Course Evaluation
I think that activities under this rubric are often misguided: the usual forms-based questionnaires ask the wrong questions and produce meaningless summary numbers (7.3 as an average ranking on a scale of 1-10), and generally focus on the course and its mechanics rather than the outcome for the student. Accordingly, I prefer to use open-ended questions and invite respondents to articulate for themselves and for me the ways in which 12 weeks of activities have changed skills and knowledge, and broadened general and specific perspectives.
So I'd like you to email to me your reflections on your own experience in Anthropology 230, in which you might comment on:
- subjects that you formerly had no clue about, but are now interested in
- specific tools you have used, and capabilities you have developed, as a result of the course
- things you think you will never forget
- the importance and utility (or inutility) of specific films
- your own experience with selecting, researching, developing, and presenting your Project
- ...and any other suggestions you have for ways things might have been done differently
The course won't be taught again, since I'm retiring in September, but I'm interested in your take on your experience.