A brief biography:
Hugh Blackmer, Science Librarian at Washington & Lee, is an anthropologist by training (AB Harvard 1965, MA Stanford 1972, PhD Stanford 1976) and taught for 18 years at Acadia University in Nova Scotia (Human Geography, Peoples and Cultures of Asia, Cross-Cultural Studies in Music, among other subjects). In 1990 he thought better of it and repotted himself as a reference librarian (MSLIS Simmons 1992), specializing in silicon-based life forms. He has been at W&L in the latter capacity since August 1992, and was responsible for much of the early development of W&L's presence on the World Wide Web (he now refers to himself as "quondam webweenie"). His recent (well, it's been several years now) appointment as Science Librarian offers many new challenges , electronic and otherwise.