TIN (Threaded Internet Newsreader) provides access to the USENET newsgroups 
received by Liberty, and allows users to read and post articles.  Each 
newsgroup contains a number of articles and responses to them; users may post 
brand new articles or follow-up responses to any existing article or response.
An article together with its responses is called a THREAD.

Here's a typical tin newsgroup screen:  
                          Group Selection (2748)  
     1        	wlu.practice                                 Practice
     2     3  	alt.exotic-mu                                Exotic m  
u    3   632  	comp.infosystems.gis                         All aspe  
u    4  1431  	comp.infosystems.gopher                      Discussi  
u    5    73    comp.infosystems.wais                        The Z39.      
     6        	wlu.general                                  When no  
     7     3  	alt.music.world                         
     8     3  	alt.fan.pratchett                            For fans  
     9        	alt.culture.indonesia                        
     10        	bionet.cellbiol                                        
     11       	bionet.chlamydomonas                        
     12     1  	alt.internet.talk-radio                            
     13        	wlu.computing                                 Computin    
     14     3  	comp.graphics.data-explorer                       
     15     7  	sci.bio.ecology                              
 u   16     -  alt.1d                                                    

  =set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, c)atchup,    
  g)oto, j=line down, k=line up, h)elp, m)ove, q)uit, r=toggle all/unread,  
  s)ubscribe, S)ub pattern, u)nsubscribe, U)nsub pattern, y)ank in/out    
                           Added 2737 groups

TO START TIN:You must have a Liberty account to use tin.  After logging in, 
choose 4. Usenet News Groups; or choose 5. Liberty Functions, then 1. UNIX, 
and at the $ prompt type  tin  .

TO QUIT TIN:The <Q> command will quit the tin program from any level.
The <q> command will take you back to the previous program level.
If you are connected through a networked DOS computer, <Alt><x> 
will completely disconnect you from Liberty and return you to your PC menu or
system prompt.


AT ANY LEVEL OF TIN:Use arrow keys to move from one line to another in a 
list of newsgroups or newsgroup articles.

     h              	help screens for that particular level
     c              	mark all articles as read
<Enter> or <TAB>    	Move to next level (look at Index Page for a selected 
                    	group, look at articles in a selected thread, etc.)
     <Space>            Move to next page or next article 
    b                   Move to previous page or article

From the group selection level:

     y              	(Yank) allows you to see the entire list of
                        newsgroups; the list of newsgroups will initially
                        be only those to which you have "subscribed". 
                        Every new user is automatically subscribed to local 
                        (W&L only) usegroups called wlu.general and 
                        wlu.practice .
     /  ?           	</> allows you to search forward and <?> backward in
                        the list of newsgroups; type in all or part of a
                        newsgroup name followed by <Enter> to move quickly
                        to a newsgroup that has your typed text as part of
                        its name.
     s              	subscribe to a selected newsgroup   
     u          	unsubscribe to a selected newsgroup
     z                  mark an article as unread

From the Index Page level:   

     w          	Write (post) an article to the group
     l                  List the thread of the selected article
     m             	Mail thread or article to e-mail address of your 
                        choice (the default sends it to your Pine mail
     c              	Mark all articles as read

From the Article Pager level:

     n              	Move to the next article
     p              	Move to the previous article
     w              	Write (post) an article to the group
     f              	Write (post) a followup (response) to the selected
                     	article or thread, including the text of the original
     F		        Write (post) a followup (response) to the selected
                        article or thread, not including the text of the 
                        original article
     m              	Mail thread or article to e-mail address of your
                        choice (the default is your own address)
     <Tab>              Move to the next unread article
     c                  Mark all articles as read
     r                  Respond to the author only and include the
                        original article
     R                  Respond to the author only but do not include
                        the original article