Howard T. Odum
Lan, S.F. and H.T. Odum, "Emergy Synthesis of the Environmental Resource Basis and Economy in China," Ecologic Science, Vol. 1, pp. 63-74, China, 1994.
Lan, S.F. and H.T. Odum, "Emergy Evaluation of the Environment and Economy of Hong Kong," Journal of Environmental Science, Vol. 6(4), pp. 432-439, 1994.
Lee, S.M. and H.T. Odum, "Emergy Analysis Overview of Korea," Journal of the Korean Environmental Science Society, Vol. 3(2), pp. 165-175, 1994.
Odum, E.C., H.T. Odum and N.S. Peterson, "Using Simulation to Introduce Systems Approach in Education," Chapter 31 in Maximum Power, C.A.S. Hall, ed., (Festschrist of 1989 H.T. Odum celebration at the University of North Carolina), University Press of Colorado, Niwot, pp. 346-352, 1995.
Odum, H.T., "Ecological Economics," in The Encyclopedia of the Environment, R.A. Eblen and W. R. Eblen, eds., Houghton-Mifflin, NY, pp. 159-161, 1994.
Odum, H.T., Ecological and General Systems: An Introduction to Systems Ecology, (Revised edition of: Systems Ecology, 1983, John Wiley, 644 pp.), University Press of Colorado, Niwot, Colorado, 644 pp., 1994.
Odum, H.T., "The EMERGY of Natural Capital," in Investing in Natural Capital, A.M. Jansson, M. Hammer, C. Falke and R. Costanza, eds., Island Press, Covelo, CA, pp. 200-214, 1994.
Odum, H.T., "Ecological Engineering: The Necessary Use of Ecological Self-design," Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 120(3), pp. 486-490, 1994.
Odum, H.T., "Ecological Engineering: The Necessary Use of Ecological Self-design," Ecological Modeling, Vol. 3(2), pp. 115-119, 1994.
Odum, H.T., "Tropical Forest Systems and the Human Economy," in Tropical Forests: Management and Ecology, Ecological Studies, A. Lugo and M. Loew, eds., Vol. 112, pp. 343-393, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1995.
Odum, H.T. Environmental Accounting: EMERGY and Decision Making, John Wiley, New York, 400 pp. 1995.
Odum, H.T., ed., Yearbook of the International Society for Systems Sciences: Review of Preprints of the ISSS 1970-1993, International Society for Systems Sciences, 427 pp., 1995.
Odum, H.T., "Energy Systems and the Unification of Sciences," Chapter 37 in Maximum Power, C.A.S. Hall, ed., (Festschrift of 1989 H.T. Odum Celebration at the University of North Carolina, University Press of Colorado, Niwot, pp. 365-373, 1995.
Odum, H.T., "Self Organization and Maximum Power," Chapter 28, in Maximum Power, C.A.S. Hall, ed., (Festschrift of 1989 H. T. Odum celebration at the University of North Carolina), University Press of Colorado, Niwot, pp. 311-364, 1995.
Odum, W.P., E.P. Odum and H.T. Odum, "Nature's Pulsing Paradigm," Proceedings of the International Estuarine Research Federation, November 1993, Estuaries, Vol. 18, pp. 547-555, 1995.
Sundberg, U., J. Lindegren, H.T. Odum and S. Doherty, "Forest EMERGY Basis for Swedish Power in the 17th Century," Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, Supplement No. 1, Scandinavian University Press, Stockholm, Sweden, 1994.
Sundberg, U., J. Lindegren, H.T. Odum, S. Doherty and H. Steinlin, "Holz-Reichtum-Macht-Die Rolle des Holzes fur die Schwedische Macht im 17. Jahrhundert," All. Forst-u, J.-Ztg., 166 Jg., Vol. 1, pp. 17-27, 1995.
Ulgiati, S., H.T. Odum and S. Bastianoni, "Emergy Use, Environmental Loading and Sustainability. An Emergy Analysis of Italy," Ecological Modeling, Vol. 73, pp. 215-268, 1994.