Current State of Projects

(remind yourself what I said about projects)
23 October
Here's what I found when I went looking for people's statements of what they are/will be working on (some drawn from 'second approximation', some from log file entries):


the Christian mission movement this century in China... how the Chinese government has and is responding to the rise of Christianity within China's borders... the different responses of the people to Christianity and its beliefs as well as to the freedom of religion in China

Katie: research porcelain... focus on the production and marketing

Berdine and KJ:

...the dragon in east asian culture... a symbol of what? ... I would like to find out where this mythical figure comes from in east asian legend. What role does the dragon have in society today? Do people attach significance to this creature? ...

explore in detail the Asian legend and importance of the mythical figure... what does the dragon truly represent? Where did this creature orginate from? And why is it still used today in art and religion?


...the actual people of Taiwan, that is to say, who are they, where they came from, and how they view themselves in the context of the Chinese empire


how Confucian teachings spread into Japan via art


...incense... Where did it originally come from? Who brought it to Japan? What is the difference between the incense in Buddhist temples and the incense used in the Heian period? Why are some pieces of wood "national treasures" that were used to make incense?


... differences of the tea drinking culture and its art among three East Asian countries where this cultural form of art has been kept-China, Korea, and Japan... how the artistic characteristics of each country reshaped the original form of tea ceremony art in order to blend it into their own culture.


Rice in East Asia


Japanese Fishing Industry... Japan's importance in the world fish market


...causes and effects of the Boxer Rebellion and how the movement changed the face of China.


Overseas Koreans : what kinds of Korean characteristics they still hold in terms of food, music, or language as they were voluntarily or forcefully moved to the neighboring countries during the Occupation by Japan?


the role of environmental thinking in Chinese society, historically and currently, how they differ and have possibly changes. I was wondering about the role of nature in society, how the people relate to wildlife and their natural surroundings.
Japanese food ritualization... I will either stick to the general topic of food ritualization in Japan, or if I find the topic too broad, I will narrow it down to a study of the kaiseki meal in the Japanese Chanoyu (Tea Ceremony.)
Japanese music and its origins... I may be able to do more if I narrow my topic to just modern Japanese pop music or even pop culture in general.