"differenti" | "1644" | "J. Strickland in Spurgeon Treas.
Da" |
"God is said to be in heaven
differentially, so as he is not anywhere else. " |
"differenti" | "1646" | "Sir T. Browne Pseud. Ep. vi. xxviii" |
"When biting serpents are mentioned in the Scripture they are not differentially set down from such as mischief by stin
gs. " |
"differenti" | "1647" | "H. More Song of Soul i. ii. xii," |
"This be understood Of differentiall profunditie. " |
"differenti" | "1652" | "Gaule Magastrom. 77" |
"Any quality of sympathy or antipathy" |
"differenti" | "1702" | "Ralphson Math. Dict. s.v. Fluxions," |
"A different way..passes..in France under the Name of Leibnitz's Differential Calculus, or Calculus of Differences. "<
/td> |
"differenti" | "1704" | "J. Harris Lex. Techn. s.v. Fluxion," |
"This Method is much..shorter than..the French one with the Differential d multiplied into the Flowing Quantity, to de
note the Fluxion. " |
"differenti" | "1706" | "H. Ditton Instit. Fluxions 17" |
"The Fundamental Principles [of Fluxions]..appear to be more accurate, clear, and convincing than those of the Differential
Calculus. " |
"summatory" | "1710" | "J. Harris Lex. Techn. II," |
"Summatory Calculus, according to some, is the same with the Calculus Differentialis of Leibnitz; but more properly Summatory Ar
ithmetick, is the Art of finding the flowing
Quantity, from the Fluxion." |
"tetragonis" | "1710" | "J. Harris Lex. Techn. II," |
"Tetragonistick Calculus, is the same with the Summatory or Differential Calculus of Leibnitz. " |
"method" | "1718-19" | "Phil. Trans. XXX. 923" |
"A letter of M. l'Abb&eacu. Conti..concerning the dispute about the Invention of the Method of Fluxions, or Differential Method. " |
"integrable" | "1727-41" | "Chambers Cycl. s.v. Calculus," |
"The differential quantity to be integrated..must.. be reduced to an integrable finite, or an infinite series. " |
"integral" | "1727-41" | "Chambers Cycl. s.v. Calculus," |
"The integral Calculus..is the inverse of the differential one. " |
"integral" | "1727-41" | "Chambers Cycl. s.v. Calculus," |
"&215.ydx will denote the sum, or integral of the differential ydx. " |
"integrate" | "1727-41" | "Chambers Cycl. s.v. Calculus," |
"Any variable or flowing quantity can be differenced; but, vice versa, any differential cannot be integrated. " |
"difference" | "1727-51" | "Chambers Cycl.," |
"Differential calculus..is a method of differencing quantities; that is, of finding a differential, or infinitely small quantity, which
, taken an infinite number of times, is equa
l to a given quantity. " |
"differenti" | "1727-51" | "Chambers Cycl. s.v.," |
"Mr. Leibnitz..calls it differential calculus, as considering the infinitely small quantities..as the differences of the quantitie
s; and, accordingly, expressing them by the
letter d prefixed: as the differential of x by dx. " |
"differenti" | "1727-51" | "Chambers Cycl.," |
"Differential, in the doctrine of logarithms. Kepler calls the logarithms of tangents, differentiales; which we usually call artificial tangents. " |
"differenti" | "1727-51" | "Chambers Cycl.," |
"Differentio-differential Calculus
is a method of differencing differential quantities..the same, in effect, with the differential." |
"element" | "1727-51" | "Chambers
Cycl.," |
"Element of an area, called
also its differential, is
the rectangle..of the semi-ordinate..into the differential of the absciss. " |
"differenti" | "1730-6" | "Bailey (folio)," |
"Differential of any quantity, is the fluxion of that quantity. " |
"differenti" | "1733" | "Cheyne Eng. Malady ii. xi. §.1" |
"The great differential Marks of the Distemper will appear. " |
"differenti" | "1763" | "W. Emerson Meth. Increments 75" |
"A differential equation. " |
"interpolat" | "1763" | "Emerson Meth.
