Here's a list (sorted by call number) of books added to the Science Library's BF section, 2002-June 2004. The idea is to give some idea of what sorts of materials our 'collection development' is garnering for Psychology (at least for the core --there's plenty in the Qs and Rs that's also relevant, but not represented here). Note that some include chapter or volume titles.
Several questions are raised: what are we missing that ought to have been bought (including: what areas of Psych are shortchanged)? do the acquisitions accurately reflect the interests of faculty and needs of students? should some of these titles have more prominence or be more widely known to faculty and students --e.g., the five titles shelved in SCI REF?
Please see also Handbooks and Encyclopedias for more judgement calls...
Coward, Harold G.
Yoga and psychology : language, memory, and mysticism / Harold Coward.
Albany : State University of New York Press, c2002.
BF51 .C69 2002.
Butler, Elizabeth Marie.
The in/visible race in multicultural psychology literature : a recognition of whiteness and power / by Elizabeth Marie Butler.
BF76.45 .B85 2004.
Auerbach, Carl F.
Qualitative data : an introduction to coding and analysis / Carl F. Auerbach and Louise B. Silverstein.
New York : New York University Press, c2003.
BF76.5 .A95 2003.
Bailey, Jon S.
Research methods in applied behavior analysis / Jon S. Bailey, Mary R. Burch.
Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, c2002.
BF76.5 .B35 2002.
Handbook of research methods in experimental psychology / edited by Stephen F. Davis.
Malden, MA : Blackwell Pub., 2003.
Contents Psychology's experimental foundations / C. James Goodwin -- Current and future trends in experimental psychology / E.J. Capaldi and Robert W. Proctor -- Traditional nomothetic approaches / Richard J. Harris -- Traditional idiographic approaches : small-N research designs / Bryan K. Saville and William Buskist -- The importance of effect magnitude / Roger E. Kirk -- The changing face of research methods / Randolph A. Smith and Stephen F. Davis -- Ethical issues in psychological research with human participants / Richard L. Miller -- Research with animals / Jesse E. Purdy, Scott A. Bailey, and Stephen Schapiro -- Cross-cultural research / David Matsumoto -- Comparative psychology / Mauricio R. Papini -- Animal learning and animal cognition / Lewis Barker and Jeffrey S. Katz -- Sensation and perception research methods / Lauren Fruh VanSickle Scharff -- Taste / Scott A. Bailey -- Olfaction : recent advances in learning about odors / W. Robert Batsell, Jr, -- Physiological psychology : biological and behavioral outcomes of exercise / Brenda J. Anderson ... [et al.] -- Research methods in human memory / Deanne L. Westerman and David G. Payne -- Research methods in cognition / David G. Payne and Deanne L. Westerman -- Motivation / Melissa Burns -- Audition / Henry E. Heffner and Rickye S. Heffner -- Psychophysics / H.R. Shiffman.
BF76.5 .H35 2003.
Simonton, Dean Keith.
Great psychologists and their times : scientific insights into psychology's history / Dean Keith Simonton.
Washington, D.C. : American Psychological Association, c2002.
BF109 .A1 S56 2002.
Raines, Theron.
Rising to the light : a portrait of Bruno Bettelheim / Theron Raines.
New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2002.
BF109 .B48 R35 2002.
Cottle, Thomas J.
Intimate appraisals : the social writings of Thomas J. Cottle / Thomas J. Cottle.
Hanover, NH : University Press of New England, c2002.
BF109 .C68 A25 2002.
Blum, Deborah (Deborah L.)
Love at Goon Park : Harry Harlow and the science of affection / Deborah Blum.
Cambridge, MA : Perseus Publishing, c2002.
BF109 .H37 B58 2002.
Bair, Deirdre.
Jung : a biography / Deirdre Bair.
Boston : Little, Brown, c2003.
BF109 .J8 B35 2003.
Handbook of psychology / Irving B. Weiner, editor-in-chief.
Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, c2003.
Contents v. 1. History of psychology / Donald K. Freedheim, volume editor -- v. 2. Research methods in psychology / John A. Schinka, Wayne F. Velicer, volume editors -- v. 3. Biological psychology / Michela Gallagher, Randy J. Nelson, volume editors -- v. 4. Experimental psychology / Alice F. Healy, Robert W. Proctor, volume editors -- v. 5. Personality and social psychology / Theodore Millon, Melvin J. Lerner, volume editors -- v. 6. Developmental psychology / Richard M. Lerner, M. Ann Easterbrooks, Jayanthi Mistry, volume editors -- v. 7. Educational psychology / William M. Reynolds, Gloria E. Miller, volume editors -- v. 8. Clinical psychology / George Stricker, Thomas A. Widiger, volume editors -- v. 9. Health psychology / Arthur M. Nezu, Christine Maguth Nezu, Pamela A. Geller, volume editors -- v. 10. Assessment psychology / John R. Graham, Jack A. Naglieri, volume editors -- v. 11. Forensic psychology / Alan M. Goldstein, volume editor -- v. 12. Industrial and organizational psychology / Walter C. Borman, Daniel R. Ilgen, Richard J. Klimoski, volume editors.
