Exploring Electronic Access at W&L
August 1995

What tools do we have at our fingertips? What do people actually do with them? What's ahead? How can you catch up/stay ahead? We'll look at Liberty and the World Wide Web (WWW)

Common terms:

Rock bottom basic instructions
  1. You need a Liberty account to explore these resources (but Netscape is available in Robinson 25 Mac Lab without any login); all staff are entitled to Liberty accounts on request.
  2. Help With Electronic Access on the first menu of the CIS provides detailed instructions for many of the possible tools and procedures (the menu will change shortly, but Help with Access will always be an item).
  3. Explore. In the lynx (text-only) version of the CIS, Enter 'opens' a highlighted link, left arrow returns to the highlight, up and down arrows move from link to link, and q quits.
Some Examples of ways the Web is being used: