When you find a gopher or WWW location that you'll want to visit frequently you can create a BOOKMARK so that you don't have to go down through the menus to reach the item.

Lynx Bookmarks (works for gopher too)
While you have the -->: pointed at the item on a gopher menu or have highlighted a link using lynx, hit a (for 'add') to add the item to your list of bookmarks. Thereafter, you can hit v (for 'view') at any time to see your personalized list of bookmarks. With your gopher bookmark list (but NOT your lynx list) you can delete an item on your bookmark list with d for 'delete'. To delete items from your list of lynx bookmarks you will have to EDIT the lynx_bookmarks.html file in your Liberty home directory.

Netscape Bookmarks
Because the Netscape browser is usually mounted on the local machine, bookmarks that you create on a lab machine do not "follow" you as do those you might create using lynx. Netscape has an easy menu item for bookmarks, and allows you to edit your list of bookmarks as well.

An occasional problem occurs when a site you've added to your list makes some change in its address --W&L's WWW weenie changes the addresses on the main menus, but those changes DON'T automatically occur in your bookmark list. If you experience persistent difficulty in connecting to one of the bookmarked sites you should (a) delete that bookmark, (b) locate the site in the regular menus, and (c) re-select the site if it works on the regular menu.