Faculty Library Survey, 1998
Q 14: If you do make assignments that require library research,
how satisfied are you with the quality of student research on these
Department | Overall | V Sat | S
Sat | Not Sat |
Mgmt/Econ | 11 | 5 | 4 | 1 |
History | 9 | 5 | 1 | |
English | 8 | 0 | 7 | |
Romance Languages | 8 | 3 |
3 | |
Politics | 7 | 2 | 3 | 1 |
Biology | 6 | 2 | 4 | |
Chemistry | 5 | 2 | 2 | |
Physics & Engineering | 5 | 2 |
2 | |
Art | 4 | 1 |
2 | |
Athletics/Physical | 4 | 1 |
0 | |
Journalism | 4 | 2 | 2 | |
Mathematics | 4 | 0 | 0 | |
Psychology | 4 | 2 | 2 | |
Religion | 4 | 0 | 4 | |
Accounting | 3 | 0 | 1 | |
Geology | 3 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
German/Russian | 3 | 1 | 2 | |
Philosophy | 3 | 0 | 3 | |
Sociology & Anthropology | 3 | 0 |
2 | |
Classics | 2 | 0 | 2 | |
Computer Science | 2 | 0 | 0 | |
E. Asian Languages and Lit. | 2 | 0 |
2 | |
Music | 2 | 0 |
2 | |
Theatre | 2 | 1 |
1 | |
Other | 3 | 1 | 1 |
No Answer | 20 | 3
| 5 | |
Totals | 131 | 33 | 58 | 3 |
(1 ) Please identify your department:
8.4%; 11 Mgmt/Econ
6.9%; 9 History
6.1 %; 8 English
6.1%; 8 Romance Languages
5.3%; 7 Politics
3.1 %; 4 Religion
2.3%; 3 Accounting
2.3%; 3 Geology
2.3%; 3 German/Russian
2.3%; 3 Philosophy
4.ó%; 6 Biology
2.3%; 3 Sociology &Anthropology
3.8%; 5 Chemistry
1.5%; 2 Classics
3.8%; 5 Physics&Engineering 1.5%;
2 Computer Science
3.1%; 4 Art
1.5%; 2 E.Asian Languages and Lit.
3.1%; 4 Athletics/Physical Education
1.5%; 2 Music
3.1%; 4 Journalism
1.5%; 2 Theatre
3.1%; 4 Mathematics
2.3%; 3 Other
3.1%; 4 Psychology
15.3%; 20 No Answer
_ Public Speaking
_ Shepherd Poverty Program
(2) Q1. How satisfied are you with the CIRCULATION services of Leyburn Library? Please circle one.
90.1 %; 118 Very satisfied
6.1 %; 8 Somewhat satisfied
3.1%; 4 Did not use
0.0%; 0 Not satisfied
0.8%; 1 No Answer
(3) If you circled Not satisfied, please explain:
Video check-out for faculty is too short.
_ I don't know the administrative organization of the library, so distinguishing the differential qualitiesof services in circulation, reserve, reference, etc. is beyond my knowledge or capacity. I suspectI'm not alone in this, although other survey respo
ndents may be reluctant to reveal their ignorance.The survey's results would have to be interpreted accordingly.
_ most cordial and accomodating toward my requests & needs
_ Sometimes student workers are slow to respond to people who go up to the circulation desk.
(4) Q2. How satisfied are you with the RESERVE services? Please circle one.
67.2%; 88 Very satisfied
23.7%; 31 Did not use
7.ó%; 10 Somewhat satisfied
0.8%; 1 Not satisfied
0.8%; 1 No Answer
(5) If you circled NOT SATISFIED, please explain.
_ One problem I encountered occured because a faculty member checked out a reserve item--a film-just before I'd scheduled a screening of it, so there was no film. My students were waiting inNorthen. Is it possible to create a policy that could prevent suc
h inconveniences?
- No longer use. Until recently I put required reading on reserve, but students did not seem to usethe books and so l have stopped taking them out of circulation.
_ Circled both 1 (books) and 3 (articles). Had to give up using articles because too much trouble - notlibrary's fault - copyright laws.
_ Materials stolen from open reserve on two occasions
_ Would be nice to have printout of usage by students.
_ I appreciate the flexibility and prompt attention to last minute orders!
_ Sometimes student workers do not know what is on reserve in a particular course.
(a) Q3. How satisfied are you with REFERENCE services? Please circle one.
85.5%; 112 very satisfied
9.2%; 12 Did not use
3.8%; 5 Somewhat satisfied
0.8%; 1 Not satisfied
0.8%; 1 No Answer
(7) If you circled NOT SATISFIED, please explain:
_ responses to my camp. network questions often vague & uninformed
_ Vaughan Stanley & Dick Grefe have performed miracles for me.
_ I think this is where you really excel!
_ Prompt answers are always given (or good attempt made) to my questions & to students I send toref. librarians.
_ I have found that receiving tables of contents of journals by email is not the most efficient way forme to keep up. I'd prefer Reference Update or a similar search service to run a search strategy atreq. intervals & be able to print ref's & addr
ess of corresp. author for reprints.]
_ sometimes seem to begrudge access to services (computer databases)
(8) Q4. How satisfied are you with the general library collection? Please circle one each.