BF121 .H1955 2003.
Handbook of positive psychology / edited by C.R. Snyder, Shane J. Lopez.
Oxford [England] ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2002.
BF121 .H212 2002.
Shapiro, Lawrence A.
The mind incarnate / Lawrence A. Shapiro.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2004.
BF161 .S435 2004.
The vitality of objects : exploring the work of Christopher Bollas / edited by Joseph Scalia.
Middletown, Conn. : Wesleyan University Press, 2002.
BF173 .B63 V57 2002.
The Freud encyclopedia : theory, therapy, and culture / editor, Edward Erwin.
New York : Routledge, 2002.
BF173 .F6176 2002.
Kahn, Michael, 1924-
Basic Freud : psychoanalytic thought for twenty first century / Michael Kahn.
New York : Basic Books, c2002.
BF173 .K32 2002.
Zaretsky, Eli.
Secrets of the soul : a social and cultural history of psychoanalysis / Eli Zaretsky.
New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2004.
BF173 .Z37 2004.
The psychodynamics of gender and gender role / edited by Robert F. Bornstein and Joseph M. Masling.
Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, c2002.
BF175.5 .S49 P79 2002.
Groth-Marnat, Gary.
Handbook of psychological assessment / Gary Groth-Marnat.
Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2003.
SCI REF BF176 .G76 2003.
Steven's handbook of experimental psychology / Hal Pashler, editor-in-chief.
New York : John Wiley & Sons, c2002.
Contents v. 1. Sensation and perception -- v. 2. Memory and cognitive processes -- v. 3. Learning, motivation, and emotion -- v. 4. Methodology in experimental psychology.
SCI REF BF181 .H336 2002.
Slater, Lauren.
Opening Skinner's box : great psychological experiments of the twentieth century / Lauren Slater.
New York : W.W. Norton, c2004.
Contents Opening Skinner's box : B.F. Skinner's rat race -- Obscura : Stanley Milgram and obediance to authority -- On being sane in insane places : experimenting with psychiatric diagnosis -- In the unlikely event of a water landing : Darley and Latan{226}e's training manual--a five-stage approach -- Quieting the mind : the experiments of Leon Festinger -- Monkey love : Harry Harlow's primates -- Rat park : the radical addiction experiment -- Lost in the mall : the false memory experiment -- Memory Inc : Eric Kandel's sea slug experiment -- Chipped : this century's most radical mind cures.
BF198.7 .S57 2004.
Milton, Joyce.
The road to Malpsychia : humanistic psychology and our discontents / Joyce Milton.
San Francisco : Encounter Books, 2002.
BF204 .M54 2002.
Burnett, Ron, 1947-
How images think / Ron Burnett.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2004.
BF241 .B79 2004.
Findlay, John M. (John Malcolm), 1942-
Active vision : the psychology of looking and seeing / John M. Findlay and Iain D. Gilchrist.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2003.
Contents Preface Ch. 1 Passive vision and active vision -- Ch. 2 Background to active vision -- Ch. 3 Visual selection, covert attention and eye movements -- Ch. 4 Visual orienting -- Ch. 5 Visual sampling during text reading -- Ch. 6 Visual search -- Ch. 7 Natural scenes and activities -- Ch. 8 Human neuropsychology -- Ch. 9 Space constancy and trans-saccadic integration -- References -- Index.
BF241 .F55 2003.
Pylyshyn, Zenon W., 1937-
Seeing and visualizing : it's not what you think / Zenon Pylyshyn.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2003.
BF241 .P95 2003.
Visual perception : the influence of H.W. Leibowitz / edited by Jeffrey Andre, D. Alfred Owens, Lewis O. Harvey, Jr.
Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, c2003.
BF241 .V568 2003.
Looking into pictures : an interdisciplinary approach to pictorial space / edited by Heiko Hecht, Robert Schwartz, Margaret Atherton.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2003.
BF243 .L66 2003.
Sensible flesh : on touch in early modern culture / edited by Elizabeth D. Harvey.
Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c2003.
BF275 .S46 2003.
Bloom, Paul, 1963-
Descartes' baby : how the science of child development explains what makes us human / Paul Bloom.
New York : Basic Books, c2004.
BF311 .B555 2004.
Carter, Rita, 1949-
Exploring consciousness / Rita Carter.
Berkeley : University of California Press, c2002.
BF311 .C289 2002.
Encyclopedia of cognitive science / editor-in-chief, Lynn Nadel.
London ; New York : Nature Pub. Group, 2003.
Contents v. 1. Academic achievement - Environmental psychology - v. 2. Epilepsy - mental imagery, philosophical issues about - v. 3. Mental models - signal detection theory - v. 4. Similarity - zombies. Glossary and subject index.
SCI REF BF311 .E53 2003.
Harnish, Robert M.
Minds, brains, computers : an historical introduction to the foundations of cognitive science / Robert M. Harnish.
Malden, Mass. : Blackwell Publishers, 2002.
BF311 .H339 2002.
Keenan, Julian Paul.
