This explains how to set up a mail filter to automatically place incoming mail into folders
1.   Go to the operating system "$" prompt.

2.   Create a file ~/.procmailrc   I.e.  "cd ; pico .procmailrc"
     write the following lines, then exit and save the file:


2.  Make a ~/procmail directory that will hold the logfile and your "recipe"
    choices.   I.e  "mkdir procmail"

3.  Create a file ~/procmail/rc.folders   I.e. "cd procmail ; pico rc.folders"
    enter the following lines, then exit and save the file:

        * ^Subject: test

4.  Create a file ~/.forward   I.e. "cd ; pico .forward"
    enter the following single line, then exit and save the file:

    "|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/local/bin/procmail -t -f- || exit 75 #your_id"

    [NOTE: replace the your_id with your liberty userid e.g. jsmith
	   duplicate the punctuation/quotes exactly as given in the line]

5.  To make sure that procmail can read the .forward file, do the following:

       cd;  chmod 644 .forward  ;  chmod a+x .     [that's a trailing period]

6.  Mail yourself a couple of test messages, one with "test" as the subject,
    and one without "test" in the subject.  What should happen is that the
    "test" message will be saved in a test folder, and the other message will
    be in the default INBOX.  If this doesn't happen, then look at the 
    ~/procmail/log file to determine the problem.

7.  When the above steps have succeeded, re-edit the file ~/procmail/rc.folders
    Delete the test "recipe".  Now include whatever recipes you want--you
    will probably want to look at the man pages for further instruction e.g.
    "man procmail"  or  "man procmailex".

    Examples might be:

	:0:                    # begin a recipe
	* ^TOint-law           # "*" to begin test, "^TO"=variants of To: field
	int-law                # what folder file to put messages into

	:0:                    # begin a recipe
	* ^From:.*doylej@      # "^"=starts with, ".*"=any characters
	junk                   # what folder file to put messages into

8.  Optionally you might want to include the following line at the end of 
    your file  ~/.profile   I.e.  "cd ; pico .profile"

    mailstat $HOME/procmail/log

    That will tell you (every time you login) the number of messages that
    have been placed in folders since the last time you logged in.