Colonial Latin American
Historical Review

Past and Current Articles Published in CLAHR/
Artículos publicados en CLAHR hasta la fecha

(Only one number published in volume one.)

"Visions of Municipal Glory Undimmed:
The Nahuatl Town Histories of
Colonial Cuernavaca,"
by Robert Haskett

"Accounting Practices in a Colonial Economy: A Case
Study of Cacao Haciendas in Venezuela, 1700-1770,"
by Eugenio Piñero

"La Crisis Minera en el Alto Perú en Su Fase
Extractiva: La Producción de Plata del Cerro del Potosí en la
Luz de Ocho Visitas Ignoradas de Minas, 1778-1803,"
by Eduardo R. Saguier

"La Dirección General de la Real Renta de Tabacos and the Decline
of the Royal Tobacco Monopoly in Paraguay, 1779-1800,"
by Jerry W. Cooney


"The Costs of Empire: Spending Patterns and
Priorities in Colonial Peru, 1581-1820,"
by John Jay TePaske

"Thomas Fields and the Precursors
of the Guaraní Reducciones,"
by Robert McGeagh

"La Organización Socio-Política del Grupo Chol-Manché en
Guatemala Durante el Siglo XVII: Estudio Preliminar,
by María Luisa Pérez González

"Basque Names, Nobility, and Ethnicity
on the Spanish Frontier,"
by Donald T. Garate

"Historical Objectivity and the Persistence of
Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas: A Commentary,"
by Robert Himmerich y Valencia


"Black Indian Interaction in Spanish Florida,"
by Jane Landers

"Between Policy and Prerogative: Malfeasance in the Inspection
of the Manila Galleons at Acapulco, 1637,"
by William J. McCarthy

"Esclavas Españolas en el Nuevo Mundo: Una Nota Histórica,"
by Juan F. Maura

"The Impact of Liberal Policy on Mexico's Northern
Frontier: Mission Secularization and the Development
of Alta California, 1812-1846,"
by Robert H. Jackson


"Franciscan Evangelization in Spanish Frontier Texas: Apex of
Social Contact, Conflict, and Confluence, 1751-1761,"
Félix D. Almaráz, Jr.

"Tradition and Progress in the Late Eighteenth-Century
Jesuit Rediscovery of America: Francisco Javier
Clavijero's Philosophy and History,"
by O. Carlos Stoetzer

"Counting the Encounter: The Pernicious Appeal of Verisimilitude,"
by David Henige

"The Enigma of the Jean Bellère Maps of
the New World (1554): A Historical Note,"
by Arthur Holzheimer and David Buisseret


"Conflicts in the Portuguese Colonial Administration:
Trials and Errors of Luís Lopes Pegado e Serpa,
Provedor-Mor da Fazenda Real in Salvador, Brazil, 1718-1721,"
by Ernst Pijning

"Mujeres de Substancia-Case Studies of
Women of Property in Northern New Spain,"
by Rosalind Z. Rock

"Some Observations on a Model 1799 Infantry Officer's Short Saber,"
by J. William LaRue

"El Plan de Pitic de 1789 y las nuevas poblaciones
proyectadas en las Provincias Internas de la Nueva España,"
by Joseph P. Sánchez


"Blessed Connections: Sociological Aspects of
Sainthood in Colonial Mexico and Peru,"
by Victoria H. Cummins

"`Inquisition of the Indians?': The Inquisitorial
Model and the Repression of Andean Religion in
Seventeenth-Century Peru,"
by Nicholas Griffiths

"Doña Isabel Osorio de Cáceres:
Chilean Matriarch,"
by Della M. Flusche

"A Note on the Plan of Pitic,"
by Iris H.W. Engstrand

"The Plan of Pitic: Galindo Navarro's Letter
to Teodoro de Croix, Comandante General de
las Provincias Internas,"
by Jane C. Sánchez

(Special issue dedicated to the theme of Africans in colonial Latin America.)

"The Role of Africans in the Atlantic Economy, 1450-1650:
Modern Africanist Historiography and the World-Systems Paradigm,"
by John K. Thornton

"`Almost All Have Callings:' Free Blacks at
Work in Spanish New Orleans,"
by Kimberly S. Hanger

"African Freedmen and the Fuero Militar:
A Historical Overview of Pardo and Moreno
Militiamen in the Late Spanish Empire,"
by Joseph P. Sánchez

"Gente de color quebrado: Africans and
Afromestizos in Colonial Mexico,"
by Peter Stern

"A Research Note: Race, Slavery, and the
Ambiguity of Corporate Consciousness,"
by Herman L. Bennett

"New Research on the African Experience
in Spanish America and the Caribbean,"
by Jane Landers


"The Spanish Political Crisis of 1820 and
the Loss of New Granada,"
by Rebecca Earle

