Starting GIS

Many fiddly steps, and lots of skills to learn. This is just a start, to give you a taste of what's possible.
  1. First, MAP drive, \\acadproj\vol8 to R:
    From the Start menu, RIGHT-CLICK My Computer, choose Map Network Drive..., set Drive ro R:, in Folder: type \\acadproj\vol8 and make sure that Reconnect at Login is checked, click Finish.

    If the R: is X'd out when you login later, RIGHT-CLICK on My Computer, choose Disconnect Network Drive, remove R:, and then repeat the connection process above.

  2. Start ArcMap:
    Start ==> All Programs ==> Research Tools ==> ArcGIS ==> ArcMap

  3. choose to open an Existing Map..., ckick Browse for Maps... and OK, and navigate to R:\china\ and double-click gwsfujian.mxd (i f it says 'printer not found', just click OK)

    you'll see 4 Layers (fujiancities, gwsfujian, provinces, counties) and a map of Fujian.

  4. RIGHT-CLICK where it says 'fujiancities' to see a drop-down palette. LEFT-CLICK 'Open Attribute Table' to see the data contained in that layer (it's basically a spreadsheet). Close the Attribute Table.

  5. RIGHT-CLICK again on 'fujiancities' and then LEFT-CLICK on 'Properties' to reveal a palette with 9 tabs, some of which will be VERY useful. LEFT-CLICK on the 'Symbology' tab, and note that CITY_POP is represented by "graduated symbols". LEFT-CLICK the raised button labeled Templat, and experiment with symbols and colors. When you have it as you want it, click OK, and click OK again on the Layer Properties palette. You'll see that the map redraws with cities represented as you've requested.

  6. From the File menu, choose Export Map... and SAVE in your /anth230/ folder as fujian1.jpg (note that you'll have to CHANGE to jpg format).

  7. Go to the File menu, choose Save As..., navigate to your H:\anth230\ folder, and SAVE this ArcMap document (an .mxd file) with its default name ('gwsfujian.mxd'). This will allow you to reopen YOUR version of this project.

  8. Now LEFT-CLICK on the 'gwsfujian' layer and then RIGHT-CLICK on its Properties. Choose the Symbology tab, and see

    In its default form, as you opened this project, the map shows Immigrants as a % of total population in Fujian counties (Total_Immi 'normalized' by Totalpop), with the values spread over 10 classes and represented by an orange-brown Color Ramp. You can change Fields, change the number of Classes, and change the Color Ramp. Changing Fields allows you to map different variables.

  9. Close Layer Properties, RIGHT-CLICK gwsfujian, and choose Open Attribute Table to see the variables included in this layer. Most are labeled at the top with a NUMBER, which refers to the Web page of 1990 Census Variables, which you might want to open in a separate browser window.

  10. Close the Attribute Table, and once again LEFT-CLICK on the 'gwsfujian' layer and then RIGHT-CLICK on its Properties. You can explore the mapping of the other variables by changing the Value and Normalization Fields. BEWARE: it's wise to set Normalization to NONE unless you're SURE you want to divide the values in the Value field by those in another variable.

  11. YOUR ASSIGNMENT to be completed by Noon on Tuesday 7 October:
    Use ArcGIS to open your saved gwsfujian.mxd project (in YOUR /anth230/ folder, not from the R: drive). Use the 1990 Census Variables and choose something that interests you. Make a couple of maps from the data and Export them as jpgs to your /anth230/ folder. Make links to those jpgs in your log file, and explain briefly what the maps are showing (what variable[s] you chose for each). Nothing very analytical here --it's just to give you a bit of practise with ArcMap (701 [Han Chinese total] normalized by 102 [Total Population] would be an obvious beginning).

    Some examples