(This list has no working links for you to try, but you can get a sense of the timeliness of NETLINK's additions)

     * ..Restrict by Subject
     * ..Restrict by Type (Telnet, Gopher, WWW)
     * ..Sort: Alphabetic [773 items]
     * 940430 Air Force Avionics Directorate Gopher
     * 940430 Bibliotheque Interuniversitaire Scientifique Jussieu
       (Login: => at login;enter mlibrary;at password;enter jussieu;)
     * 940430 Brock University, Department of Physics
     * 940430 Case Western Reserve Univ, mayhem.student.cwru.edu (Jacob
     * 940430 Catholic University of Nijmegan
     * 940430 Faculty of Agriculture Library - Gembloux
       (Login: => at login;enter midas;)
     * 940430 FernUniversitaet, Hagen, Informatik
     * 940430 Free University of Brussels, Info-Groep Support Group
     * 940430 INS Info Services
     * 940430 International Centre for Antarctic Information and Research
     * 940430 Interpath