Increments iv," |
"The Differential
Method of Mr. Sterling,
which he applies to the summation and interpolation of series. " |
"differenti" | "1768-74" | "Tucker Lt. Nat. (1852) I. 406" |
"Weight is made by the differential, not the absolute pressure of ether. " |
"differenti" | "1788" | "Howard Cycl. I. 424" |
"Multiply the differential of [each] factor into the other factor, the sum of the two [products] is the differential sought. " |
"calculus" | "1796" | "Hutton Math. Dict. I. 234" |
"We say the Arithmetical or Numeral Calculus, the Algebraical Calculus, the Differential Calculus, the Exponential Calculus, the F
luxional Calculus, the Integral Calculus, th
e Literal or Symbolical Calculus, etc...Algebraical, Literal or Symbolical Ca" |
"analytic" | "1802" | "Woodhouse in
Phil. Trans. XCII. 95" |
"In the present state of analytic science, there is no certain and direct method of integrating differential equations. " |
"integrate" | "1802" | "Woodhouse in Phil. Trans. XCII. 94" |
"To integrate these differential equations. " |
"differenti" | "1804" | "J. Leslie Heat 9" |
"The instrument most essential in this research..was the differential thermometer. " |
"differenti" | "1808" | "Edin. Rev. Jan. 256" |
"The general methods of integrating the differential equations above mentioned. " |
"particular" | "1814" | "P. Barlow New Math. &. Philos. Dict" |
"Particular Integral, in the Integral Calculus, is that which arises in the integration
of any differential equation, by giving a particular value to the arbitrary
quantity or quantities that enter into the general integral. " |
"descending" | "1816" | "tr. Lacroix's Diff. &. Int. Calculu" |
"If we wished to have a descending series with respect to x, we must
give the proposed differential the form [etc.]. "
"differenti" | "1816" | "tr. Lacroix's Diff. &. Int. Calculu" |
"The limit of the ratio of the increments, or the differential coefficient, will be obtained. " |
"differenti" | "1816" | "tr. Lacroix's Diff. &. Int. Calculu" |
"The differential coefficient being a new function..may itself be differentiated. " |
"indetermin" | "1816" | "tr. Lacroix's Diff. &. Int. Calculu" |
"We may take the successive differentials, by making those of the two indeterminates, which
are considered as functions of the third, vary at the same time. "
td> |
"partial" | "1816" | "tr. Lacroix's Diff. &. Int. Calculu" |
"Usually expressed by saying that one is the partial differential relative to x, and the other
the partial differential relative to y. " |
"partial" | "1816" | "Peacock &. Herschel tr. Lacroix's E" |
"The general method of integrating differentials of the above form, consists in decomposing them
into others, whose denominators are more simple, which we designate
by the name of partial fractions. " |
"rationaliz" | "1816" | "tr. Lacroix's Diff. &. Int. Calculu" |
"The differential function..may be rationalized. " |
"solid" | "1816" | "tr. Lacroix's Diff. &. Int. Calculu" |
"To find the differentials of the volumes and curve surfaces of solids of revolution. " |
"variabilit" | "1816" | "tr. Lacroix's Diff. &. Int. Calculu" |
"From this may be deduced the differential coefficient of z, relative to the variability of x. " |
"variable" | "1816" | "tr. Lacroix's Diff. &. Int. Calculu" |
"The limit of the ratio..will be obtained by dividing the differential of the function by that
of the variable. " |
"differenti" | "1819" | "G. Peacock (title)," |
"Comparative view of the fluxional and differential Calculus. " |
"differenti" | "1819" | "G. Peacock View Fluxional &. Diff." |
"The Differential is but the measure of the rate of increase. " |
"fluxional" | "1823" | "Mitchell Dict. Math. &. Phys. Sc.," |
"Fluxional Analysis is the analysis of fluxions and flowing quantities, distinguishable from the
differential calculus both by its metaphysics and notation. " |
"exact" | "1825" | "D. Lardner Elem. Treat. Differentia" |
"As there are many differentials of two variables which are not exact differentials, so also there are
many differential equations which are not the immediate differen
tials of any primitive equation. " |
"potential" | "1828" | "G. Green Applic. Math. Anal. to Ele" |
"Nearly all the attractive and repulsive forces..in nature are such, that if we consider any material
point p, the effect, in a given direction, of all the forces
acting upon that point, arising from any system of bodies S under consideration, will be" |
"fluxion" | "1830" | "Herschel Stud. Nat. Phil. iii. iii." |
"The method of fluxions, or, as it is now more generally called, the differential calculus. " |
"symptomati" | "1830-2" | "Carleton Traits (1842)" |
"The differential symptomatics between a Party Fight..and one between two Roman Catholic Factions." |
"infinitesi" | "1831" | "Hind Princ. Differ. Calc. 116" |
"The method of Infinitesimals adopted by Leibnitz as the foundation of his Differential Calculus. " |
"aethriosco" | "1832" | "U. K. S. Nat. Philos. II. iv. 44" |
"The &Ae.thrioscope of Leslie is another modification of the differential thermometer." |
"galvanomet" | "1832" | "Nat. Philos., Electro-Magnet. viii." |
"For the purpose of comparing the intensities of two electrical currents, an instrument has been
contrived, which has been termed the Differential Galvanometer. '
'" |
"pyro-" | "1832" | "Nat. Philos. II. Therm. &. Pyrom. i" |
"When one ball of the differential thermometer is smoothly covered with thick silver leaf, or inclosed in a polished
sphere of silver, and the other ball is naked, it forms the pyroscope. " |
"untouchabl" | "1833" | "S. Austin Char. Goethe I. 185" |
"Differentializing the Unchangeable and Untouchable." |
"differenti" | "1834" | "Mech. Mag. XXI.
3" |
"Saxton's differential pulley.
" |
"differenti" | "1834" | "Mech. Mag. 6" |
"The `locomotive differential pulley' can never be made to answer the expectations of the inventor. " |
"initial" | "1834" | "W. Hamilton in Phil. Trans. R. Soc." |
"The problem of integrating these [differential] equations consists in proposing to assign, by their means, six relations
between the time t, the masses m1 m2, the s
ix varying coordinates..and their initial values and initial rates of increase. " |
"differenti" | "1835" | "Macaulay Ess., Mackintosh's Hist. R" |
"We submit that a wooden spoon of our day would not be justified in calling Galileo and Napier blockheads, because the
y never heard of the differential calculus.''
" |
"calculus" | "1837" | "Carlyle Fr. Rev. (1872) III. ii. i." |
"Science which cannot with all its calculuses, differential, integral, and of variations, calculate the Problem of Three
gravitating Bodies. " |
"inducto-" | "1839" | "Faraday Exp.
Researches I. 416," |
"I beg to
propose for it..the name of Differential Inductometer. " |
"complementary" | "1841" | "D. F.
Gregory Examples of Processes" |
operating factors of the
form (d/dx)2 + n2 very frequently occur in differential equations, it is convenient to keep in mind that the complem
entary functio
n due to it is of the form C cos nx + C&p. sin nx. " |