The face in the mirror : the search for the origins of consciousness / Julian Paul Keenan with Gordon G. Gallup, Jr. and Dean Falk.
New York : Ecco, c2003.
BF311 .K365 2003.
Nisbett, Richard E.
The geography of thought : how Asians and westerners think differently-- and why / Richard E. Nisbett.
New York : Free Press, c2003.
BF311 .N565 2003.
Solso, Robert L., 1933-
The psychology of art and the evolution of the conscious brain / Robert L. Solso.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2003.
BF311 .S652 2003.
Ward, Lawrence M.
Dynamical cognitive science / Lawrence M. Ward.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2002.
BF311 .W2695 2002.
Kagan, Jerome.
Surprise, uncertainty, and mental structures / Jerome Kagan.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2002.
BF313 .K34 2002.
Tallis, Frank.
Hidden minds : a history of the unconscious / Frank Tallis.
New York : Arcade Pub., c2002.
BF315 .T32 2002.
Myers, David G.
Intuition : its powers and perils / David G. Myers.
New Haven : Yale University Press, c2002.
BF315.5 .M94 2002.
Pinker, Steven, 1954-
The blank slate : the modern denial of human nature / Steven Pinker.
New York : Viking, 2002.
BF341 .P47 2002.
Handbook of environmental psychology / edited by Robert Bechtel, Arza Churchman.
New York : J. Wiley, c2002.
BF353 .H36 2002.
Identity and the natural environment : the psychological significance of nature / edited by Susan Clayton and Susan Opotow.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2003.
BF353 .I34 2003.
Saari, Carolyn.
The environment : its role in psychosocial functioning and psychotherapy / Carolyn Saari.
New York : Columbia University Press, c2002.
BF353 .S27 2002.
Children and nature : psychological, sociocultural, and evolutionary investigations / edited by Peter H. Kahn, Jr. and Stephen R. Kellert.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2002.
BF353.5 .N37 C47 2002.
Milton, Kay, 1951-
Loving nature : towards an ecology of emotion / Kay Milton.
London ; New York : Routledge, 2002.
BF353.5 .N37 M55 2002.
Riordan, Laura.
Bringing the wilderness home : integrating the transformative aspects of adventure into everyday life / by Laura Riordan.
BF353.5 .N37 R36 2003.
Imitation in animals and artifacts / edited by Kerstin Dautenhahn and Chrystopher L. Nehaniv.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2002.
BF357 .I47 2002.
The imitative mind : development, evolution, and brain bases / edited by Andrew N. Meltzoff and Wolfgang Prinz.
Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2002.
BF357 .I48 2002.
Robertson, Ian H.
Opening the mind's eye : how images and language teach us how to see / Ian Robertson.
St. Martin's Press : New York, 2003.
BF367 .R63 2003.
McGaugh, James L.
Memory and emotion : the making of lasting memories / James L. McGaugh.
New York : Columbia University Press, c2003.
BF378 .A87 M34 2003.
The medieval craft of memory : an anthology of texts and pictures / edited by Mary Carruthers and Jan M. Ziolkowski.
Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c2002.
BF385 .M43 2002.
Imagination and its pathologies / edited by James Phillips and James Morley.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2003.
BF408 .I455 2003.
Modell, Arnold H., 1924-
Imagination and the meaningful brain / Arnold H. Modell.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2003.
BF408 .M58 2003.
Monahan, Thomas.
The do-it-yourself lobotomy : open your mind to greater creative thinking / Tom Monahan.
New York : Wiley, c2002.
BF408 .M66 2002.
Bloom, Harold.
Genius : a mosaic of one hundred exemplary creative minds / Harold Bloom.
New York : Warner Books, 2002.
BF412 .B58 2002.
Armor, David J.
Maximizing intelligence / David J. Armor ; with the assistance of Susan L. Aud.
New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction Publishers, c2003.
BF431 .A5775 2003.
Models of intelligence : international perspectives / edited by Robert J. Sternberg, Jacques Lautrey, and Todd I. Lubart.
Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, c2003.
BF431 .M5584 2003.
The psychology of abilities, competencies, and expertise / edited by Robert J. Sternberg, Elena L. Grigorenko.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2003.
BF431 .P375 2003.
Race and intelligence : separating science from myth / edited by Jefferson M. Fish.
Mahwah, N.J. : L. Erlbaum, 2002.
Contents A scientific approach to understanding race and intelligence / Jefferson M. Fish -- The genetic and evolutionary significance of human races / Alan R. Templeton -- The misuse of life history theory: J.P. Rushton and the pseudoscience of racial hierarchy / Joseph L. Graves, Jr. -- Folk heredity / Jonathan Marks -- The myth of race / Jefferson M. Fish -- Science and the idea of race: a brief history / Audrey Smedley -- The bell curve and the politics of negrophobia / Kimberly C. Welch -- An anthropologist looks at race and IQ testing / Mark Nathan Cohen -- African inputs to the IQ controversy, or why two- legged animals can't sit gracefully / Eugenia Shanklin -- Cultural amplifiers of intelligence: IQ and minority status in cross-cultural perspective / John U. Ogbu -- How heritability misleads about race / Ned Block -- Selections of evidence, misleading assumptions, and oversimplifications: the political message of The bell curve / John L. Horn -- Test scores, education, and poverty / Michael Hout -- Intelligence and success: is it all in the genes? / Bernie Devlin ... [et al.] -- Compensatory preschool education, cognitive development, and race / W. Steven Barnett and Gregory Camilli.