"Sugar, Slaves, and the Politics of
Annexationism: Cuba, 1840-1855,"
by Anton L. Allahar

"The Columbian Exchange in the Floridas:
Scots, Spaniards, and Indians, 1783-1821,"
by William S. Coker

"Instability at the Top: A Social History
of the Landed Elite in Colonial Peru,"
by Susan E. Ramírez


"Dealing with Foreigners: A Comparative Essay
Regarding Initial Expectations and Interactions
between Native Societies and the English in North
America and the Spanish in Mexico,"
by John E. Kicza

"`Like Children under Wise Parental Sway':
Passive Portrayals of the Guaraní Indians in
European Literature and The Mission,"
by Barbara Ganson

"El encuentro de dos mundos: la escritura
de Dios y la voz mutilada,"
by Oscar Rivera-Rodas

"El controvertido papel de los misioneros en Indias,"
by Ligia Rodríguez


"The Capitulaciones de Santa Fé:
A Historiographical Conundrum,"
by Miles H. Davidson

"Artist and Patron in Colonial Cuzco:
Workshops, Contracts, and a Petition for Independence,"
by Carol Damian

"Libros novohispanos de medicina durante
el siglo de la Ilustración: 1700-1821,"
by W. Michael Mathes

"Basque Ethnic Connections and the Expeditions
of Juan Bautista de Anza to Alta California,"
by Donald T. Garate


"Rescue and Ransom of Spanish Captives from the
indios bárbaros on the Northern Frontier of New Spain,"
by Oakah L. Jones, Jr.

"The Spanish Colonial Legacy and the Role of Hispanic
Custom in Defining New Mexico Land and Water Rights,"
by Daniel Tyler

"Los dibujos de Pedro de Ledesma, 1626: modos y maneras
de pescar la ostra y otro modo y segura invención para que
una o dos personas abajen al fondo del mar,"
by Joseph P. Sánchez


"Church and State in the Diocese of Santiago,
Chile, 1620-1677: A Study of Rural Parishes,"
by Della M. Flusche

"Aspectos de la devoción barroca en Chile colonial,"
by Jaime Valenzuela Márquez

"Santa Marta Gold: Spaniards in Colombia, 1526-1536,"
by Constance Jones Mathers

"History of the Indian Population of Cañar,"
by Lynn Hirschkind


"Wine and `Local Catholicism' in Colonial Moquegua, Peru,"
by Prudence M. Rice

"Ilegítimos y abandonados en la frontera norte:
Parral y San Bartolomé en el siglo XVII,"
by Chantal Cramaussel

"José de Bustamante and the Preservation
of Empire in Central America, 1811-1818,"
by Timothy P. Hawkins

"El derrotero del Padre Tomás Ignacio Lizasoaín:
desde Janos a Moqui en 1761,"
by David M. Brugge


"Negotiating Roots: Indian Migrants in the Lima
Valley During the Colonial Period,"
by Paul Charney

"Las mujeres aztecas y las españolas en los siglos
XVI y XVII: análisis comparativo de la literatura social,"
by María J. Rodríguez-Shadow and Robert D. Shadow

"Indios, blancos y mulatos: `Si todos somos Hermanos
Y, todos bamos aun Fin ya no ay criollo õ, Gachupin,
todos sean Americanos,'"
by Maribel Lárraga


"When Worlds Collide: Crisis in Sahagún's Historia
universal de las cosas de la Nueva España
by Walden Browne

"El papel del azogue en la industria minera
en España y en las Indias,"
by Estrella Ramos Garrido

"Breaking New Ground: A Reappraisal of Governors Vélez
Cachupín and Mendinueta and Their Land Grant Policies,"
by Malcolm Ebright


"`Malos vecinos' en Paita, década de 1810: competencia
mercantil en la sociedad norteña colonial peruana,"
by Susana Aldana Rivera

"The Toscanelli Letters: A Dubious
Influence on Columbus,"
by Miles H. Davidson

"Ilustraciones de la Casa de Niebla: una nota histórica
sobre el `predescubrimiento' de Cristóbal Colón,"
by Juan Francisco Maura

"From Empire to Statehood: A History
of New Mexico's Spanish and Mexican Archives,"
by Robert J. Torrez


"El Lejano Norte español: cómo escapar del American
y de las Spanish Borderlands,"
by Alfredo Jiménez

"The Vildósola Family: A Sonoran Political,
Military, and Ethnic Legacy,"
by Donald T. Garate

"Microhistoria de la esclavitud negra en el siglo XVIII:
el caso de la residencia jesuita de San Juan de la Frontera,"
by Celia López-Chávez


"Poverty and Welfare in Mesoamerica During the Sixteenth
and Seventeenth Centuries: European Archetypes
and Colonial Translations,"
by Amos Megged

"Los pueblos indios en las Huastecas, México, 1750-1810:
formas para conservar y aumentar su territorio,"
by Antonio Escobar Ohmstede

