October 28, 2006

YouTube music

If I was still teaching Cross-Cultural Studies in Music I'd do it quite differently, thanks to YouTube and other elements in the video revolution. Just take the example of Rajrupa Sen's sarod (6:37 YouTube performance), and a second example (6:06) with even clearer view of technique. Or Ismail Tuncbilek's saz and Husnu Senlendirici's clarinet (6:34, with appreciative live audience), and a studio setting (5:51) for another view that concentrates more on the interaction among the players (and is pretty jazzy too). Or try Ram Narayan's sarangi (5:15 --less than optimal video, but gives a clear view of a master at work). Or Michalis Tzouganakis' laouto (2:15) or a less traditional example, Pali-Pali (5:05) ...and/or this one, with dancers.

To see such performances makes such a difference in understanding and appreciation, and we can confidently expect more and more diversity of musical styles, and more experimentation. This cuatro example (1:55) is the tip of a potential iceberg of videos made by people practicing their instruments. I, for one, welcome our new musical overlords.

Posted by oook at October 28, 2006 02:46 PM

This is truly a new dimension. As I was watching/hearing Rajrupa ('royal form') Sen I was thinking of the wonderful mixes on cassette tapes you used to send us (some which are still playable)and was thinking what a different experience it would have been to merely listen to a recording.

We need some way to catalog these finds of yours, a sort of video-mix, that allow we ignorant but appreciative music consumers to enjoy the fruits of your insightful discovery of the music world. I kind of imagine a web version of your cross cultural music with links to these amazing gems.

...if you don't have anything else to do.

Posted by: Ron at October 29, 2006 06:10 AM