Home Page for the Spring 2003 Global Stewardship Institute


The Earth at Night
(tweaked by Peter)

Dramatis personae:

XaK Bausch
Molly Drake
Dun Grover
Meredith Hibbard
Annie Iadarola
Diana Kashapova
Christina Kim
Stacey Kimmel
Rosine Kouamen
Christine McAnulty
Adrienne Norwood
Peter Vanderbrouk
Kate Zawyrucha

...and what people said by way of introduction

Hugh Blackmer's log

Ronald Nigh's log

21 April
Some images

Geopolitics lecture notes

24 April

Power point slides of mappi mundi

    Alexander's empire
    Map Projections
    Earth at night
    "real" earth at night
    See for more historical maps; also this collection

28 April
Beginning ArcMap
See a nice Getting Started from U Ark, for ArcGIS
An interesting progress log from a Berkeley GIS class

29 April

You might want to look at where the nightlights data come from and what some people have done with them:
Global estimates of market and non-market values derived from nighttime satellite imagery, land cover, and ecosystem service valuation Sutton PC, Costanza R ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS 41 (3): 509-527 JUN 2002 --and see datasets

1 May
in-class mediations on 'Stewardship'

2 May
Maps from Dr. Jasiewicz's talk
Raster and Vector instructions

5 May
Meditations on ProjectsTemplar in Costume

6 May

Thanks to Christina for finding this response to Friedman on Stiglitz                                                

and to Annie for this treasure trove on global issues and an interesting review of Cyber-Marx

Dun provides us a link to a very interesting perspective on anti-globalization and another here

8 May

Another interesting point of view on anti-globalization (found by Meredith) and another good set of articles (Stacey)




(foundbyStacey andDun)

The "first law of geography: everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things" Tobler, W.F. 1979. Cellular geography. pp. 379-386. In: Gale, S. and Olsson, J. (eds.) Philosophy in geography. Reidel, Dordrecht.

Spatial data analysis principles also apply to Representing and Visualizing Physical, Virtual and Hybrid  Information Spaces (Batty and Miller)                                                                                                               

Some more info on Argentina's fabrica ocupada movement (found by Annie) and a comment on the local political context.

12 May

Famine in Andhra (South India)

Population and Resources lecture notes


The Great Famine, India. 1876-1878




13 May

Water in the City of Quartz (lecture notes)

15-19 May

The Freon story I mentioned is even more interesting, because the inventor (Thomas Midgley) is also the creator of tetraethyl lead... as much a demon as freon. See this biographical summary

Lecture notes on water wars etc.

May 21

Lecture notes on the global food system

May 22

Lecture notes  - commodities and culture                   

The most famous kilted Scotsman ?

May 23

Music and Identity Lecture notes