(This classification scheme follows Library of Congress; each category permits CONNECTION to the Internet resources within it. Try Economics as an example)
     * Non-classified
     * General Reference     
     * Philosophy
     * Religion
     * History
     * Directories of People/Instituions
     * Geography 
     * Oceanography
     * Anthropology, Archeology
     * Games, Sports, Recreation
     * Social Science
     * Social Science Statistics, Census
     * Film, Television, Radio
     * Commerce, Business, Accounting
     * Careers, Jobs, Employment
     * Retail Trade
     * Grants, Funding
     * Politics
     * International Law
     * Law
     * Education
     * Music
     * Fine Arts
     * Architecture
     * Language & Literature
     * Journalism
     * Science
     * Mathematics
     * Computers
     * The Internet
     * Space Science, Astronomy
     * Physics
     * Weather, Meteorology
     * Chemistry
     * Geology, Paleontology
     * Earthquakes
     * Biology, Genetics
     * Botany
     * Zoology
     * Medicine
     * Pharmacology
     * Agriculture
     * Plants, Gardening
     * Forestry
     * Animal Culture, Veterinary Science
     * Engineering (Civil, Electrical)
     * Environment, Health/Safety
     * Military Science
     * Naval Science, Navigation
     * Library and Information Science
     * Library Catalogs
     * Bibliographic Indexes