BF431 .R27 2002.
Skoyles, John R. (John Robert)
Up from dragons : the evolution of human intelligence / John R. Skoyles, Dorion Sagan.
New York : McGraw-Hill, c2002.
BF431 .S558 2002.
Sternberg, Robert J.
Wisdom, intelligence, and creativity synthesized / Robert J. Sternberg.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2003.
BF431 .S7385 2003.
Why smart people can be so stupid / edited by Robert J. Sternberg.
New Haven : Yale University Press, c2002.
BF431 .W535 2002.
Jensen, Arthur Robert.
Intelligence, race, and genetics : conversations with Arthur R. Jensen / Frank Miele.
Boulder, Colo. : Westview, 2002.
BF432 .A1 J463 2002.
MI millennium [videorecording] : multiple intelligences for the new millennuim / Howard Gardner ; produced and directed by Robert DiNozzi ; produced in cooperation with Ohio Dominican College and Harvard Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Los Angeles, CA : Into the Classroom Media, c2002.
[Leyburn Video Collection] BF432.3 .M46 2002.
Gardner, Howard.
1 on 1 [videorecording]
Los Angeles, CA : Into the Classroom Media, c2002.
[Leyburn Video Collection] BF432.3 .M463 2002.
Stenning, Keith.
Seeing reason : image and language in learning to think / Keith Stenning.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2002.
BF441 .S775 2002.
The nature of reasoning / edited by Jacqueline P. Leighton, Robert J. Sternberg.
Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Contents Defining and describing reason / Jacqueline P. Leighton -- Reasoning and brain function / Anton E. Lawson -- Working memory and reasoning / Kenneth J. Gilhooly -- The role of prior belief in reasoning / Jonathan St. B.T. Evans and Aidan Feeney -- Task understanding / Vittorio Girotto -- Strategies and knowledge representation / Keith Stenning and Padraic Monaghan -- Mental models and reasoning / Philip N. Johnson- Laird -- Mental-logic theory : what it proposes, and reasons to take this proposal seriously / David P. O'Brien -- Heuristics and reasoning I : making deduction simple / Maxwell J. Roberts -- Cognitive heuristics : reasoning the fast and frugal way / Barnaby Marsh, Peter M. Todd, and Gerd Gigerenzer -- The assessment of logical reasoning / Jacqueline P. Leighton -- The development of deductive reasoning / Henry Markovits -- The evolution of reasoning / Denise Dellarosa Cummins -- Individual differences in thinking, reasoning, and decision making / Keith E. Stanovich, Walter C. S{226}a, and Richard F. West -- Teaching reasoning / Raymond S. Nickerson -- What do we know about the nature of reasoning? / Robert J. Sternberg.
BF442 .N38 2004.
Fauconnier, Gilles.
The way we think : conceptual blending and the mind's hidden complexities / Gilles Fauconnier, Mark Turner.
New York : Basic Books, c2002.
BF443 .F38 2002.
Murphy, Gregory L. (Gregory Leo)
The big book of concepts / Gregory L. Murphy.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2002.
BF443 .M87 2002.
Aitchison, Jean, 1938-
A glossary of language and mind / Jean Aitchison.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2003.
BF455 .A36 2003.
Edwards, Allen Jack, 1926-
A psychology of orientation : time awareness across life stages and in dementia / Allen Jack Edwards.
Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2002.
BF468 .E36 2002.
Bstan-{174}dzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, 1935-
The art of happiness at work / His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Howard C. Cutler.
New York : Riverhead Books, 2003.
BF481 .B76 2003.
Brennan, Teresa, 1952-
The transmission of affect / Teresa Brennan.
Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2004.
BF531 .B74 2004.
Emotions in humans and artifacts / edited by Robert Trappl, Paolo Petta, and Sabine Payr.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2002.
BF531 .E517 2002.
Evans, Dylan, 1966-
Emotion : a very short introduction / Dylan Evans.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003.
BF531 .E79 2003.
Moldoveanu, Mihnea C.
Master passions : emotion, narrative, and the development of culture / Mihnea Moldoveanu, Nitin Nohria.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2002.
BF531 .M65 2002.
Norman, Donald A.
Emotional design : why we love (or hate) everyday things / Donald A. Norman.
New York : Basic Books, c2004.
BF531 .N67 2004.
Plutchik, Robert.
Emotions and life : perspectives from psychology, biology, and evolution / Robert Plutchik.
Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, c2003.
BF531 .P595 2003.
Shields, Stephanie A.
Speaking from the heart : gender and the social meaning of emotion / Stephanie A. Shields.
Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2002.
BF531 .S55 2002.
Epstein, Joseph, 1937-
Envy / Joseph Epstein.
New York : New York Public Library ; Oxford University Press, 2003.
