Results of an AltaVista search: "koreans in japan": ("HAN is a project provided to promote a better understanding of Koreans in Japan from two different viewpoints, scientific and cultural.") ("Society of Korean-American Scholars (SKAS) is a private, nonprofit and nonpartisan organization dedicated to engender intellectual exchanges in the global Korean community with a view to enlightening and empowering individual members of the community. It promotes scholarship and fellowship among its members and seeks to foster leadership among young Korean-Americans.")

Lives of Young Koreans in Japan Yasunori Fukuoka (a book to get by ILL)

The Longitudinal Study of Agenda Setting Process in Japanese Ethnic Korean Policy (David K.S. Kim)

KNJ Network Service ("provides information on Koreans in Japan and other countries")

Koreans in Japan: Past and Present (FUKUOKA, Yasunori Saitama University Review, Vol.31, No.1.)

Korea Web Weekly A Korean Studies Site

some data by Prefecture