The James River Projects

27 May 2001
While at University of Richmond to consult on GIS implementation, I talked with John Bishop (Chair of Environmental Studies at University of Richmond) about collaborating on James River Watershed projects, and started to hunt for relevant links --and found quite a few.

28 May
Dick Grefe sent me a link to  USGS Water Resources Data of the United States at just the right moment... and see also  List of Spatial Data Sets for Water and  National Hydrography Dataset and  Tutorial Sets for dealing with NHD in ArcView environment. Plenty to occupy idle hours, should any arise...

30 May
Collected Middle and Lower James from Dave Harbor, projected to UTM, merged with Upper James...

(stashed at C:\esri\james\uml.apr)

28 June
Pat Shoknecht (U Richmond) and I have been hatching a collaboration, the working proposal for which is intended in the first instance for ACS consideration.