"Colonial Printing and Metropolitan Books: Printed Texts
and the Shaping of Scholarly Culture in New Spain, 1539-1700,"
by Magdalena Chocano Mena


"Haciendas y tributo en Yucatán: el reglamento de 1786 y
la controversia en torno a los indios luneros,"
by Manuela Cristina García Bernal

"Buccaneers and Coastal Defense in Late-Seventeenth-
Century Quito: The Case of Barbacoas,"
by Kris E. Lane

"The Shipwrecked Spanish Fleet of 1733:
Inventory, Costs, and Other Concerns,"
by Jerry Gurulé


"Frustraciones, tratos y contratos de una hueste a orillas
del Guadalquivir: la jornada de Francisco de Orellana a la
Nueva Andalucía, 1544-1545,"
by Sergio Rodríguez Lorenzo

"Arms for the Defense
of the Eastern Provincias Internas
of New Spain in 1810: A Mountain Cannon,"
by W. Michael Mathes

"Juicio de residencia de 1777 de don Antonio Apodaca,
gobernador español de las islas Marianas,"
by Omaira Brunal-Perry

(Special issue on women in colonial Latin America.)

"Defining the Sacred and the Worldly: Beatas and
Recogidas in Late-Seventeenth-Century Lima,"
by Nancy E. van Deusen

"The Mystic Triad in Colonial Mexican Nuns' Discourse:
Divine Author, Visionary Scribe, and Clerical Mediator,"
by Kathleen A. Myers

"Incest, Power, and Negotiation in the Spanish Colonial
Borderlands: A Tale of Two Families,"
by Dedra S. McDonald

"The Intersection of Rape and Marriage in
Late-Colonial and Early-National Mexico,"
by Sonya Lipsett-Rivera


"Juan José Zambrano of Durango:
The Rise and Fall of a Colonial Peninsular,"
by Oakah L. Jones, Jr.

"Self-Promotion: The Relaciones de
Méritos y Servicios and Their Historical
and Political Interpretation,"
by Murdo J. MacLeod

"The Imprisonment of Blas Valera:
Heresy and Inca History in Colonial Peru,"
by Sabine Hyland

(Special issue on Juan de Oñate's 1598 entrada into New Mexico.)

"Introduction: Juan de Oñate and the
Founding of New Mexico, 1598-1609,"
by Joseph P. Sánchez

"Don Juan de Oñate and the Founding
of New Mexico: Possible Gains and Losses
from Centennial Celebrations,"
by Alfredo Jiménez

"Juan de Oñate's Prueba de Caballero, 1625:
A Look at His Ancestral Heritage,"
by Donald T. Garate

"New Light on the Jewish-converso Ancestry of
Don Juan de Oñate: A Research Note,"
by José Antonio Esquibel

"Royal Roads in the Old and the New World:
The Camino de Oñate and Its Importance in the
Spanish Settlement of New Mexico,"
by María Luisa Pérez-González


"Willing It So: Intimate Glimpses of Encomienda
Life in Early-Sixteenth Century Hispaniola,"
by Lynne A. Guitar

"La campaña de Buenos Aires: los arrendatarios
a mediados del siglo XVIII,"
by Raúl O. Fradkin

"La colección de Hans Heinrich Brüning: un inventario
de los documentos coloniales relativos al Perú,"
by Teodoro Hampe Martínez


"Monjas y mercaderes: comercio y construcciones
conventuales en la ciudad de México durante el siglo XVII,"
by Antonio Rubial García

"The 1536 Siege of Cuzco: An Analysis of Inca and Spanish Warfare,"
by Robert Himmerich y Valencia

"Migración indígena y cambio cultural en Michoacán colonial, siglos XVII y XVIII,"
by Felipe Castro Gutiérrez


"Imperial Humor: U.S. Political Cartoons and the War of 1898,"
by Virginia M. Bouvier

"Satire, Journalism, and Madrid's Gedeón: National Images and
National Characters in the Spanish-American War of 1898,"
by Aurora G. Morcillo

"Governor Miguel Otero's War: Statehood and
New Mexican Loyalty in the Spanish-American War,"
by Richard Melzer


"Entre el antiguo régimen y la modernidad: la nobleza
quiteña y la `Revolución de Quito,' 1809-1812,"
by Christian Büschges

"Religión y resistencia indígena en Yucatán,
siglos XVI-XIX"
by Laura Caso Barrera

"Las misiones dominicas en Baja California
Santo Domingo de la Frontera, 1775-1875"
by Mario A. Magaña-Mancillas

"Material and Cultural Dimensions of Episcopal Authority:
Tridentine Donation and the Biblioteca Palafoxiana in
Seventeenth-Century Puebla de los Angeles, Mexico"
by Michael M. Brescia

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