66.4%; 87 Very satisfied
30.5%; 40 Somewhat satisfied
2.3%; 3 Did not use
0.8%; 1 Not satisfied
0.0%; 0 No Answer
55.0%; 72 Very satisfied
36.ó%; 48 Somewhat satisfied
3.1%; 4 Did not use
1.5%; 2 Not satisfied
3.8%; 5 No Answer
49.ó%; 65 Very satisfied
22.1%; 29 Somewhat satisfied
16.8%; 22 Did not use
0.8%; 1 Not satisfied
10.7%; 14 No Answer
(11) If you circled NOT SATISFIED or if you feel that the library collection is weak in any areas, pleaseexplain and/or specify.
The "other formats" is not an area in which W&L has been traditionally strong in the sciences,
though it is improving significantly. If I had been more active in seeking and using such materials,
no doubt I would have been given attention to those needs. Good science materials are
infrequently produced, too, so this is NOT a complaint about service.
Nothing we can really do. Our library can only be so big, and there are a huge number of joumals.
We have everything I use a lot, and it's the occasional off reference (like when I'm writing a grant on
a deadline) that causes problems that ILL can't solve.
I would appreciate a wider selection of journals in my field and those publishing poetry, but don't
feel that student research needs justify the expense. I miss being able to browse.
But we need more art movies.
The physics collection is getting somewhat dated, but that is probably the fault of the members of
this department.
I think the collections are excellent, given the small size of the school. I am often amazed at things
we have that I need.
Would be nice to have one-time purchase of several data sets, e.g. OECD Economics Statistics
It seems as though our holdings in anthropology are rather thin.
would like larger periodical holdings, but recognize budget limits
Always willing to locate books and periodicals in other libraries
The journals are limited in scope.
We are working on the collection. I have no specific complaints. .
Not very satisfied because most books I want to use in class are not available. Very satisfied
because the library buys what I ask the library to buy.
We could use more videotapes!
_ Naturally, everybody would like to see more books & periodicals than what we have, but I recognizethe budget & space constraints that limit our desires.
_ Neuroscience periodicals - very interdisciplinary & hard to acquire just a couple of journals thatwould make a cliff. Students in my research class (W98) had a term paper due ~ midterm, req'dILL articles early & could not get those back in time
to complete papers by deadline (true for 8/9students!)
_ Books about Spanish authors are unevenly distributed and/or old. Videos - need more videosabout Spanish authors and about artists as well as feature films based on Spanish literature.
(12) Q5. How satisfied are you with SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (assistance with University archives, rarebooks or manuscript collections)? Please circle one.
74.8%; 98 Did not use
21.4%; 28 Very satisfied
2.3%; 3 Somewhat satisfied
0.8%; 1 Not satisfied
0.8%; 1 No Answer
(13) If you circled NOT SATISFIED, please explain.
_ very helpful for showing materials to classes & for my own work
_ Of course we must continue to expand our holdings
_ Very little in Medieval and Renaissance books
(14) Qó. How satisfied are you with INTERLIBRARY LOAN services? Please circle one.
77.1 %; 101 Very satisfied
15.3%; 20 Did not use
6.1%; 8 Somewhat satisfied
0.8%; 1 Not satisfied
0.8%; 1 No Answer
(15) If you circled NOT SATISFIED, please explain.
- Instant electronic access (for a per paper fee) might be useful
I wish we could keep books longer.
Have not used in a long time
It's not your fault. Just takes too long to be useful.
Use heavily. Wonderful - even gets Japanese-language stuff for me.
I am a heavy user, too.
Have always been able to get my requests & been helped w/all of them by Ms. Brittigan.
often a function of other libraries
Also - quality of copies varies. Some photomicrographs extremely poor
- excellent! very prompt & helpful.
(16) Q7. How satisfied are you with MEDIA SERVICES? Please circle one.
66.4%; 87 Very satisfied
16.8%; 22 Did not use
14.5%; 19 Somewhat satisfied
0.8%; 1 Not satisfied
1.5%; 2 No Answer
(17) If you circled NOT SATISFIED or DID NOT USE, please explain.
_ Had no need.
_ Unreliable taping of lecture, broadcast
_ The service is excellent. My ambivalence is in regard to facilities - which are improving however.
_ Duplication of visual materials (battle maps, et al) has been especially helpful.
_ I should become more involved in updating the video collection.
_ I'm not unsatisfied, but I require viewing of long tapes, and availability has been a problem (relatedto reserve problems).
_ Hard to twil what is out there, but that may be due to a general lack of reference resources and notspecific to W&L.
_ Super service!
_ Carol Bailey is super!
_ The people are very helpful. I ref. specifically to Charlie & Carol.
_ Great staff!!
(18) Q8. Do you use the library web pages? Please circle one.
74.0%; 97 Yes 25.2%; 33 No 0.8%; 1 No Answer
(19) Q8a. if you answered YES, how satisfied are you with the library web page layout?
50.4%; 66 Very satisfied
23.7%; 31 Somewhat satisfied
0.0%; 0 Not satisfied
26.0%; 34 No Answer
(20) If you circled NOT SATISFIED, please explain.
_ I wish the link to ILL forms were more obvious and direct.It isn't
always clear where one goes for certain materials or forms - for instance, it seems to makemore sense to me to put ILL forms under the rubric of Research Resources because that is where
Ifind the references so often.
_ It's hard to find Lexis-Nexus.
_ I use Annie.
_ But the new MLA biblio format is terrible, woefully inadequate compared to First search format.
_ too many levels
would prefer a more direct route to first search databases - especially ?? and articles first.
