[Hugh of St-Victor [12th century, author of Didascalicon], quoted in Pierre Speziali, "Classification of the sciences", in Dictionary of the History of Ideas, 462-467]
Lifelong learning is a process of seeking knowledge and rebuilding mental constructs to accomodate new information: a constant effort to elaborate connectivity and build more effective frameworks for understanding what one knows.
The idea that what one knows is under conscious control sounds obvious, but many people decline the responsibility. A teacher has the opportunity to exemplify the virtue, to be seen to be a seeker and a learner.
Incidentally, Hugh of St. Victor also connects to memory palaces:
The memory palace and the knowledge palace are similar, but not alike, as this brief discussion will show. Back in the 12th Century, Hugh of St. Victor, a theologian, implored his students to "expand and refine their memory skills through the construction of an interior treasure chest" (Illich, 35), an ark to be stored in their hearts--since the heart was close to the soul of the being.(from Building a Theory of the Knowledge Palace
with Frank Lloyd Wright's Marin County Civic Center )