Harvard's online catalog, called HOLLIS (Harvard Online Library
 Information System) can be accessed and searched free of charge via
 TELNET.  Following are instructions on how to access HOLLIS via

 1) At your mainframe's system prompt, type either:

 2) At the TS>> !vt100,3278 prompt, hit the ENTER key

 3) You should now see a screen with the message "Harvard
 University/Office for Information Technology"

 4) Type 'hollis' (without the quotes of course) and hit ENTER.

 5) Now see a screen with the message "Welcome to Hollis"

 To get help, type HELP at the HOLLIS prompt. For assistance, send a
 message to

 The commands are briefly explained in the HOLLIS online help screens.
 In a nutshell,

 1) type 'au' followed by the author's last name, a space, and then a
 first name or initial(s) to search HOLLIS by author

 2) type 'su' followed by a subject heading to search by subject

 3) type 'ti' followed by a title to search by title

 The HOLLIS e-mail feature allows you to store a set of database records       
 and then send the set to an electronic mailbox.  To e-mail records:           
    1. Use the ERASE command to erase an old set and prepare for               
       storing records;                                                        
    2. Use the STORE command to store copies of records to your set;           
    3. When your set is complete, use the SEND command to begin the            
       E-mail process.                                                         
 Type HELP ERASE to begin an online e-mail tutorial, which includes the        
 following topics:                                                             
       HELP ERASE         HELP SEND              HELP STYLE A                  
       HELP STORE         HELP E-MAIL STYLE      HELP STYLE B                  
 After HOLLIS sends the records to an electronic mailbox it is the user's      
 responsibility to retrieve and manipulate these records further.
Members of the  Harvard community can call 495-9388 for more
information about electronic mail.
 The ERASE command (no abbreviation allowed) erases all records in a set -     
 - leaving the set empty and ready for you to begin storing records for        
 E-mailing.  Type ERASE and press the enter or return key to erase the         
 contents of a set.                                                            
 Use the ERASE command to erase a set left by a previous user or to empty your 
 set in order to begin another round of record storing.                        
 ERASE will erase all records in a set -- there is no way to delete
only certain records.  You cannot recover a set of records once you
have erased it.        
 The STORE command (abbreviation: STOR) allows you to add copies of
records to a  set that can be sent to an electronic mailbox. You can
use the STORE command   from an index screen, guide screen, or any
screen labeled "short display" or  "long display."  For example:
   STORE            stores the record displaying on your screen                
   STORE 4          stores record 4 from an index or guide                     
   STORE 1-10       stores records 1-10 from an index or guide                 
   STORE 1,5,7-10   stores records 1, 5, and 7-10 from an index or guide       
   STORE ALL        stores all records from an index or guide                  
 A single set can contain up to 200 records. You can store records from more   
 than one database into a single set. HOLLIS cannot store help screens;
holdings circulation, or location displays. Once your set is complete,
use the SEND command to e-mail the records. You can STORE a set, SEND
it, and then begin a  new set as many times as you want. But, you can
work on only one set at a time.
 The SEND command (abbreviation: SE) transfers a set of records to an 
electronic  mailbox.  You must have a set of records stored before
using  SEND. Type SEND and press the enter or return key and a SEND
SET screen will display.  On this screen you must                           
   select an ACTION     SEND the set, CANCEL the SEND, or ask for HELP         
   select a STYLE       style A or B for e-mailed records                      
   provide an ADDRESS   the e-mail destination for the set of records          
 When the SEND is complete, HOLLIS erases the set and displays a record set ID 
 number.  Take note of this number.  If your set does not reach its
destination, request help from LIBRARY@HARVARDA.HARVARD.EDU
(or LIBRARY@HARVARDA.BITNET for BITNET users).  Include the record set
number in your request.                
 If you cancel SEND, the system will return you to your HOLLIS session but     
 preserve the contents of your set.                                            
 After you enter the SEND command, you must select Style A or B for records in 
 your set. All records in that set will be sent in the style you select.       
 Style A  Records in style A contain brief, unlabeled data.  They are          
  suitable as a list for searching the stacks, or you can edit them using a    
  wordprocessor to produce a bibliography.  Type HELP STYLE A for an           
  example of records in E-mail Style A.                                        
 Style B  Records in style B contain detailed data in labeled fields.  They    
are compatible with Notebook II database software for IBM PCs and 
But, with some editing, you can import these records into other PC and Mac   
database packages as well. Type HELP STYLE B for an example of records in    
in E-mail Style B.                                                           
 If your set contains records from more than one database, the type of         
 information included for each record (author, title, publisher, etc.)
may vary.
 Consult the "HOLLIS Records by E-Mail" information sheet for details about    
 these e-mail styles.                                                          
 Records in E-mail Style A will contain information arranged in this order:    
   Author.  Title.  Performers.  Series statement.  Edition.  Dissertation     
   note.  Music publisher number.  Publication information.                    
   Library location and call number information.                               
 There may be additional information given for serials, dissertations, and     
 sound recordings.  Records from databases other than HU and OW will not       
 normally contain library location information.                                
                         Two sample records in Style A                         
  Haydn, Joseph. Fifteen Scottish, Welsh, and Irish folksongs. Cardiff, Wales, 
  U.K.: University College Cardiff Press, 1984.                                
  LOCATION: Loeb Music: mus 693.2.730                                          
  Lemonick, Karen. "Philadelphia piping. (bag pipe folk music)"  Time March    
  16, v.1987, v.129, p12(3).                                                   
  Sample record in Style b:        Each record contains the same number and    
  %HOLLIS#: HU AHC2090             arrangement of fields. Each record begins   
  %FORMAT: bks                     with %START: and ends with %END: .          
  %YEAR: 1970                      A backslash separates multiple authors,     
  %AUTHOR: Wead, David W.                            subjects, and locations.  
  %TITLE: The literary devices in John's Gospel.                               
  %PUB.INFO: Basel, Komm. Friedrich Reinhardt, 1970.                           
  %PUBLISHED IN:                                                               
  %DESCRIPTION: viii, 130 p. 20 cm.                                            
  %SERIES: Theologische Dissertationen, Bd. 4                                  
  %NOTES: Vita. Thesis--Basel. Bibliography: p. 114-129                        
  %NUMBERS: ISBN pbk..                                                         
  %SUBJECTS: Bible. N.T. John--Language, style.                                
  %AUTHORS: Wead, David W.                                                     
  %LOCATION: Andover-Harv. Theol: BS2615.2.W4                                  
and Irish folksongs. Cardiff, Wales, 
  U.K.: University College Cardiff Press, 1984.                                
  LOCATION: Loeb Music: mus 693.2.730