Just started this week with my new computer.
Less clicking would be nice; like a one-botton "renew all books"
Took a while to get used to new layout. I'm not certain l like it.
_ It would be nice to be able to LIMIT the search to a particular type of material BEFORE searching.
(21) Q9. How satisfied are you with computer access to academic materials? Please circle one.
61.1%; 80 very satisfied
25.2%; 33 Somewhat satisfied
10.7%; 14 Did not use
0.0%; 0 Not satisfied
3.1 %; 4 No Answer
(22) If you circled NOT SATISFIED, please explain.
I am actually very satisfied except that faculty can no longer use the terminals in the library to
access the Web. Why is it open to Jefferson users and not Madison users?
Maybe because I scarcely use the computer access
l love Annie on-line. MLA Bibliography has bugs in it. Y'all know that already.
Not clear - 1st search? Uncover? Very sat. w/ those & w/Annie/
Also, Hugh Blackmer is helpful always if I need help in this way!
I don't understand the question.
Vast improvement in access to data w/Stat-USA. However non-US data remains a problem. Can
that be addressed at a consortium level? E.g. OECD data, World Bank data.
I am not sure what you mean.
Hugh is GREAT
Hugh Blackmer has done a wonderful job in setting up access to web sites, on-line journals, etc.
(23) Q10. What other libraries do you use? Please circle all that apply.
43.5%; 57 Other off-campus libraries, such as University of Virginia
40.5%; 53 Rockbridge Regional Library
32.1 %; 42 VMI Library
19.1 %; 25 W&L Law Library
21.4%; 28 No Answer
(24) Q10a. If you use other libraries, what is the purpose of that use? (Better collection, availability ofmaterials, etc..)
9.2%; 12 Availability of materials
2.3%; 3 better collection
1.5%; 2 Children's books
1.5%; 2 different materials
54.2%; 71 Other
31.3%; 41 No Answer
For arcane scholarly pubs. in foreign languages, etc.Mainly non-academic - general browsing.
_ More Ian journals
VMI - different collection of mathematics journals and monographs
_ Collection has books undergrad library doesn't have.UVA - better research journal collection, Rockbridge - fun
_ Materials that are not available in undergrad library
For more casual, contemporary or light, books.
recreational reading, never for research
Better reference tools & microfilm
specific volumes - manuscript materials ~ UVA
I regularly borrow classical music CD's from VMI
VMI used to have a better current theatre & film collection. UVA has a larger collection.
Research mostly - they have things we don't. Local library for mystery stories.
For items not in Leyburn
They have collections unique to their missions.
VMI has a better collection of engineering texts and references.
Collection is more thorough.
. Better collection, usually of old materials (c19 periodicals)
Convenience, proximity to my research
different materials, away in summer
Better resources regarding sports medicine topics.
Ease of access.
Children's collection
Better collection, availability of materials, more specialized collections in a particular area of interest
Better collection at UVA. ESL collection in Rockbridge Public Lib.
Interested to see what they have - l like libraries!
better technical coverage in certain areas (science, engineering)
different focus of collections, availability at RRL of children's materials
occasional book or journal (early volumes of Studies in Romanticism, for example) that W&L does
not have
Materials not present here. For initial examination, ILL is clumsy approach, until you really know
what you want specifically. And C'ville has better restaurants.
Research that is specific to special collections/manuscripts
_ Japanese language materials - LOC is v. helpful plus emails accession lists of gov't documentsoccasional book not available at W&LUVA - larger collection (books & periodicals)availability of materialsmore journals than we carry
_ Availability of materials, especially specialized law journals and
recreational tapes better collections in my research areas
availability of materials for duplicates
I use VMI when W&L does not have a certain book and they do.
_ availability of legal materials
_ research - esp. books in foreign languages
availability of materials
better collection - such as UVA
Research materials not here
Availability, convenience (when out of Lexington)
I enjoy browsing.
To get things we don't have here.
Better book and periodical collection
better collection, availability of materials
Much of my work involves legal books and articles; court decisions. The W&L Law Library,
therefore, is the logical one to use.
local materials, history
In the initial stages of research to inform myself of the spectrum of
books available, I use hollins.
extra materials
to borrow different kinds of books
More materials in area of interest
better collection for research
Better collection of books on electronics.
Different materials
Wder variety in specialized areas. Open when we are closed (e.g. evenings & weekends during
breaks, when I do most of my research)
journal articles not available at W&L
Availability & larger collection (UVA). Some periodicals at UVA that I need but wouldn't want to
have to justify getting for W&L.
availability of materials
UVA, better collection. VMi, better CD collection.
some current novels
journals avail. Several of my students go to UVa each year as well for neurosci holdings, esp.
when ILL fails them.
children's books
better collection of journals & easy access to philosophy databsess online
occasionally supplements W&L's collection
UVA - better collection, wider resources
Use Regional Library for books on tape. Use UVa for reference and periodical resources.
family reading
Materials that are not available here.
(25) Q11. The library has designated a librarian as a liaison for each academic department. Do you
know who the liaison is for your department? Please circle one.
69.5%; 91 Yes 28.2%; 37 No 2.3%; 3 No Answer
(26) Q11a. How effective is s/he in keeping you abreast of new materials and services?
9.9%; 13 very 1.5%; 2 effective 1.5%; 2 quite good
3.8%; 5 very effective 1.5%; 2 fine 44.3%; 58 Other
3.1%; 4 excellent 1.5%; 2 Good 28.2%; 37 No Answer
3.1%; 4 Very good 1.5%; 2 OK
_ Very effective.
