Max Havelaar and Globalization

Another of those "when did I first encounter...?" questions: sometime around 1970 I was referred by someone to a then-obscure 19th century Dutch novel Max Havelaar, of de koffieveilingen der Nederlandse Handel-Maatschappij (first translated into English in 1868 as Max Havelaar, or the coffee auctions of the Dutch Trading Company, and republished by UMass Press in 1982). The author, Eduard Douwes Dekker, used the pseudonym Multatuli ('Much have I suffered': "Ik noem mij Multatuli, dat is: ik heb veel gedragen, een vreemde naam niet waar?"). While it is primarily an anti-colonial novel (and one of the first), its relevance to the current debates over Globalization is really worth pursuing, and it's not too much of a stretch to suggest that it was the first anti-Globalization novel (and what are its successors?).
Author   Multatuli 
Title    Max Havelaar, or, The coffee auctions of the Dutch Trading Company / Multatuli ; with an
           introduction by D.H. Lawrence ; translated by Roy Edwards ; afterword by E.M. Beekman 
 Publisher   Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press, 1982
 Leyburn-Level 2  PT5829.M3 E3 1982  

about Multatuli ...and Dekker ...and more

another example of Web serendipity in this bit of archived email:

Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 06:08:08 -0400
From: Raymond Lum (
Shawn, et al.: This isn't a book, but an article about a book: Last Sunday's New York Times Magazine has an article by Pramodedya Anata Toer, "The Book That Killed Colonialism: As the West Clamored for Spices, the Novelist 'Multatuli' Cried for Justice." It's about the book MAX HAVELAAR, which also has been made into a movie.

...which also led me to this very useful analysis of Toer's piece:

Rethinking a Problematic Constellation: Postcolonialism and its Germanic Contexts (Pramoedya Ananta Toer/Multatuli) (Carl Niekerk Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East (Duke UP), special issue on "Comparative (Post)Colonialisms", 23.1 (2003): 45-56)

From Google search "max havelaar" globalization, results of which lead to some coffee specifics

Max Havelaar Foundation
In 1988, the Max Havelaar Foundation introduced a "Max Havelaar" quality seal for coffee in the Dutch market. It has since been introduced in other European countries including Denmark. Coffee roasters seeking the right to sell coffee under the seal must comply with a number of fair trade criteria. Besides coffee roasters, Max Havelaar is working with companies offering chocolate, tea and bananas.

THE FAIR TRADE ADVENTURE An Alternative to Globalization, by the Founders of Max Havelaar By: Frans Vanderhoff y Nico Roozen

Yolanda brought the search engine Mooter to my attention. Here's part of a search for "max havelaar" looking at the 'coffee' cluster