While not exhaustive, this list is the product of searches for 'cotton cloth', 'cotton fabric', 'cotton stuff', woollen, linen and silk ditto, and a few other terms. I may get to making brief definitions ("...kind of coarse woollen fabric..."), but the sheer length of the list tells a story by itself. The essential point here is that such lists are possible thanks to computer searching.
abaca adatis; addatys altar-cloth Americani armure atlas baft baize Balbriggan balloon barracan barras bastard bay bayadere bearskin beaver Bedford beige Bengal billiards blancard blanket bluet blunk bocasin bocking bolting; boul- Bolton bombasine bombycine bone-lace borrel; borel bridgewater broadcloth; broad cloth brocade brocatelle Brunswick buckram buckskin buffen buffin bunting burat; burato burdet; burdit bure burel Burgundy burl burlap burler busk bustian caddis; caddice caffa calamanco calico cambaye Cambric camlet camleteen cammaka Cammes camwysse caneva cannequin canque cantaloon canvas Carmelite carpet cary cashmere cassimere catgut celter chalon charmante charmeuse chemise cheyney China chino chintz chiveret cilice cloth clothlet corah corduroy corporal cotton cottonade coucher courtepy cover-pane crabbing crape crash crees cretonne crimson cross-cloth crown-rash cumbly; cumly cypress Dacron Damascus damask damsel; damosel delaine demigraine demi-ostade diaper dimity doily domestic domett doria; dorea dowlas dozen Dralon drab Drap-de-Berry draper drapery drawn-work dreadnought drilling drugget dry goods ducape duck duddery duffle; duffel dunster dupion durant duroy Duvetyn elatcha empress-cloth estamin fabric faille falding farandine fearnought filleting fingering flannel flannelette flock Florentine flushing Forfars frieze frison fustian gabardine gadza gala garlits gauze Ghentish gingham glannen; glanen glass-cloth goad grazet; grazett grebe Grenfell grey; gray gros gros de Naples grosgrain gunny Hardanger harrateen Hessian hodden Holland homple hop huckaback humhum inkle jaconet Jacquard jamdani Java jean jemmy kain kelter Kendal kenting Kersey kerseymere khaddar khaki kreyscloth lambskin lawn layn; layne lewyn Liberty stuffs limbo limbric lincloth linen linenette linsel linsey linsey-woolsey lint lockram loden long cloth; long-cloth lustree lustrine lustring lutestring madapollam Madras maidenhair maldy mammodis Manchester marceline marcella; marsella marry-muff Marseilles masquerade match-cloth material melange merino messaline messellawny middlegood Milanese silk Milium minorque minster mode mohair moire moirette molton mouflon mousseline Moygashel muslin musterdevillers nacarat nainsook nankeen nettle-cloth noil Norwich crape Norwich damask Norwich poplin numdah nun nylon oilcloth oraguella Osnaburg Oxford paduasoy pall Palm Beach paltry pampilion Parafilm Paris peau-de-soie Pegamoid pelisse penistone percale percaline perpetuana Persian Petersham Philip phota phulkari piece-goods pintado pique plaid plaiding platilla plumbet plunket poldavy; poldavis poplin poplinette puke puleray purdah pyramid quintin raploch rash ratteen rattinet rayon rep roan romaine romal roudge rougher rug russel russet Russie sackcloth sagathy Salempore samite sannah satara sateen satin scamato schappe Scotch cloth seal cloth sealskin seersucker sempiternum senshaw serge shag shagreen shawl shirting short cloth Silesia silk silkoline sindon Sip sitringee small-ware; small-wares soleil soutage spinal stade stamin stammel stammet stauracin stockinet stuff Sulka surage surah swan's-down; swansdown tabby taffeta; taffety tamin taminy tammy tapestry Tarantulle tartan tat Tattersall Taunton Tavistock Tebilized Tergal terry tewke thick-set Ticklenburgs tillet; tillot tobe Tobralco toile toilinet; toilenette towelling; toweling tregar tricot Tricotine Turkey red tussore tweed twill; tweel tyre; tire umple union velveret velvet velveteen Verona vicuna vigogne Vilene wadmal waistcoat washer Welsh Willesden winceyette woollen woollenette Worcester worsted Yeddo Yorkshire zephyr