BF575 .E65 E67 2003.
Walter, Carolyn Ambler.
The loss of a life partner : narratives of the bereaved / Carolyn Amber Walter.
New York : Columbia University Press, c2003.
BF575 .G7 W3435 2003.
Dozier, Rush W.
Why we hate : understanding, curbing, and eliminating hate in ourselves and our world / Rush W. Dozier, Jr.
Chicago : Contemporary Books, c2002.
BF575 .H3 D69 2002.
Gilligan, Carol, 1936-
The birth of pleasure / Carol Gilligan.
New York : Alfred A. Knopf : Distributed by Random House, 2002.
BF575 .L8 G56 2002.
Humphrey, James Harry, 1911-
An anthology of stress : selected works of James H. Humphrey / James H. Humphrey, compiler and editor ; foreword by Paul J. Rosch.
Huntington, N.Y. : Nova Science Publishers, c2002.
BF575 .S75 H859 2002.
Matthews, Gerald.
Emotional intelligence : science and myth / Gerald Matthews, Moshe Zeidner, and Richard D. Roberts.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2002.
BF576 .M28 2002.
Trumble, Angus.
A brief history of the smile / Angus Trumble.
New York : BasicBooks ; Oxford : Oxford Publicity Partnership, 2004.
BF592 .F33 T78 2004.
Wegner, Daniel M., 1948-
The illusion of conscious will / Daniel M. Wegner.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2002.
BF611 .W38 2002.
Garbarino, James.
And words can hurt forever : how to protect adolescents from bullying, harassment, and emotional violence / James Garbarino and Ellen deLara.
New York : Free Press, c2002.
BF637 .B85 G36 2002.
Rigby, Ken.
New perspectives on bullying / Ken Rigby.
London ; Philadelphia : Jessica Kingsley, 2002.
BF637 .B85 R54 2002.
Communication and emotion : essays in honor of Dolf Zillmann / edited by Jennings Bryant, David Roskos-Ewoldsen, Joanne Cantor.
Mahwah, N.J. : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, c2003.
BF637 .C45 C6375 2003.
Handbook of interpersonal communication / editors, Mark L. Knapp, John A. Daly.
Thousand Oaks, CA : SAGE Publications, c2002.
BF637 .C45 H287 2002.
The Roman gaze : vision, power, and the body / edited by David Fredrick.
Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.
BF637 .C45 R64 2002.
Murphy-Shigematsu, Stephen.
Multicultural encounters : case narratives from a counseling practice / Stephen Murphy-Shigematsu.
New York : Teachers College Press, c2002.
BF637 .C6 M86 2002.
Holloway, Richard, 1933-
On forgiveness : how can we forgive the unforgivable? / Richard Holloway.
Edinburgh : Canongate, 2002.
BF637 .F67 H64 2002.
Dahlem Workshop on Genetic and Cultural Evolution of Cooperation (90th : 2002 : Berlin, Germany)
Genetic and cultural evolution of cooperation / edited by Peter Hammerstein.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press in cooperation with Dahlem University Press, c2003.
BF637 .H4 D25 2002.
Wilson, Steven R.
Seeking and resisting compliance : why people say what they do when trying to influence others / Steven R. Wilson.
Thousand Oaks, Calif. : Sage Publications, c2002.
BF637 .P4 W55 2002.
Primate psychology / edited by Dario Maestripieri.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2003.
BF671 .P75 2003.
Murray, Donald Morison, 1924-
The lively shadow : living with the death of a child / Donald M. Murray.
New York : Ballantine Books, c2003.
BF675 .G7 M87 2003.
Winston, Robert M. L.
Human instinct / Robert Winston.
London ; New York : Bantam Press, 2002.
BF685 .W56 2002.
Champion, David R.
Narcissism and entitlement : sexual aggression and the college male / David R. Champion.
New York : LFB Scholarly Publishing LLC, 2003.
BF692.15 .C47 2003.
Baron-Cohen, Simon.
The essential difference : the truth about the male and female brain / Simon Baron-Cohen.
New York, NY : Basic Books, c2003.
BF692.2 .B37 2003.
Brisson, Luc.
Sexe incertain. English.
Sexual ambivalence : androgyny and hermaphroditism in Graeco- Roman antiquity / Luc Brisson ; translated by Janet Lloyd.
Berkeley : University of California Press, c2002.
BF692.2 .B7613 2002.
Browne, Kingsley.
Biology at work : rethinking sexual equality / Kingsley R. Browne.
New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, c2002.
BF692.2 .B77 2002.
Dwyer, Molly Colleen.
Strange attraction : toward a new cosmology of gender / by Molly Dwyer.
BF692.2 .D99 2004.
The psychology of gender / edited by Alice H. Eagly, Anne E. Beall, Robert J. Sternberg.
New York : Guilford Press, c2004.
BF692.2 .P764 2004.
Cottle, Thomas J.
A sense of self : the work of affirmation / Thomas J. Cottle.
Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press, c2003.
BF697 .C68 2003.
Pesic, Peter.
