For more than 20 years I've maintained a "Current Work" page, to which I added links to pages summarizing projects and interests as they came along, piling them up into a scrolling display. The Old Version is still available as an historical curiosity, but it's time to recognize that I've Moved On from that mode of doing things. The blog (oook blog) is a better medium for representing the changing kaleidoscope of interests, but I will include here links to stuff I did in 2005-2015, covering the transition to Retirement and some projects undertaken in the first decade in Maine, and I'll [probably] augment it by adding LIFO as new projects arise:
- materials for the 50th Reunion of the Class of 1965 (May 2015)
- Thinking about Writing, and Writing about Thinking about... (January 2014)
- a fragment of Memoir, which may perhaps burgeon...
- Assembling the Metanarrative: speaking prose, whiffs of the madeleine, and a bit of High Fidelity
- a long-awaited update of Nova Scotia Faces: vernacular photographs from Nova Scotia junk stores, and a Squidoo Lens on Vernacular Photography (haven't added anything to that in a long time)
- Following the Zeitgeist (December 2009, updated June 2011)
- Nexial Musics, recordings of duets with Daniel Heïkalo
- for the 45th Report of my Harvard class (a year later, seems quite out of date already)
- A Collection of Quotations, begun years ago but ever Fresh and Green (and in need of refurbishment)
- a rumination on yoga practise
- a few music examples
- North-Eastern North America reopened
- Genealogical Project restarted and updating
- WhereWhen and logfiles chronologies
- WTF? started with a ligatured logo, and may grow...
- John McPhee on coal [Oct 2005: starting to work toward .kml files]
- Stuff sent to others (a 2005-2006 effort to keep track of resources I thought would be of interest to former colleagues)
- a year of iRiver files --preliminary census, Oct 2005 (my first year of wrangling MP3 files)
- outtakes from EdTech Talk #20 (Stephen Downes in 2005)
- 312 Port Clyde Road: retirement destination (the 2005 version preserved)
- Musical Ruminations and 95MB download of WLUR show, August 2005
- June and July 2005: stuff I found interesting
- How it looks at the end of March 2005, in early June, Web legacy, The New CV, and Endgame (the last six months at W&L)