Fluxion sorted by date
varice(1541)"R. Copland Galyen's Terap. 2 F"
``Bycause of the rotten blode, or varyce (that is to say a tumyde vayne) that causeth the fluxion. "
fluxion(c.1550)"Lloyd Treas. Health (1585) A i"
``Horsnesse, and continuall fluxion of snevill in old men. "
ripe(c.1550)"H. Lloyd Treas. Health a iij,"
`Horsnesse, and continuall fluxion of snevil in old men, do in no means waxe rype. "
fluxion(1563)"W. Fulke Meteors (1640) 53 b,"
``The common dew drunke of cattell..bringing them to a fluxion. "
divertise(1597)"Lowe Chirurg. (1634) 338"
``Let it [the ulcer] bleed well, to divertize the fluxion."
proud fles(1597)"A. M. tr. Guillemeau's Fr. Chi"
``Aboue the ordinary fluxions, therin engendreth proude fleshe. "
fluxion(1599)"Hakluyt Voy. II. ii. 333"
``Whirlepooles, and fluxions are caused..in the middest of the sea. "
fluxion(1599)"A. M. tr. Gabelhouer's Bk. Phy"
``It pr&ae.venteth also..superfluous fluxione [of the menstrualles]. "
joint(1599)"A. M. tr. Gabelhouer's Bk. Phy"
``How we shoulde restrayne the fluxion of the Synnue, or *Ioyntewater. "
fluxion(1601)"Holland Pliny II. 559"
``It is the better for to represse the fluxion of humors into the eies. "
delapsion(1603)"Holland Plutarch's Mor. 954 (R"
``That the same rays being carried so great a way, should have their frictions, fluxions, and delapsions. "
fluxion(1603)"Holland Plutarch's Mor. 962"
``The fluxion of the odour comming from the beast. "
fluxion(1603)"Holland Plutarch's Mor. 725"
``Those fluxions which rest upon waters, looking-glasses, or any such mirrors. "
fluxion(1606)"J. Davies Sel. Sec. Husb. &.c."
``If the fluxion of this instant Now Effect not That, noght wil, that Time doth know. "
fluxion(1612)"Woodall Surg. Mate Wks. (1653)"
``Galles..cure fluxions of the gums. "
congestion(1634)"T. Johnson Parey's Chirurg. 25"
``There are two general causes of Impostumes, fluxion, and Congestion. "
fluxion(1635)"Swan Spec. M. v. §.2 (1643"
``That [water]..which..hath some certain beginning of fluxion. "
refluxion(1635)"Swan Spec. M. vi. §.2 (164"
``The next..question propounded, was concerning the fluxion and refluxion of the sea. "
fluxion(1655)"Stanley Hist. Philos. ii. (170"
``Falling Stars are not fluxions of the &ae.ther extinguisht in the Air almost as soon as lighted. "
fluxion(1656)"T. Stanley Hist. Philos. v. 10"
``In Sensibles neither magnitude nor quality is permanent, but in continuall fluxion and mutation. "
one(1656)"Stanley Hist. Philos. v. (1701"
``Nothing is one, constant, nor the same, because all things are in continual alteration and fluxion. "
deflux(1657)"Tomlinson Renou's Disp. 520"
``It cohibits all fluxions, and cocts the defluxed humours."
fluxion(1657)"Tomlinson Renou's Disp. 165*"
``This cures eroding fluxions. "
dimensurat(1660)"Stanley Hist. Philos. (1701) 4"
``The point by fluxion makes a Line, the Line..a Superficies, the Superficies..a Body, three ways dimensurable. "
fluxion(1660)"T. Stanley Hist. Philos. ix. 5"
``The point by fluxion makes a Line. "
flaccidity(1676)"Wiseman Surgery vi. ii. 444"
``There is neither Fluxion nor Pain, but Flaccidity joyned with an Insensibility. "
ichorescen(1684)"tr. Bonet's Merc. Compit. vii."