Seeing double : shared identities in physics, philosophy, and literature / Peter Pesic.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2002.
BF697 .P47 2002.
Self and motivation : emerging psychological perspectives / edited by Abraham Tesser, Diederik A. Stapel and Joanne V. Wood.
Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, c2002.
BF697 .S425 2002.
Arora, Aleta.
Body image and disturbed eating in African-American women / by Aleta Arora.
BF697.5 .B63 A7 2004.
Body image : a handbook of theory, research, and clinical practice / edited by Thomas F. Cash, Thomas Pruzinsky.
New York : Guilford Press, c2002.
BF697.5 .B63 B617 2002.
Kittler, Jennifer Ellen.
Print media exposure as a predictor of disordered eating : the role of self-objectification, body shame, and appearance responsibility / by Jennifer Ellen Kittler.
BF697.5 .B63 K58 2004.
Shildrick, Margrit.
Embodying the monster : encounters with the vulnerable self / Margrit Shildrick.
London ; Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE Publications, 2002.
BF697.5 .B63 S54 2002.
Wilson, Timothy D.
Strangers to ourselves : discovering the adaptive unconscious / Timothy D. Wilson.
Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2002.
BF697.5 .S43 W55 2002.
Kasser, Tim.
The high price of materialism / Tim Kasser.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2002.
BF698.35 .A36 K37 2002.
Rufus, Anneli S.
Party of one : the loners' manifesto / Anneli Rufus.
New York : Marlowe & Co. : Distributed by Publishers Group West, c2003.
BF698.35 .I59 R84 2003.
Political leadership for the new century : personality and behavior among American leaders / edited by Linda O. Valenty and Ofer Feldman.
Westport, Conn. : Praeger, 2002.
BF698.9 .P6 P65 2002.
Evolution and learning : the Baldwin effect reconsidered / edited by Bruce H. Weber and David J. Depew.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2003.
BF698.95 .E95 2003.
Francis, Richard C., 1953-
Why men won't ask for directions : the seductions of sociobiology / Richard C. Francis.
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2004.
BF698.95 .F73 2004.
Gander, Eric.
On our minds : how evolutionary psychology is reshaping the nature-versus-nurture debate / Eric M. Gander.
Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003.
Contents Stephen Jay Gould historicizes science -- Richard Herrnstein stirs up controversy at Harvard yard -- Edward O. Wilson brings more controversy to the yard -- Richard Lewontin and his colleagues demur -- Nature's very special way -- What is the mind? -- The challenges of reverse engineering -- The benefits of hardwiring -- What cultures can the mind run? -- The evolutionary psychology of Little house on the prairie
BF698.95 .G36 2003.
McNamara, Thomas Edward.
Evolution, culture, and consciousness : the discovery of the preconscious mind / Thomas E. McNamara.
Dallas : University Press of America, c2004.
BF698.95 .M36 2004.
Malik, Kenan, 1960-
Man, beast, and zombie : what science can and cannot tell us about human nature / Kenan Malik.
New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, 2002.
BF701 .M26 2002.
Marcus, Gary F. (Gary Fred)
The birth of the mind : how a tiny number of genes creates the complexities of human thought / Gary Marcus.
New York : Basic Books, c2004.
Contents Neither is better -- Born to learn -- Brain storms -- Aristotle's impetus -- Copernicus's revenge -- Wiring the mind -- The evolution of mental genes -- Paradox lost -- Final frontiers -- Appendix: methods for reading the genome.
BF701 .M32 2004.
Blackwell handbook of childhood social development / edited by Peter K. Smith and Craig H. Hart.
Oxford ; Malden, Mass. : Blackwell Publishers, c2002.
BF713 .B565 2002.
Developmental theories through the life cycle / Sonia G. Austrian, editor.
New York : Columbia University Press, c2002.
BF713 .D469 2002.
Handbook of developmental psychology / edited by Jaan Valsiner and Kevin J. Connolly.
London : Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE Publications, 2003.
BF713 .H364 2003.
Shultz, Thomas R.
Computational developmental psychology / Thomas R. Shultz.
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2003.
BF713 .S35 2003.
Hobson, R. Peter.
The cradle of thought : exploring the origins of thinking / Peter Hobson.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2004.
Contents Just think ... -- Before thought -- The dawn of thinking -- The cast of thought -- The fragile growth of mind -- The inner and the outer -- Fettered minds -- Self and others -- Understanding minds.
BF720 .C63 H63 2004.
Stern, Daniel N.
The first relationship : infant and mother / Daniel N. Stern, with a new introduction.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2002.
BF720 .M68 S74 2002.
Exploring cultural conceptions of the transition to adulthood / Jeffrey Jensen Arnett, Nancy L. Galambos, editors.
San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2003.
BF721 .N49 no. 100.
Person-centered approaches to studying development in context / Stephen C. Peck, Robert W. Roeser, editors.
San Francisco : Josey-Bass, c2003.
BF721 .N49 no. 101.
Enemies and the darker side of peer relations / Ernest V. E. Hodges, Noel A. Card, editors.
San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2003.
