Here are some comments I wrote in answer to e-mail about grading and suchlike for this course. On reflection it seemed like something I should say to everybody.
>> ... I was just curious about the 
>> grading for the term.  Assuming one reads all the assigned readings 
>> and works diligently on the web page, are there any other graded 
>> topics?  
>	The nice thing about the 'seminar' format is that it doesn't have
>	to concentrate on the mechanics of generating a grade (quizzes,
>	exams, stuff like that).  But from the student perspective this
>	makes for a bit of anxiety (sooooo.... how am I gonna be
>	evaluated?). I could say "fear not" and promise that virtue will
>	be rewarded, and suggest that it's not really a competition with
>	others in the class, but that might not relieve the anxiety that
>	years of formal education have worked to build up. Certainly John
>	and I don't think of the grading part as anything but background
>	bureaucratic necessity, and my own approach is to consider what
>	a person has done in terms of where he/she started from --not in
>	terms of some universal standard. For me, the
>	important things are inventiveness, exploratory zeal, contribution
>	to discussion --all very subjective things. 
>> Furthermore, I am slightly concerned about my web page. 
>> While I like to consider myself computer literate (my dad doesn't 
>> know where the power button is), I am not nearly as versed in 
>> web-page construction as Tara, as was obvious from the intricacy of 
>> her web page on Friday.  If there is anything extra I can or should 
>> do to better myself, please let me know.  
>	Another thing about the seminar format is that you're more in
>	control than would be the case in a lecture-style class.  In
>	the context of web pages, what that amounts to is that YOU get
>	to think about and articulate what you wish you could accomplish 	
>	and WE get to help you figure out how to do it.  In practical
>	terms, I'd say you should start looking at web pages from the 
>	point of view of "hey, how did they DO that??", and then looking
>	at the html source code (we'll show you how to do this on Friday)
>	in order to teach yourself how to do more with the medium. So 
>	much of this is truly exploratory --there aren't a whole lot of
>	rules about how things must be done (in comparison to the
>	straitjacket of paper scholarship), and it's evolving rapidly.
>	Hope some of that is helpful...