``Fluxions and Ichorescency of the Seed. "
differenti(1704)"J. Harris Lex. Techn. s.v. Flu"
``This Method is much..shorter than..the French one with the Differential d multiplied into the Flowing Quantity, to denote the Fluxion. "
flexion(1704)"Hayes Treat. Fluxions vi. 153"
``The Use of Fluxions in Investigating the Points of contrary Flexion and Retrogression of Curves. "
infinitesi(1704)"Hayes Fluxions 1"
``These infinitely little Parts of an infinitely little Part of a given Quantity are..called Infinitesim&ae. Infinitesimarum or Fluxions of Fluxions. "
retrogress(1704)" Hayes Treat. Fluxions vi. 153"
``The use of Fluxions in Investigating the Points of contrary Flexion and Retrogression of Curves. "
summatory(1704)"C. Hayes Treat. Fluxions 60"
``The fundamental Rule in Summatory Arithmetick, to find the Flowing Quantity of a given Fluxion. "
differenti(1706)" H. Ditton Instit. Fluxions 17"
``The Fundamental Principles [of Fluxions]..appear to be more accurate, clear, and convincing than those of the Differential Calculus. "
fluent(1706)"W. Jones Syn. Palmar. Matheseo"
``Hence the Celerity of the Motion is..called Fluxion, and the Quantity generated Fluent. "
fluxion(1706)"W. Jones Syn. Palmar. Matheseo"
``Let x&dotab. be a Ratiuncula, or Fluxion of the Ratio of 1 to 1 + x. "
nascent(1706)"W. Jones Syn. Palmar. Matheseo"
``These Fluxions..are in the First Ratio of their Nascent Augments. "
ordinate(1706)"Ditton Fluxions 31"
``'Tis required to find the relation of the Fluxion of the Ordinate to the Fluxion of the Abscisse. "
summatory(1710)"J. Harris Lex. Techn. II,"
``Summatory Calculus, according to some, is the same with the Calculus Differentialis of Leibnitz; but more properly Summatory Arithmetick, is the Art of finding the flowing Quantity, from the Fluxion."
variable(1710)" J. Harris Lex. Techn. II,"
``Variable Quantities, in Fluxions, are such as are supposed to be continually increasing or decreasing; and so do by the motion of their said Increase or Decrease Generate Lines, Areas or Solidities. "
vinculum(1710)"J. Harris Lex. Techn. II,"
``Vinculum, is a Term in Fluxions, implying that some compound surd Quantity is multiplied into a Fluxion, &.c. "
method(1718-19)"Phil. Trans. XXX. 923"
``A letter of M. l'Abb&eacu. Conti..concerning the dispute about the Invention"
``Increment, in Algebra, signifies the infinitely small increase of a line in Fluxions, growing bigger by Motion. "
method(1727-41)"Chambers Cycl.,
``Method, methodus, is more peculiarly used in mathematics for divers particular processes for solving problems.-In this sense we say Method of exhaustions.. Method of fluxions..Method of tangents. "
differenti(1730-6)"Bailey (folio),"
``Differential of any quantity, is the fluxion of that quantity. "
``Fluxion (among Chymists), signifies the running of Metals or any other Bodies, into a Fluid, by Fire or otherwise. "
celerity(1734)"Berkeley Analyst §.4"
``The fluxions are celerities, not proportional to the finite increments. "
coefficien(1734)"Berkeley Analyst §.9"
``Rules for obtaining the fluxions of all other products and powers; be the coefficients or the indexes what they will. "
exponent(1734)"Berkeley Analyst §.45"
``We may often observe that the Exponents of Fluxions..are confounded with the Fluxions themselves. "
fluent(1734)"Berkeley Analyst §.45 Wks."
``Each foregoing is a fluent quantity having the following one for its fluxion. "
fluxionary(1734)"Berkeley Analyst §.10"
``The great Author of the Fluxionary Method. "
fluxionist(1734)"Berkeley Analyst Qu. 43"
``Whether an Algebraist, Fluxionist..or Demonstrator of any kind can expect indulgence for obscure Principles? "
fluxion(1741)"Watts Improv. Mind i. xx. 327"
``A Penetration into the abstruse Difficulties and Depths of modern Algebra and Fluxions. "
hyperbolic(1743)"Emerson Fluxions 97"
``The Fluxion of any Quantity divided by that Quantity is the Fluxion of the Hyperbolic Logarithm of that Quantity. "
irrational(1743)"Emerson Fluxions 45"
``The Fluent of an irrational Fluxion may sometimes..be found by assuming an indetermin'd Series. "
moment(1743)"Emerson Fluxions 3"
``The Moments and Fluxions ought not to be confounded together, since the Moments..are as different from the Fluxions, as any Effect is different from its Cause."