_ Very!
_ OK - though not a lot of contact.
_ very effective, I guess, but I'm not sure how i would know.
_ Very effective. Has been responsive to questions and particular requests.
_ Personal conferences
_ Fine. My awareness of new works on history of science, however, comes mainly from reviews injournals, rather than from the staff.
_ She's good, but I've had a hard time making her workshops.
- Good. Very helpful in showing my classes the electronic research sources.Extremely - plus: he teaches my history 150 & 190 courses
- I get cards advertising new publications. It might be good to get reports on new acquisitions in my
She is good.
totally effective
We work through our faculty contact.
She does her best w/a very volatile area.
We get periodic updates from Hugh Blackmer.
John Tombarge has been excellent.
So amazingly good I can't believe it! But it's true!
very responsive
no problem
I rely on Hugh and he is very effective.
Hugh is great!
Just fine
Other than returning request cards, no specific feedback (also the one library book review 3x5 card
Yolanda is great.
_ Very effective
_ Reasonably effective
_ excellent, class visits for research projects are extremely helpfulsatisfactory
_ He is extremely effective and has added to the materials we can access.
_ very good
I speak to her often enought that I feel well-informed. I usually get my information from Colonnade,
and ask about it when needed.
_ Haven't really established contact yet
Absolutely first-rate.
Very effective
I think she's not very happy working with us. I'm not sure why not. Maybe she's given up on us.
We're probably too hard to get along with.
I work directly with A. John
v. good
very good - excellent, actually
Excellent job! Always helpful, enthusiastic, and interested
_ Great
- Fine, I guess. Receive new book cards.
Haven't heard from her or him so don't know.
very helpful
Effective, though, to be honest, I keep only 1/2 of one eye on such announcements
I regularly receive the Humanities Abstracts cards. This is my only contact.
Quite good!
If there is a fault here, it's mine.
- She corresponds with us on a regular basis.
_ If Hugh Blackmer, then fine job.
_ Hugh Blackmer is exceptional. Do whatever you must do to keep him here, please.
_ I don't know.
_ ?
He is most helpful in getting me to the right information in my field.
very good
Hugh Blackmer is wonderful!
What is she supposed to do? I "keep abreast" thru catalogues & Uncover.
I have not consulted her in some time, but I have found her helpful in the past.
very good
(27) Q12. The library publishes a regular column in the Colonnade. Is this an effective mechanism for
helping keep you apprised of library news? Please circle one.
73.3%; 96 Yes 16.0%; 21 No 10.7%; 14 No Answer
(28) Q12a. What other mechanisms would be more effective?
e-mail I am more likely to take note of.
_ I like the printed word on a page!e-mail
- Re Q12 - Perhaps as good as any - but I haven't found much use for that information thus far in my
own activities.
Someday I'll be a browser of web pages, but nowadays I still like print.
See 11a - a periodic report on what has been added to the collection in theatre.
e-mail about twice a year.
e-mail to faculty once a month.
e-mail, sorted out by discipline. Re:12 I'm sure it works, but it never mentions anything I'm
interested in.
Re: 12 Look for new ref. works, films, & websites (altho no time to consult latterO
I'm not all that interested in a list of new reference books.
E-maii on additions in our area?
web page news
Re Q12: Probably not, because little information is provided. A "what's new" section on the "Library
Gateway" site on the university's homepage might be more effective and would cut down on
production costs.
a regular (monthly) "library bulletin" that would go beyond Colonnade's "new govVref materials"
would be better.
Maybe it works, but is seldom of interest (note possible bias; in general I think the Colonnade is a
bureaucratic waste.)
Hugh publishes on the web page New Books in the Science library which I read. Colonnade books
are usually of no use/interest to me.
Re Q12: I do not read it.
?probably none - Re Q12: Sometimes I'll remember items, but normally I only learn on an "as
needed" basis
_ could have news on lib. gateway
_ re Q12: somewhat
_ "What's new" on Websight - maybe e-mail bulletins (at least make them available)
_ "What's new" site on the web?
a separate monthly bulletin
e-mail, web site announcements
regular e-mail to the department from the liaison person. She needs to be pro-active and take the
_ lead in helping us out. We're willing to learn. She just needs a good
working relationship with us.
_ I don't feel a current need for additional news. I use reference librarians when necessary.
_ e. mail, but my liaison already uses this mechanism
_ monthly e-mail, posting on web
E-mail notification or web page broken down into humanities, social sciences, etc., etc.
_ I read my e-maii. I don't read the Colonnade.
_ Put on web site?
e-mail distribution list
On line or web page reviewing new acquisitions.
E-mail messages
I like email updates (which Hugh uses.)
occasional email
Most listings seem aimed at C-School.
_ e-mail
_ I'd like to know which librarian is responsible for which services (acquisitions, ILL, etc.) - is this onWeb Page?
_ Re:Q12 - I don't need the news usually.
_ web page of library home page
Q13. In the courses you taught last year, how many assignments did
you make requiring libraryresearch? Please indicate course levels and
number of assignments.
