President and Congress could do much more than BandAid the unravelling…