order(1743)"Emerson Fluxions 3"
``In any Fluxionary Equation, a Quantity of the first Order is that which has only one first Fluxion in it; a Quantity of the second Order has either one second Fluxion or two first Fluxions: Quantities of the third Order, are third Fluxions, product"
power(1743)"Emerson Fluxions 25"
``If any Term be divided by the first Power of the variable Quantity; then the Fluxion of that Term must be found by itself thus. "
put(1743)"Emerson Fluxions 129"
``Put these Equations into Fluxions. "
reduce(1743)"Emerson Fluxions 82"
``The given Fluxion may be reduced to another Expression. "
resulting(1743)"Emerson Fluxions 145"
``Put the Equation of the Curve into Fluxions, and the resulting Equation into Fluxions again. "
term(1743)"Emerson Fluxions 38"
``If a Series be required to be express'd in Terms of that Quantity whose 2d, 3d Fluxion, &.c. is in the Equation. "
transform(1743)"Emerson Fluxions 22"
``To transform the Fluxion.., assume [etc.]. "
transforme(1743)"Emerson Fluxions 29"
``Proceed thus till the transform'd Fluxion be as simple as possible. "
transmutat(1743)"Emerson Fluxions i. 53"
``The 21st and all the following Forms relate to the Transmutation of Fluxions."
trinomial(1743)"Emerson Fluxions i. 83"
``The Fluents of the Trinomial or compound Binomial Fluxions. "
untractabl(1743)"W. Emerson Fluxions 85"
``If you have an untractable Fluxion that will answer to none of the Forms. "
variation(1743)"W. Emerson Fluxions 3"
``The Velocity, Variation, or Quickness of Increase (or Decrease) of any Fluxion is called the second Fluxion. "
velocity(1743)"W. Emerson Fluxions 2"
``He will find some to increase faster, others slower; and consequently that there are comparative Velocities (or Fluxions) of Increase during their Generation. "
vinculum(1743)"W. Emerson Fluxions 24"
``The fluxionary Part may be divided by the Fluxion of the Root (or Part under the Vinculum). "
fluxion(1746)"Lady M. W. Montagu Let. to W."
``I had so bad a fluxion on my eyes, I was really afraid of losing them. "
fluxion(1748)"Hartley Observ. Man. i. iii. 3"
``The Rays of Light may be considered as a kind of Fluxions in respect of the biggest component Particles of Matter."
fluxional(1748)"Hartley Observ. Man i. iii. 35"
``The Justness of an arithmetical..or fluxional Operation. "
fluxionary(1748)"Lond. Mag. June 255/2"
``The general ferment..in matter, whereby all bodies are..disposed to undergo those fluxionary changes necessary to their generation, growth and corruption. "
increment(1748)"Hartley Observ. Man i. iii. 35"
``The Supposition that Fluxions are not Increments, but relative Nothings. "
express(1751)"Chambers Cycl. s.v. Fluxion,"
``To express the fluxions of simple variable quantities..you need only put the..letters which express them with a dot over them. "
constant(1756)"N. Saunderson Meth. Fluxions 2"
``The Fluxion of a constant Quantity is nothing. "
contempora(1758)"I. Lyons Fluxions Pref. 6,"
``I.. consider the Ratio of the Fluxions as the same as that of the contemporaneous Increments. "
fluxion(1760-72)"tr. Juan &. Ulloa's Voy. (ed."
``At Lima it occasioned constipations and fluxions."
fluxionary(1763)"W. Emerson Meth. Increm. vii,"
``Some fluxionary quantities have no fluents, but what are expressed by series. "
equate(1779)"Hutton in Phil. Trans. LXX. 9"
``The fluxion of this expression being equated to 0. "
exponentia(1784)"Phil. Trans. LXXIV. 401"
``P is either an algebraical, exponential, or fluential fluxion of X. "
fluential(1784)"Waring in Phil. Trans. LXXIV."
``Whose sum p is either an algebraical, exponential, or fluential fluxion of x. "
incrementa(1791)"Waring Phil. Trans. LXXXI. 157"
``The same principles may be applied to the resolution of algebraical, fluxional, incremental, &.c. equations. "
calculus(1796)"Hutton Math. Dict. I. 234"
``We say the Arithmetical or Numeral Calculus, the Algebraical Calculus, the Differential Calculus, the Exponential Calculus, the Fluxional Calculus, the Integral Calculus, the Literal or Symbolical Calculus, etc...Algebraical, Literal or Symbolical Calc"
correction(1796)"Hutton Math. Dict. I. 482 s.v."