(29) Course 1 level 100
30.5%; 40
23.7%; 31 1-2
5.3%; 7 3 or more
40.5%; 53 No Answer
(30) Course 2 level 100
27.5%; 36 None
8.4%; 11 1-2
3.1%; 4 3 Or more
61.1 %; 80 No Answer
(31) Course 3 level 100
9.9%; 13 None
3.1%; 4 1-2
0.0%; 0 3 Or more
87.0%; 114 No Answer
(32) Course41evel100
3.1 %; 4 None
1.5%; 2 1-2
0.0%; 0 3 or more
95.4%; 125 No Answer
(33) Course 1 level 200
31.3%; 41 1-2
12.2%; 16 None
5.3%; 7 3 Or more
51.1%; 67 No Answer
(34) Course 2 level 200
19.8%; 26 1 -2
9.2%; 12 None
3.1%; 4 3 Or more
67.9%; 89 No Answer
(35) Course 3 level 200
6.9%; 9 1-2
2.3%; 3 3 or more
1.5%; 2 None
89.3%; 117 No Answer
(36) Course 4 level 200
1.5%; 2 1-2
0.0%; 0 None
0.0%; 0 3 or more
98.5%; 129 No Answer
(37) Course 1 level 300
28.2%; 37 1-2
21.4%; 28 3 or more
9.9%; 13 None
40.5%; 53 No Answer
(38) Course 2 level 300
19.8%; 26 1 -2
6.9%; 9 None
6.9%; 9 3 Or more
(39) Course 3 level 300
6.1%; 8 3 or more
5.3%; 7 1-2
3.8%; 5 None
84.7%; 111 No Answer
(40) Course 4 level 300
0.8%; 1 None
0.8%; 1 1-2
0.8%; 1 3 or more
97.7%; 128 No Answer
(41) Course 1 level 400
9.9%; 13 3 or more
8.4%; 11 1-2
0.8%; 1 None
80.9%; 106 No Answer
(42) Course 2 level 400
2.3%; 3 3 Or more
0.8%; 1 None
0.8%; 1 1-2
96.2%; 126 No Answer
(43) Course 3 level 400
0.8%; 1 1-2
0.0%; 0 None
0.0%; 0 3 Or more
99.2%; 130 No Answer
(44) Course 4 level 400
0.8%; 1 1-2
0.0%; 0 None
0.0%; 0 3 Or more
99.2%; 130 No Answer
(45) Q14 If you do make assignments that require library research, how satisfied are you with thequality of student research on these assignments? Circle one response.
44.3%; 58 Somewhat satisfied
25.2%; 33 Very satisfied
2.3%; 3 Not satisfied
28.2%; 37 No Answer
(46) If you circled NOT SATISFIED, please identify the problems you see:
Library isn't the problem!
Difficult for students to identify central words in the literature. They often emphasize peripheral or
secondary words. (That problem may not be one that is in any way related to the library or its
- Note: In the other courses, reference materials are provided in the library, but not intended for
Any problems are not the fault of the library.
Depends on the student - ILL & web have helped tremendously.
You do have to show students how to use the library & automated resources, at every level.
Too much reliance on www is a prbm I've just begun to notice.
I find that students' knowledge of library resources varies considerably. Has thought been given to
mandatory 190-type course for all entering freshmen?
Students do not put in the effort to really search for info from resources. They go with what they
find first.
Some students are either lazy, clueless or both, but library research seems to be considered as a
sentence, not an assignment.
Many students seem to rely unduly on web resources, and not to even check periodical indexes,
much less Econ lit
They need to make better use of references and inter-library loan. The library staff did not fail in
this regard.
Our department does not have a "library-bibliographic techniques" class. They don't know how to
look for research materials. Apparently, they don't learn anywhere else, either.
_ Re: Q14 - due mainly to variability in students' levels of motivation.
(47) Q15. Do you think your students know how to use library resources effectively? Please circle one.
63.4%; 83 Somewhat effectively
12.2%; 16 Very effectively
6.1 %; 8 Not effectively
18.3%; 24 No Answer
(48) If you circled NOT EFFECTIVELY, please explain:
- Students are likely to miss important works, use poor ones; they are reluctant to use interlibrary
loan. Even with sources in hand(?), they often make little good use of them, simply raiding them for
Probably - it's their writing that's the problem.
Probably not at the Freshman level - this is achieved more in upper level courses and research
activities with students.
Again, it's not possible to make the horse drink.
Not before I teach them how. They know extremely little about doing research. They know less
and less about print resources and old fashioned methods.
_ Circled both 1 and 2 in Q15. Note: This of course varies with the students - but I think most all bio
majors fall in the top two after B182.
See #14.
Maybe they know how but just don't want to walk that far if a web site can be found.
I think. May be too soon to tell.
don't know
They rely too much on the internet and search engine and neglect more traditional sources:
dictionaries, encyclopedias which would give them a better and broader base from which to
depends on the student
Don't know
not (??) use of reference services
circled both 2 and 3
- (Circled both 1 and 2.) Those who have learned (remembered) what they were taught about usinglibrary resources do well.
_ For econpapers they want to check Annie (& books are only one source
of info). They areunaware of EconLit, the best source for publications by
professional economists. I'm not sure it'sthe library's job to correct
this, perhaps we need to do a better job in the department.
_ Many students do not take the initiative to learn how to use the
library. And many more now tend touse the internet in uncritical ways instead of doing serious research.
_ They have NO idea of how to get to my webpage from the W&L homepage.
_ Many of them do not know where to go to look for the infommation they are seeking.
(49) Q16. Please describe the methods you use to assist your students in the research process?
_ I give suggestion of sources, and suggestion on how to digest and use them.
