First Assignment
Before Thursday's class, listen to the 21 minutes of Jon Udell's Open Source Audio (it's an .mp3 file, so you'll need to find your way to a machine that has sound capabilities... Parmly 302 is one such, on campus. If you have an MP3 player, you'll want to download it of course...).
Udell raises a lot of interesting issues, and will introduce you to a number of resources that we'll probably make a lot of use of. Among them, for your exploration: and oddio overplay blog
Chris Anderson's The Long Tail and Long Tail Blog
Larry Lessig and Free Culture --see many formats, and listen to this
Bloggercon III (Stanford, Nov 2004) ...and Larry Lessig's session
Go to, log in to the class blog, and post a Response to what you heard, saw, discovered (click on "New Entry" to begin)