This image needs a bit of explanation. It's from a visit Lar made to Horton Landing in 1988, more than 10 years since I'd last seen or heard from him. In 1975 he'd traded his red International Scout for a Chevvy Impala with electric windows, which he pridefully took me for a ride in. Somewhat horrified, I said "Lar, what you got here is a bronze pig...". He laughed. And so I wrote a song about it, called 'The Bronze Pig Rag':
Lar drove up in the big bronze pig
big bronze pig
big bronze pig
Lar drove up in the big bronze pig
and he zipped his windows down

(etc. etc., music more glorious than lyrics)

Lar, it turned out, was not amused, and ceased speaking to me. He left Wolfville not long thereafter, but one spring day turned up at Horton Landing in a (rented) Cadillac, with electric windows to be sure, and we were friends again.