_ I provide them with lists of sources.
_ Mine don't research beyond what is available in the stacks and on reserve.
Refer to ref. librarian
I help them focus their topics, often in private meetings, & suggest books & articles, as well as
bibliographies. I also occasionally look up books or articles on ??.
. I give them very specific research sources for certain assignments. I give some more generaldirections for electronic research because I'm also interested in the sites they are able to find.
_ I have had library staff visit the class. Also my department does have a 190 course. My own effortshave not been substantial.
_ Invite ret librarian to visit class. Print out & distribute internet site info. List possible resources foreach assignment.
_ None
_ Detailing a number of significant literature items pertinent to topics being treated.
Specific direction (e.g., call #s for ret works) - meetings in office biblios/specific suggestions given
I guide them to specific texts, sometimes using Annie from my office computer.
Lots of office hours work w/Annie & MLA bibliography searches. This has changed my teaching of
research methods greatly.
Reserve shelves. Lists of books to be consulted - also periodicals. Internet addresses.
Talk to them about resources. Quiz them as to what they have used. Direct them to library staff for
I tell them to use the MLA Bibliography and to consult books and articles equally.
I usually provide them with a starting point--authors or titles. They are using the internet more and
more as a resource.
comments in class
_ I sometimes suggest starting points - particular periodicals or books.Research process for out department is mainly handled by student enrollment (required) in Biology182
_ in-class exercises, library orientation by Yolanda Warren, assignments designed to make studentsdo specific tasks w/specific tools, direct explanation of purposes of researchReliance on J190 course; periodic guest lectures by Dick Grefe in other courses
.190 is a co-requisite & any other assistance they needGiving students access to personal journals.
_ John Tombarge has set up a specific site for my course. Students can use it to guide them through
a project.
Assistance of Web, team research leading to a group presentation, paper rewrites
(1) Require B182 - the students meet Hugh Blackmer & acquire loads of tools for research. (2)
Often I will give them access to one or two review articles on the first day that helps them hunt
backwards into the primary literature for background information. (3) Suggest www sites when
they are having trouble.
- Invite librarian into class to explain resources.
read papers, critique bibliographies, footnotes, use of quotations
Point in right directions, at major ref.
Tell them to see reference librarian.
(1) In-class imparting of information (2) During office hours, one-on-one conferences with students
to address their particular needs.
fist of references, send to reference librarians, demo internet techniques
I introduce them to the library's collection of Russian materials and pertinent electronic resources at
the beginning of my Russian history research seminar.
(1 ) Give bibliographical info with statement that we have book or journal with call no. or location
information (2) Ask students to familiarize themselves with certain ref. materials they will need to
use frequently (3) Encourage them to use "Telnet to Annie" on computer before going to library
I don't have my students do research.
We have a required Bio 182 course that students take as Freshmen or Sophomores.
have Hugh give a lecture in course where they do research
I explain types of sources & use of indexes/abstracts. I also tell students what is available
electronically - then sent them to reference.
I refer them to Dick Grefe.
More guidance, henceforth, that non-Web resources must be used (well, cited)
They must have paper topics approved by me. I suggest bibliography. Use TMC to review Web
resources w/them.
Point to various electronic search engines.
Individual advising
no research courses
, Presentations of reference librarians, occasional handout (prepared by me) on resources available
_ exchange of bibliographies prior to paper submission
_ The librarian assigned to our department comes and introduces them to the resources in two of the
Tutorials dealing with their research problems
class discussion
Discuss available resources
instructions on how to use commercial databases primarily
In class, we define the subject (period, issues to be raised, etc) I sometimes point them to basic
texts on the matter discussed, often place a file on reserve where they can find necessary
documents. + Yolanda Warren is coming to class to explain to them methods and available
Describe relevant journals. Syllabus lists valuable web sites. Individual discussions of options they
should try.
I distribute a guide to research tools and I have Vaughan Stanley talk to my research oriented
Have research librarian present a class on the research process
Constant orientation, reinforcement, one-on-one consulting
. Informed, one-on-one consultations
_ Dick Grefe
. I have them do research logs, schedule a class with a Research Librarian and watch them throughevery step.
_ I give them advicel give them advice on how to use the reference section.
_ We had an hour presentation to the class by members of the library staff to assist the students.
I urge them to use reference services and interlibrary loan.
Bio 182 - course specifically designed to be taken by sophomore year, which teaches
Assign searches & annotated bibliographies. Mostly I don't do much, just whine.
Mostly discussion of research strategies. Students who have problems seem mostly to want the
reference librarian and/or electronic databases to do everything for them. (i.e., they don't want to
use their "wetware")
Yolanda Warren
students know better that I do!!
outline approaches, suggest starting points
Give bibliography. Suggest web sites.
Describe course reserve materials. Xerox illustrative parts for class explanation. Take small
classes to library; use seminar rm. there to present selected materials.
Meet & talk w/them. Chart topics. Refer them to Dick Grefe.
Biol 182 is a solid introduction. Other than that I point out important web sites and core references
for specific assignments.
I direct them to the librarians.
Help them use "Annie" to find what they need.
I suggest the on-line data bases, but for most of the library use needed for my literature classes,
specific hard copy bibliographies suffice. Those few students writing theses in German, who need
in-depth research, work closely with me in the early stages, using the MLA bibliography as a point
of departure.
nothing organized or structures - on an ad hoc basis
- I list the library sources they should use & the order in which they should use them. (Serials, Annie,EconLit, etc.) I guide them to reference librarian that I have found to be helpful w/ certain types ofquestions.