``The Fluent of a given fluxion, found as above, sometimes..wants a correction. "
exponentia(1796)"Hutton Math. Dict.,"
``Exponential Calculus the method of differencing or finding the fluxions of Exponential quantities, and of summing up those differences or finding their fluents. "
fluxion(1796)"Burney Metastasio II. 351"
``To attempt the cure of the eloquent fluxion to which he is subject."
negative(1798)"Hutton Course Math. (1807) II."
``The fluxion of any negative integer power of a variable quantity. "
redintegra(1801)"Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) Supp. II"
``Redintegration, is the taking or finding the integral or fluent again from the fluxion."
residual(1801)"Encycl. Brit. (ed. 3) Suppl. I"
``Residual analysis, a calculus proposed by the inventor, Mr. Landen, as a substitute for the method of fluxions. [Account follows.] "
summary(1805)"James Milit. Dict. (ed. 2),"
``Summary arithmetic, the art of finding the flowing from the fluxion."
contempora(1806)"Hutton Course Math. II. 290"
``Contemporary Fluents, or Contemporary Fluxions, are such as flow together, or for the same time."
fluxion(1806)"Hutton Course Math. II. 287"
``Rules..for finding the fluxions of all sorts of quantities. "
maximum(1806)"Hutton Course Math. II. 306"
``If we would find the quantity ax-x2 a maximum or minimum; make its fluxion equal to nothing. "
converging(1807)"Hutton Course Math. II. 300"
``So arranged..that the series produced may be a converging one, rather than diverging: and this is effected by placing the greater terms foremost in the given fluxion. "
correct(1807)"Hutton Course Math. II. 302
``To Correct the Fluent of any Given Fluxion..The finding of the constant quantity c, to be added or subtracted with the fluent as found by the foregoing rules, is ca lled correcting the fluent. "
direct(1807)"Hutton Course Math. II. 279"
``The Direct and Inverse Method of Fluxions..the direct method..consists in finding the fluxion of any proposed fluent or flowing quantity; and the inverse method, which consists in finding the fluent of any proposed fluxion. "
expression(1807)"Hutton Course Math. II. 294"
``When the given Fluxional Expression is in this Form..namely, a Fraction. "
inverse(1807)"Hutton Course Math. II. 279"
``The direct method [of fluxions] consists in finding the fluxion of any proposed fluent..; and the inverse method.. consists in finding the fluent of any proposed fluxion. "
of(1807)"Hutton Course Math. II. 281"
``We may also derive the fluxion of any fraction, or the quotient of one variable quantity divided by another. "
draw(1811)"Hutton Course Math. II. 291"
``The fluxion of..the continual product of four..quantities..consisting of the fluxion of each quantity, drawn into the products of the other three."
express(1811)"Hutton Course Math. III. 372"
``The fluxional equa. expressing the relation between x and z. "
fluxion(1812)"Cresswell Max. &. Min. ii. ii."
``Its [quantity's] increase and decrease by motion, which is the foundation of the doctrine of Fluxions. "
fluxionist(1816)"tr. La Croix's Diff. &. Int. C"
``The best argument of its utter insufficiency..is derived from the practices of the fluxionists themselves."
founder(1818)"Sporting Mag. II. 171,"
``I agree with the French writers that the founder is a fluxion."
differenti(1819)"G. Peacock (title),"
``Comparative view of the fluxional and differential Calculus. "
ghost(1819)"G. Peacock Flux. &. Diff. Calc"
``To represent a fluxion as the limit of the increment..is to reduce it..in the language of Berkly, to the ghost of a departed entity. "
condition(1823)"Crabb Technol. Dict. s.v.,"
``Equation of Conditions: certain equations in the Integral Calculus, of this form Ay = Bx, useful in ascertaining whether a proposed fluxion will admit of finite integration or a finite fluent. "
fluxional(1823)"Mitchell Dict. Math. &. Phys."
``Fluxional Analysis is the analysis of fluxions and flowing quantities, distinguishable from the differential calculus both by its metaphysics and notation. "
rectificat(1823)"J. Mitchell Dict. Math. &. Phy"
``It is..to the doctrine of fluxions that we owe the complete rectification of curve lines, in finite terms. "
fluxionary(1826)"De Quincey in Blackw. Mag. XX."
