Projects for Anthropology 230 summarizes the general outlines of what I think about Projects. It's time for you to start figuring out what YOU want to do for half of the grade for the course, and thus begin a process of negotiation with me.
The piece I want you to do this time:
Once you have an idea for a project, I want you to do a preliminary search for relevant information and resources, including (but not necessarily limited to)
...and report what you did (search terms you used, paths you followed) AND what you found. This should take the form of a Web page with the filename project1.html, and linked on your /anth230/index.html page.
- books at W&L, via Annie
- articles in JSTOR
- Web resources
Something to Keep In Mind: It's really important to cite your sources for any materials you use, and this includes stuff found on the Web, both text and graphics. You need to make the effort to collect and manage bibliographic and Webliographic (?) details, and to explicitly recognize the source of anything you put onto a Web page!