_ Bring journals & reference sources to class to demonstrate. Handouts on how to use referencematerials.
. in the 100 level courses, we try to set up a session with Yolanda on proper use of library resources.I'm available for specific questions a student has. I generally make reference to Hacker in writtenmaterials I distribute with the assignments. Senior m
ajors have to take a 1 credit course in the fallto prepare them for their Sr. theses. It includes the preparation of their thesis bibliography afterseveral sessions with yolanda Warren.
_ Help clarify terms, etc.
I refer them to the bibliographical resources familiar to me.
Identify reference sources. List important sources in main collection. Put some sources on
Take class time to discuss methods for searching help w/choice of key words, choice of data base.
Refer to Ref. Librarians & explain their role to students . Help sort through search results to choose
approp. articles.
sometimes put items on reserve
explain the philosophy index
I point them to the right sources.
Answer questions, suggest what resources they might want to use. Hugh Blackmer gives a lecture
in one of my upper level courses, which is followed by several assignments requiring students to do
literature searches & a research term paper. This helps a lot.
recommend books & how to find relevant material
I usually go to the library with the students and show them the reference tools I want them to use.
Info about sources for the discipline
(50) Q17. Do you think any additional efforts are required to insure that our students are knowledgeableabout information sources and research methods? Please circle one.
47.3%; 62 Yes 29.0%; 38 No 23.7%; 31 No Answer
(51 ) If yes, do you think this should be left to individual professors as
part of a course, to individualdepartments as part of a major, or would
you like to see a more intensive general orientation tolibrary resources,
particularly electronic research techniques, during the freshman year?
An intensive orientation would probably help, but it is largely a problem
to be dealt with on a courseby-course basis.
_ Option 3 - I don't
think students know how to use scholarly periodicals effectively.
_ General orientation would be best, I think.
_ I'd like to see
this as part of a freshman seminar req'd for everyone.
general orientation during freshman year and more specific orientation by
once a student declares a major.
A very good question,
but I honestly don't know how to answer. It would be a subject worth
discussing - perhaps as a topic for a faculty discussion department head
meeting. I can't say that
I've thought through all the
Individual profs--students only remember this info
when they apply it on real projects.
"Research techniques"
differ quite widely from discipline to disci;line, just as appropriate
styles" differ greatly. I see that a "general
orientation" might be helpful but only in a "general" way
-and not as an "add-on" requirement (i.e., not as some extra
burdens added to the freshman year).
Students will need to know some
science in-depth before there is much likelihood of
either the literature content or the necessary writing styles for
"research" in physical
sciences. If the language of a
science discipline is not yet understood, writing and literature
searching in it would be as hampered as if one were attempting such in a
foreign language without
the background grammar/vocabulary study in
the language.
The last option sounds great!
This is a good idea
but would be VERY time-consuming. The students would forget a lot
they actually used electronic sources, I fear.
We still
think they need to know about resources early on. Have tried to add it to
Art 100. Mixed
more intensive gent orientation
A more
intensive general orientation.
more intensive general orientation -
There is no reason that a combination of these two could not be
indiv. professors in courses, dents. in respect to skills needed
for major, librarians available to do
specific orientation &
training sessions
I emphatically believe we should assure that every
freshman gain in-depth familiarity "/information
resources &
be expected to use them.
_ I don't teach freshmen, so I can't
propose to put this effort into someone else's class. I think anorganized
effort, university-wide is appropriate. Have the research staff do general
sessions forclasses requiring research. They should get the exposure as
early as possible.
_ more intensive general orientation
_ I think each freshman should have to take a 1 credit library
research/computer skills class.
_ Require 190 during Freshman
yearI think the collaboration between library/departmental faculties is so
key! We do it in the freshmanyear (or at the latest sophomore) and I
strongly believe in this.
_ Individual departments as part of a
_ indiv. professors as part of a course, indiv depts. as
part of a major
_ A more intensive general
orientation--particularly electronic research techniques...
More intensive general orientation - an excellent idea!
_ either
or both could be improved
_ Need a general ed. requirement for
all students. Leaving it to indiv depts or faculty will
guaranteeinconsistent and shallow information-gathering abilities among
_ See comment on question #14.
_ Department
could make better use of this 190 requirement.gent orientation to library
resources, an intro fresh. year, must update as progress toward a majoron
relevant resources.
_ A combo of dept and lib electronic search
_ more intensive gent orientation, part). electronic
research techniquesRe Q17: Not sure - they can get what they want now, if
they put forth the effort.More is always better in this area but we now do
an adequate job. Our department has a 190course which
is important for ensuring that all majors have basic research skills.
_ I think it works best in the context of a particular class. But a short
course freshman year might behelpful, but if it is not hinged to something
they need to research, they won't get much out of it. Itmight be better to
offer a monthly session that students can sign up for when they need it.
_ leave to Departments
_ all of the aboveBrief intro to Library Resources for freshmen
_ I think a general orientation would be useful supplemented by individual instructors (using where
appropriate reference librartion support).
I would leave it up to the individual professor as our needs may vary widely. But a more general
orientation might be welcome.
individual departments - Frankly, until students need these resources for classes, I'm afraid any
attempt to educate will fall on deaf ears.
more intensive gent orientation to lib. resources
I think the faculty needs to require this knowledge of them. But how to
do that is the Dean''s problem. he needs to take the lead. You all do wonderfully considering the obstacles. I wouldn't
expand your efforts.
a more intensive general orientation during the first semester of the freshman year.
