Anthropology 230: Anthropology of East Asia

Fall 2003
Dr. Hugh Blackmer
Science Library
Office hours: TuTh 7-10, and most days

Dramatis Personae:

Catherine Alexander      Jonathan Belcher      Sarah Beth Campbell      Park Carrere
Andrew Cox      Charlotte Marie DuPre      Drew Heath      John Howard
Christina Kim      Mike Letourneau      Jenny Lu      Michael Mathison
Aubrey Miner      Paige Smith      Meg Strother      Rachel Williams      Kate Zawyrucha

Schedule of classes: (approximate summary of topics... with links to comments and expansions)

week ofTuesdays (Northen Auditorium)Thursdays (Parmly 302)
11 SeptIntroduction and basics
16 SeptRashomon and the nature of truthabout anthropology
23 Septbasic geography and history finding information
30 SeptChunhyang and social orderbeginning GIS
7 OctMaster Kung and addendumgetting started with projects
14 OctHuozhe and family[reading days: no class]
21 OctCultural Revolution and A Breathmapping China: minzu
28 OctChushingura I: synopsis and whyrebellions and New Orders
4 NovChushingura II: synopsis and honorpast into present
11 NovTampopo and Ermo: noodlesafter Ermo
18 NovSen to Chihiro no Kamikakushispirit worlds
2 Decno class: work on Projectsdiasporas
9 Decproject presentationsproject presentations

Assignments: 1. on Rashomon | 2. mapping exercise | 3. Fujian exploration | 4. project definition | 5. GIS exercise | 6. project questions | 7. Web resource guide | 8. meditation and project | 9. more on the project | 10. email me and... | 11. on Honor | 12. on Ermo | 13. next on Project

my log file (where I keep track of things encountered and thoughts thunk)

On the Study of the Anthropology of East Asia (or anywhere else, for that matter): why does... how do... what is...

Resources: Asia Times and Far Eastern Economic Review | Wikipedia | JSTOR | OED
Asia for Educators from Columbia


Films: this year, since we have the use of Northen on Tuesdays, I'm going to use films as 'stimulus material', to raise issues that are of interest in thinking about how to study East Asian societies and cultures. See more details...

Reading: I will make specific assignments from time to time, but there won't be a textbook. I'll use handouts and texts on the Web, and I expect that you'll READ them, and that your reading will be reflected in various writing assignments. Some of the readings will be rather challenging, but part of what you're learning to do is deal successfully with difficult prose. What you want to avoid is telling me that something was "boring"... when what you really mean is that you haven't found a way to make sense out of it.

Assignments: I'll post assignments on the course home page as well as telling you about them in class, and generally they'll take the form of Web pages or additions to your log file to be posted by a specific time.

This course has had two previous incarnations, in Fall 2001 and Fall 2000.
