Endgame: presentation and project
To follow up what I said on Tuesday:
- The Project: of course content is Thing One, and 2/3 of my evaluation will center there, but the following mechanics will also figure into my evaluation:
- Minimize typos, misspellings, grammatical and syntactical errors (like it's misused, and effect/affect)
- Use the medium: hyperlinks to lead to external resources, and to move to other pages within the project
- Make judicious use of images --the right ones in the right places, and check that they are visible to everybody [easiest way to insure: locate the images in the same folder as the page that is supposed to display them]
- CITE SOURCES, especially images taken from the Web
- The 5-minute Presentation: make a page for display (name it core.html, and include a link to your project's intro page). It should show the gem, the core, the takeaway of your project. Ask yourself: what of your discoveries should we all remember five/ten years later? Don't try to do everything, but do give us a reason to spend time looking at the Project itself!
(Ted, Megan, Julianne, Dan, Joe, Clint, Pierce, and Emily on Tuesday, others on Thursday)