I think I need to encourage research projects that require students to develop techniques
Students need to be updated on the everchanging types of library resources, throughout their time
here. Perhaps e-mail would be a good way to do this & our web pages.
individual departments - we need to do a better job. Re: electronic research techniques--No, I don't
want to see this take over. Emphasis should be on history of the literature
Some of both, library assistance must be at level students can digest.
more intensive gent orientation
_ More general orientation on part of library staff. Instructors can present specialized materials onthis basis.
_ More 1 st year orientation.
Our Biol 182 course is more than adequate. The one problem that concerns me is the use of web
sources - some are unreliable, but students treat them all as authoritative primary sources. We
have to address better how web sites are categorized and cited.
_ electronic research techniques
_ left to individual professors
_ the latter!
It should not be left initially up to individual course instructors. From my perspective it would be
helpful for students to be given some form of orientation to the electronic aids available before they
reach the research stage in literature. Perhaps freshman English composition would be the
appropriate time for this orientation.
_ Makr a 1 credit course?
_ Indiv. professors. Probably not gent orientation - the 1/2 life of such info is probably measured indays.
_ The last suggestion, yes, please.
_ Absolutely a more intensive general orientation to library resources & documentation methodsshould be part of freshman year. I've never understood why it isn't a unit in the Freshmancomposition courses the freshmen take. It should be. We do a unit o
n bibliography in the contextof preparing seniors for their senior thesis research, but by then they're bored with the basic stuff(although some of them still don't have it mastered), & it should definitely come earlier in theircollege career. Seems t
o me that teaching proper documentation methods could even be linked tothe honor code, since not documentary sources & references properly can be considered breachesof the honor code.
_ I think it best if there were more intensive orientation during freshman year.
_ Freshman orientation would be great if you can get (require?) them to come!
More general orientation
Elec. research techniques. Also refreshers for upper class. Many pre-meds write their first temm
papers in jr. or sr. year!
more intensive orientation during freshman year
more intensive gen orientation
I would like to see a more intensive general orientation to library resources & electronic research
techniques during the freshman year. This should be followed up by faculty & departments in later
years as students develop the need to search for materials specific to their field.
_ I am dealing with very small numbers and find that what I am doing works fairly well.
_ Leave to inc. professors & make electronic research (web) clear & concise as possible
(52) Please add any other comments you may have.
_ We have a fine library and excellent staff!
_ Re: Q13 Library research not required but sometimes appropriate, sometimes recommended &sometimes used.
_ Very helpful and pleasant staff- it's a pleasure dealing with everybody. I'm mostly dissatisfied withperiodicals, a budget issue.
_ Library staff makes Leyburn the heart of the University. No irony!
_ My classes do not use the library resources. I will leave this section blank.
_ I think perhaps the faculty could use some refresher workshops on utilizing electronic resources.Remember many of us learned our research skills in the age of paper and books. (How quaint!)
_ Leyburn Library has made my life as a teacher & a scholar pleasant & easy. The library gateway,the ease of using ILL and the speed at which requested acquisitions are made, all contribute. Thecollection is so good that it can disappoint me, sinc
e I expect it to be good! Doing a wonderful job.
_ Very satisfied "/library, staff & services.
I don't care how it's done. I agree research needs a topic. But can the faculty require freshman
level courses to include a research component? I'll agree to anything.
Re:Q17- To me this is not a yes or no question. The more we can do to help our students manage
the information explosion the better. In my discipline though I believe we are doing a good job & I
also think we are dynamic enough to see ways we can grow/improve.
JoAnn Wlson and Betsy Brittigan are jewels of patience, politeness, good humor, and efficiency..
Both should be commended and given a raise or a bonus in acknowledgment of their superior
Students seem to know how to find things on the internet better than the "card" catalog. But having
found things, they don't read them.
I think the library computers should access Annie & research tools only - that they should not be for
email. We need two machines that read the CD Rom for America History & Life and should always
be up & running.
Note: with the Web, I don't trek over to the library as often as I need to (no longer 1 time a week).
But also my research priorities took an odd turn the part year or so.
The science library should be open to students on a 24-hour basis. We pride ourselves on a 24
hour main library but 1/3 of our students (those in the sciences) do not have such access.
, The science library should have same hours as regular library - no reason to penalize sciencestudents.
_ Library is an excellent resource, well staffed and managed
See p.1, please. From a methodological point of view, this is a flawed survey instrument, for
reasons mentioned there.
The library does a great job!
I would like to see the science library operating with the same hours as the Leyburn Library. Our
science students should have the same access to Library facilities as our humanities students.
Think we have an excellent collection in my two lang. areas and related disciplines (history, cultural
anthropology, lit. Grit., etc.) for a school our size. The staff is proficient and accessible. Both very
positive points. We can all, however, strive to be even better.
I think our library services and facilities are excellent! No suggestions for improvements.
Superb undergraduate library (with even some graduate materials in printed collections) in
materials, management efficiency, service
Thanks for requesting our feedback. Sorry to be slow to respond.
_ I don't have time to use the library in a general way - that is a real luxury. For my discipline I relyexclusively on help from Hugh B. & Betsy B. to point me in the right direction & to obtain articlesusing interlibrary loan.