Contents I hate you just the way you are : exploring the formation, maintenance, and need for enemies / Maurissa Abecassis -- Parent-child relationships and enmity with peers : the role of avoidant and preoccupied attachment / Noel A. Card, Ernest V. E. Hodges -- Mutual antipathies in the peer group as a moderating factor in the association between community violence exposure and psychosocial maladjustment / David Schwartz, Andrea Hopmeyer-Gorman, Robin L. Toblin, Tania Abou -ezzeddine -- Describing the dark side of preadolescents' peer experiences : four questions (and data) on preadolescents' enemies / Jeffrey G. Parker, Bridget K. Gamm -- Enemies in the gendered societies of middle childhood : prevalence, stability, associations with social status, and aggression / Philip C. Rodkin, Ruth Pearl, Thomas W. Farmer, Richard Van Acker -- Developmental risk associated with mutual dislike in elementary school children / Alice W. Pope -- Toward understanding mutual antipathies in childhood and adolescence / Willard W. Hartup -- Index.
BF721 .N49 no. 102.
Connections between theory of mind and sociomoral development / Jodie A. Baird, Bryan W. Sokol, editors.
San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2004.
Contents Editors' notes / Jodie A. Baird, Bryan W. Sokol Is and ought : moral judgments about the world as understood / Cecilia Wainryb -- From mechanical to autonomous agency : the relationship between children's moral judgements and their developing theories of mind / Bryan W. Sokol, Michael J. Chandler, Christopher Jones -- The role of mental state understanding in the development of moral cognition and moral action / Jodie A. Baird, Janet Wilde Astington -- Altruism, prudence, and theory of mind in preschoolers / Chris Moore, Shannon Macgillivray -- Bridging the gap between theory of mind and moral reasoning / Janet Wilde Astington -- Mind and morality / Peter H. Kahn, Jr. Index.
BF721 .N49 no. 103.
Social exchange in development / Brett Laursen, William G. Graziano, editors.
San Francisco : Jossey-Bass 2002.
BF721 .N49 no. 95.
Learning in culture and context : approaching the complexities of achievement motivation in student learning / Janine Bempechat, Julian G. Elliott, editors.
San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2002.
BF721 .N49 no. 96.
Talking sexuality : parent-adolescent communication / S. Shirley Feldman, Doreen A. Rosenthal, editors.
San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2002.
BF721 .N49 no. 97.
Science for society : informing policy and practice through research in developmental psychology / Ann Higgins- D'Alessandro, Katherine R. B. Jankowski, editors.
San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 2002.
Contents A life lived at the crossroads of knowledge and children's policy / Edward Ziegler, with Sally J. Styfco -- Where are you from? Child advocacy and the benefits of marginality / Ruby Takanishi -- From research to policy : choosing questions and interpreting the answers / Aletha C. Huston -- Risk and prevention : building bridges between theory and practice / Robert L. Selman -- Creating culturally sensitive and community-sensitive measures of development / Nancy A. Busch- Rossnagel -- Adherence process research on developmental interventions : filling in the middle / Aaron Hogue -- The necessity of teacher development / Ann Higgins-D'Alessandro -- The role of psychological research in setting a policy agenda for children and families / Lonnie R. Sherrod.
BF721 .N49 no. 98.
Examining adolescent leisure time across cultures : developmental opportunities and risks / Suman Verma, Reed Larson, editors.
San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2003.
BF721 .N49 no. 99.
Simmons, Rachel, 1966-
Odd girl out : the hidden culture of aggression in girls / Rachel Simmons.
New York : Harcourt, c2002.
BF723 .A35 S56 2002.
Underwood, Marion K.
Social aggression among girls / Marion K. Underwood ; foreword by Eleanor Maccoby.
New York : Guilford Press, c2003.
Contents Setting the stage -- Girl's anger and aggression : the bind between being feeling angry and being nice -- Childhood aggression : sticks and stones and social exclusion -- Gender and peer relations : separate worlds? -- Development -- Girls' anger in infancy : early lessons that anger is unwelcome -- Girls' anger and aggression in preschool : if you don't do what I say, I won't be your friend -- Middle childhood : gossip, gossip, evil thing? -- Adolescence : girl talk, moral negotiation, and strategic interactions to inflict social harm -- Clinical implications -- Developmental and psychosocial consequences of girls' aggression -- Prevention and intervention : harnessing the power of sisterhood -- New models of social aggression : for its own sake.
BF723 .A35 U53 2003.
G{226}omez, Juan Carlos, 1959-
Apes, monkeys, children, and the growth of mind / Juan Carlos G{226}omez.
Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2004.
BF723 .C5 G65 2004.
Inside the teenage brain [videorecording] / a Spin Free Production for FRONTLINE/WGBH in association with CTV and Discovery Channel Canada ; written, produced and directed by Sarah Spinks.
[Alexandria, Va.] : PBS Video, c2002.
[Leyburn Video Collection] BF723 .C5 I56 2004.
North American Conference of Jungian Analysts and Candidates (2002 : San Francisco, Calif.)
Terror, violence, and the impulse to destroy : perspectives from analytical psychology / edited by John Beebe.
