night lights ...and another view
Agricultural landscapes: Japan and Hong Kong New Territories
True Portrait of Adams (Commodore Perry's second in command)
Yakuza tattoos ...and another
"lotus buds" ...see Annie search ...and another source
The custom of swaithing women's feet is very good for keeping females at home. It were no small benefit to them and their menfolk if it were also practised everywhere else too, not only in China. (Domingo Navarette, 1677, quoted in Spence The Chan's Great Continent, pp. 38-39)As soon as a girl comes into the world, they bind her tender feet with tight bandages, which are renewed as occasion requires, to prevent their growing... The women of all ranks stay pretty much at home. The smallness of their feet, which renders them unable to walk to any considerable distance, makes their confinement less disagreeable. (John Bell, 1722, quoted in Spence The Chan's Great Continent, pp. 49-50)