This is the current form of the NETLINK menu, which allows searching
through lists of Internet sites by SUBJECT, by TYPE, by LOCATION, and by
DATE of addition for sites recently added:
Netlink Server at Washington & Lee University
- Menu: Subject
- Menu: Type (Telnet, Gopher, WWW, WAIS)
- Menu: Geographic
- Recent Additions (date coded entries)
- [Netlink Server - This Item for Help]
- [Netlink Server - Please Leave Comment or Error Report]
- High-Level Search of Gopher Menus (no field searching)
- Veronica Search of Gopher Menus
- WWW (WorldWideWeb Browser)
- USENET Newsreaders
- BITNET Mailing Lists/Listservs Archive Searches
(li> Archie FTP Site Searches
- Clearinghouse of Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides (UMich)
- Netfind Email Address Searches
- Phone Books/Directories (via Texas Tech)
- Local Times Throughout the World
- Hytelnet (Telnet Login to Sites)