``Appearances..which, by their very essence, are fluxionary, become unnatural when fixed and petrified. "
fluxional(1827)"Coleridge Rem. (1836) I. 215"
``How are we to explain the reaction of this fluxional body on the animal? "
flow(1828)"Hutton Course Math. II. 304"
``To obtain the second fluxion it will suffice to make xn-1 flow."
fluxion(1828)"Hutton Course Math. II. 323"
``The fluxion found from a given fluent is always perfect and complete."
fluxional(1828)"Hutton Course Math. II. 321"
``Multiply every term by the fluxional letter."
fluxion(1829)"Gen. P. Thompson Exerc. (1842)"
``The Catholics know that the fluxion of public opinion is in their favour."
fluxion(1830)"Herschel Stud. Nat. Phil. iii."
``The method of fluxions, or, as it is now more generally called, the differential calculus. "
divide(1831)"Brewster Newton (1855) II. xxi"
`The fluxionary controversy had at this time begun to divide the mathematical world."
fluxionary(1831)"Brewster Newton (1855) I. ii."
``We find him occupied with his fluxionary calculus."
'unfixable(1832)"Coleridge Self-knowledge 7"
``Dark fluxion, all unfixable by thought."
integratio(1837)"Brewster Magnet. 173"
``A fluxionary equation..by the integration of which the curve may be constructed. "
fluxionary(1841)"Blackw. Mag. XLIX. 416"
``All other wealth was fluxionary."
fluxional(1842-3)"Grove Corr. Phys. Forces (1874"
``The instability, or fluxional state, of all nature. "
fluxion(1846)"De Quincey Christianity Wks. X"
``The hour&dubh.hand of a watch-who can detect the separate fluxions of its advance?"
fluxional(1862)"F. Hall Hindu Philos. Syst. 36"
``Other effects besides the fluxional creation of the world are referred to."
fluxion(1874)"Roosa Dis. Ear 75"
``A fluxion towards the labyrinth with serous exudation in the nerve structure."
fluxion(1874)"Green Short Hist. ix. §.1."
`Newton..facilitated the calculation of planetary movements by his theory of Fluxions."
flux(1878)"Clifford Dynamics ii. 63"
``This rate of change of a fluent quantity is called its fluxion, or sometimes, more shortly, its flux."
perlite(1879)"Rutley Study Rocks xi. 183"
``Showing that the perlitic structure had no existence when the rock was in a state of fluxion. "
differenti(1880)"Buckingham Elem. Diff. &. Int."
`The function which Leibnitz terms `differential' and which Newton designates as a `fluxion' is the concrete symbol which represents the rate of change in the variable."
fluxion(1880)"Blackmore M. Anerley I. viii."
``Their bodies continually going up and down upon perpetual fluxion."
fluxion(1882)"Geikie Text-bk. Geol. ii. ii."
``This is well shown by what is termed the fluxion-structure. "
petrograph(1882)" Geikie in Nature XXVII. 26/1"
``What is known to petrographers by the name of `fluxion-structure'."
uplying(1884)"Nature 25 Sept. 530/1"
``In up-lying situations,..fluxion-structures are seldom detected."
trachytoid(1885)"Geikie Text-bk. Geol. ii. ii."
``Two leading types of structure are recognised by these authors among the eruptive rocks. 1. Granitoid... 2. Trachytoid, distinguished by a more marked contrast between the crystals of the first and second consolidation, the usual presence of an amo"
pilotaxiti(1888)"F. H. Hatch in Teall Brit. Pet"
``Pilotaxitic, the name given by Rosenbusch..to a holocrystalline structure especially characteristic of certain porphyrites and basalts. The groundmass of these rocks consists essentially of slender laths and microlites of felspar in felted aggregat"
fluxion(1890)"Geikie Class-bk. Geol. (ed. 2)"
``Flow-structure, Fluxion-structure, an arrangement of the crystallites, crystals, or particles of a rock in streaky lines..indicative of the internal movement of the mass previous to its consolidation."
fluidal(1893)"Geikie Geol. (ed. 3) 100"
``Streaked [structure]..conspicuously shown by the lines of flow in vitreous rocks (flow-structure, fluxion-structure, fluidal-structure)."
eye(1930)"Peach &. Horne Geol. Scotl. iv"
``The pegmatites show fluxion structure with felspar `eyes'. "
infinitesi(1937)"Mind XLVI. 227"
``Berkeley's penetrating criticism of the postulates of the fluxionists and infinitesimalists of his day."