17 Jan
Here's a tabular arrangement of the original list, an attempt to reduce the chaos inherent in untidy mental processes of recall and association. I start with four categories that seem like good candidates:
Ewhat KINDS of things get remembered? (Oral history --Jan Vansina)
Ecreation of iconic culture: images known everywhere
EDNA as species memory (and the implications of decoding)
EThe Magical Number 7 (and short- and long-term memory)
EWWW as a new memory technology, replacing older ones. Ephemerality, transcultural significance (English as world language; translation software)
Eall Archives have half lives
Ememory drugs
Mmemory palaces ?Ad Herennium?
Mhiring somebody to remember for you (killing them erased the memory --Aztecs? Diebold?)
Mstring tied on finger? rubber band? as aides memoires
Mquipu (an Incan data structure --see Leyburn Library F3429.3.Q6 A82 1981
Mrhyme (poetry as technology of memory: Homeric epics, Kalevala, sagas, Yugoslav ballads, jongleurs, troubadours)
Mformulaic --begats, other genealogical frames (Iban, Icelandic)
Mstrategies for remembering --exact repetition
Mremembering and communicating patterns and spatial designs --rugs, pua
Mmusic, song in formula (verse, next verse, chorus...)
Msensorineural memories, viz: skills developed (fingers know what to do; hierarchies of small actions built up into action patterns: initiate top level and it all happens, like basketball shooting, driving, playing music...
Mhow the mind organizes tasks, to remember, via practise
Mrepetition, drilling (times tables, typing) somewhat out of fashion as pedagogy
Wwriting --for self, as cultural memory, as communication medium
Wnumbering adjoining parts
Whiring somebody to write and/or read for you
Wwriting on one's own body
WHawaiians, literacy, Bible as serial, displacement of memory specialists
WPlains Indian blankets/buffalo robes
Wearly history of writing: transactions, inventories, lists of possessions (cuneiform, etc.) tally sticks (Burke 1985:108); inventing syllabaries [Cherokee, Korean]
Wordering: alphabetization, other sequencing, filing and recovery of the thing sought (1494: first indexed catalogue [Burke 1985:120])
Wcodes, cryptography
Wmaps, including Pacific Island navigation maps
Wblueprints --remembering what to do
Wcontextual help, balloon help in very complex situations with lots of choices (handling overload); files, directory structures
Wshelf labels... and new inventory methods in grocery stores [and mfg plants --JIT] including what needs to be ordered
WGantt charts (organizing large systems)
Wtrain schedules
Wbearing trees, C&:GS markers (where-is memory), blazes, stakes, surveyor's tape
Wmenus --to remind what the choices are
Wmind maps
Wcalendrics and the fixing of time; saint's days
Wprinting destroyed the oral society (Burke 1985:112)
Wready reckoners?
Hmemory button on calculator
Htally boards in navigation
Hferrite core memory
Helectronic devices --dictaphone, thermostat hi-lo..
Hgraphic devices --kymograph (recording the Present as it happens)
Hpill packaging by days
Hfilm and photography --archiving memories
HTV before and after videotape
Htape recording (and wire before that)
Hother sound recording media --wax, shellac, vinyl; and noise reduction for recovery of 'lost' memory (reissues of recorded sound)
Hmemory prostheses in the future? (jacking in --cyberpunk)
Hhome videos --including the voices of the departed. But also home movies, vernacular photography
Hanswering machines --saving messages? replaying tapes?