Einsiedeln : Daimon ; Enfield : Airlift, c2003.
Contents Explaining evil / Clarissa Pinkola Est{226}es -- Kidnapping : Latin America's terror / Jacqueline Gerson -- A view from the Islamic side : terror, violence, transformation in the life of an eleventh century Muslim / Judith Hecker -- Archetypal hatred as social bond : strategies for its dissolution / John Dourley -- Response to John Dourley / Beverly Zabriskie -- Escape/no escape : the persistence of terror in the lives of two women / Mary Dougherty -- Cultural complexes and archetypal defenses of the group spirit / Thomas Singer -- Cultural complexes and collective shadow processes / Samuel L. Kimbles -- Blood payments / Sherry Salman -- Music and the psychology of pacifism : Benjamin Britten's War Requiem / Arthur D. Colman -- The impulse to destroy in Thomas Hardy's Jude The Obscure / Arlene TePaske Landau -- Wrestling with God : from the Book of Job to the poets of Shoah / Naomi Ruth Lowinsky -- Jung, Spielrein and Nash : three beautiful minds confronting the impulse to love or to destroy in the creative process / Brain Skea.
BF723 .F4 N67 2003.
Pretending and imagination in animals and children / edited by Robert W. Mitchell.
Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2002.
BF723 .I5 P74 2002.
Children's peer relations : from development to intervention / edited by Janis B. Kupersmidt and Kenneth A. Dodge.
Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, c2004.
BF723 .I646 C48 2004.
The Development of executive function in early childhood / Philip David Zelazo ... [et al.] ; in collaboration with Gina Argitis ... [et al.]
Boston, Mass. : Blackwell Pub., 2003.
Contents The development of executive function -- Study 1: memory and executive function -- Study 2: rule complexity and stimulus characteristics in executive function -- Study 3: what do children preseverate on when they perseverate? -- Study 4: negative priming and executive function -- The development of executive function: cognitive complexity and control, revised -- Appendix: summary of versions of the dimensional change card sort used -- Commentary: executive function in context: development, measurement, theory and experience / Stephanie M. Carlson.
BF723 .P4 D393 2003.
Bierman, Karen L.
Peer rejection : developmental processes and intervention strategies / Karen L. Bierman ; foreword by John D. Coie.
New York : Guilford Press, c2004.
BF723 .R44 B54 2004.
Safer, Jeanne.
The normal one : life with a difficult or damaged sibling / Jeanne Safer.
New York : Free Press, c2002.
BF723 .S43 S13 2002.
Personality and development in childhood : a person-centered approach / Daniel Hart, Robert Atkins [and] Suzanne Fegley ; with commentary by Richard W. Robins and Jessica L. Tracy.
Boston, Mass. : Blackwell, c2003.
Contents Personality types of 6-year-olds and their associations with academic achievement and behavior -- Replication with 5-year- olds of types and their associations with achievement and behavior -- Personality types and academic achievement -- Stability and change in personality types -- Personality type as a moderator of the association of head start participation to developmental outcome -- Summary of findings and general discussion -- Appendix A: Correlations among vectors of factor scores for seven random samples of 6-year-olds -- Appendix B: Correlations among vectors of factor scores for seven random samples of 5-year-olds -- Commentary: Setting an agenda for a person-centered approach to personality development / Richard W. Robins and Jessica L. Tracy.
BF723.P4 P377 2003.
Ungar, Michael, 1963-
Nurturing hidden resilience in troubled youth / Michael Ungar.
Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 2004.
BF724 .U54 2004.
Liben, Lynn S.
The developmental course of gender differentiation : conceptualizing, measuring, and evaluating constructs and pathways / Lynn S. Liben, Rebecca S. Bigler.
Boston, Mass. : Blackwell, 2002.
Contents Abstract -- Introduction -- Review of past work -- Gender constructivism reconsidered -- Empirical data related to developmental pathways -- General discussion.
BF724.3 .S4 L43 2002.
Understanding early adolescent self and identity : applications and interventions / edited by Thomas M. Brinthaupt and Richard P. Lipka.
Albany : State University of New York Press, c2002.
BF724.3.I3 U53 2002.
Cruikshank, Margaret.
Learning to be old : gender, culture, and aging / Margaret Cruikshank.
Lanham, Md : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2003.
BF724.55 .A35 C78 2003.
How healthy are we? : a national study of well-being at midlife / edited by Orville Gilbert Brim, Carol D. Ryff, and Ronald C. Kessler.
Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2004.
BF724.6 .H69 2004.
Harrison, Robert Pogue.
The dominion of the dead / Robert Pogue Harrison.
Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2003.
BF789 .D4 H375 2003.
Peterson, Christopher, 1950 Feb. 18-
Character strengths and virtues : a handbook and classification / Christopher Peterson & Martin E.P. Seligman.
Washington, DC : American Psychological Association ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2004.
BF818 .P38 2004.
Facial attractiveness : evolutionary, cognitive, and social perspectives / edited by Gillian Rhodes and Leslie A. Zebrowitz.
Westport, Conn. : Ablex, 2002.
BF859 .F33 2002.