The order is more or less that in which I read the sources
Hawkins, Brian L. and Patricia Battin (editors) The Mirage of Continuity: Reconfiguring Academic Information Resources for the 21st Century. Washington: Council on Library and Information Resources and Association of American Universities, 1998
Chapter 2 To Change Donald Kennedy (notes and comments)Chapter 3 Universities in the Digital Age John Seeley Brown and Paul Duguid (notes and comments)
Chapter 4 The Responsibilities of Universities in the New Information Environment Stanley Chodorow and Peter Lyman
Chapter 5 When Change is the Only Constant: Liberal Education in the Age of Technology Samuel R. Williamson
Chapter 9 The Unsustainability of the Traditional Library and the Threat to Higher Education Brian L. Hawkins
Chapter 10 Managing Information Resources in the Future Richard N. Katz (notes and comments)
Chapter 14 Why the Web is Not a Library José-Marie Griffiths (notes and comments)
Weinberger's Small Pieces Loosely Joined (notes and comments)
Arjun Appadurai (editor) Globalization (Duke UP 2001)(notes and comments)
Manuel De Landa A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History (1997) (notes and comments)
Brown and Duguid The Social Life of Information (notes and comments )
Reimagining Professional Identities: A Reflection on Collaboration and Techno-Pedagogy Jonathan T. Church
Liberal Arts Education in the New Millennium: Beyond Information Literacy and Instructional Technology Elliott Shore Fall 2001 issue of Moveable Type: The Newsletter of the Mark O. Hatfield Library, Willamette University
Improving our ability to improve: A call for investment in a new future (Keynote address, World Library Summit, April 23 - 26, 2002, Singapore by Douglas C. Engelbart, The Bootstrap Alliance) (notes and comments)
Lessig The Future of Ideas
Nardi and O'Day Information Ecologies: Using Technology with Heart (MIT Press 1999) (notes and comments)
Milestones in the history of thematic cartography, statistical graphics, and data visualization Michael Friendly and Daniel Denis
Mark Frauenfelder A Smarter Web Technology Review November 2001 (notes and comments)
Top issues facing academic libraries A report of the Focus on the Future Task Force by W. Lee Hisle (C&RL News)
Two Cultures: A Social History of the Distributed Library Initiative at MIT (Nina Davis-Millis and Thomas Owens) (notes and comments)
The Digital Library: Without a Soul Can It Be a Library? (Gail McMillan, Director Virginia Tech Digital Library and Archives) (notes and comments)
Personal knowledge publishing and its uses in research October 1st, 2002 Sébastien Paquet
What's Info Got to Do With It? And what is the Web, really? (David Weinberger November 6, 2002)
John Seely Brown on Learning in the Digital Age (notes and comments)
Woodie Flowers on New Media's Impact on Education Strategies (notes and comments)
Diana Laurillard on Rethinking Teaching for the Knowledge Society (notes and comments)
Dimensions and Use of the Scholarly Information Environment (Amy Friedlander --a CLIR report)
Howard Rheingold Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution (notes and comments)
Kevin Kelly Out of Control: the new biology of machines, social systems, and the economic world (notes and comments)
Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin Remediation: understanding new media (notes and comments)
Eric S. Raymond The Cathedral & the Bazaar: musings on Linux and open source by an accidental revolutionary
Jay David Bolter Writing Space: the computer, hypertext, and the history of writing (1991) (notes and comments) and Writing Space: computers, hypertext, and the remediation of print (2001)