November 27, 2009

links for 2009-11-27

  • "titles of on-line books that have recently been added to our index..." (yet another thing to pay attention to, and to be amazed by)
  • a nice profile of another of my musical heroes, here rendered even more fascinating: "Like I wish everybody went out and bought a Don Stover record, I really do. In fact I think anyone reading this right now, at this moment should stop what they're doing and go over to i-Tunes and download you a Don Stover record, I recommend you start with Things in Life..." ( )
    (tags: musics)
  • how can I possibly still be salivating as I read this, after today's epic Turkish-inspired Thanksgiving spread... see
    (tags: food)
Posted by oook at November 27, 2009 06:02 AM