Here are the most important commands in Socrates:
   FIND      to look for citations matching your search criteria
   BROWSE    alternative way to search, by scanning alphabetical lists of
                 headings (authors, titles, subjects, for example)
   DISPLAY   to display citations retrieved by your search
   HELP      for instructions or information about Socrates or the libraries
                 (type HELP GLOSSARY for a list of available help terms)
   END       to end your Socrates session
To start a search, type either FIND or BROWSE.  Socrates will then prompt you
to enter the type of search you want to do (for example, AUTHOR) and the
specific values you want to look for (for example, John Steinbeck).  Then
Socrates will list the headings that match your search request.
Alternatively, you can type out a complete search command instead of answering
several prompts from Socrates.  A few examples of search commands:
   FIND TP GRAPES OF WRATH       (TP = Title Phrase)
Each screen has instructions for what to do next.  After you learn how to use
Socrates, you might want to omit those instructions in order to leave more room
for your search results.  To do so, type COMMAND to go into "Command Mode".  To
see the instructions again, type GUIDED to go back into "Guided Mode".
Help screens are available with information about how Socrates works and about
services offered by the libraries at Stanford.  Type HELP followed by any term
or topic that you're interested in.  Type HELP GLOSSARY for a list of many of
the help screens available in Socrates.
Other commands you may be interested in:
    DF             (= DISPLAY FULL) to see a fuller form of citations
    LIMIT          to display citations only for specified library locations,
                       languages, or publication years
    PRINT          to make printed copies of search results
    MAIL           to send search results via electronic mail
    SAVE           to save search results in a computer file
    SUGGEST        to send a comment or ask a question
Type HELP followed by the command name for details (for example: HELP LIMIT).
Type HELP again if you wish to see a glossary of HELP terms


Library Catalogs & Guide to Stanford Libraries (10 selections)
  1. Socrates                Stanford's library catalog
  2. Technical Reports       Technical reports and research papers in Stanford
  3. Reserves in Meyer       Reserved reading at Stanford's Meyer Library
  4. JACKSON                 Jackson Business Library Online Catalog
  5. LOIS                    Lane Online Information System, at Stanford's Lane
                               Medical Library
  6. Guide to SU Libraries   Guide to the Stanford University Libraries
  7. MELVYL                  University of California's information system,
                               including MEDLINE and other resources
  8. GLADIS                  UC Berkeley's library catalog
  9. Internet Access         Connections to library catalogs and other
                               resources via the Internet
 10. Latin American Studies  Latin American Studies (Test)