
In my Reference Librarian incarnation, my energies in re: the potentials of html and the Web were once likened by one of my Washington & Lee colleagues to the incessant drum-thumping of the Energizer Bunny (not a compliment...):

Energizer Bunny Wikipedia

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I thought back to another bunny, who has been with me since 1953 and seems a much better avatar to claim a kinship with. Bun Rabbit appears in the first pages of I Go Pogo (1953), and the incessant drumming is in support of the celebration of a long list of holidays, many quite obscure. One that stuck in my mind was Gowk Storm Day, which turns out to be an actual celebration in Scotland... but where could you look that up in 1953? Just one of the Easter Eggs that Walt Kelly salted the Pogo books with.

Here's the full catalog of Bun Rabbit's celebratory drumming, as collected in Of Holidays and Riddles:

Walpurgis Night
The New Jersey Big Sea Day
Farmer's Wash Day
Holle Kreish
Laa Boaldyn
Cromm Dub's Sunday
Tuan Yang
The Soiree of Gumbo Ya-Ya
St. Elmo's Fire Drill
Gowk Storm Day
The Midwinter Bear Society Dance
The Down Under Corroborree
The Festa Stultorum
The Day of the Ka
Lammas Eve
The Niman Kachina
Uncle Charlie's Annual Shivaree
The Feast of the Hungry Ghosts
Knight Rupert's Visiting Day
The Abbot's Bromley Antler Dance
The Feast of Goibniu
The sequence then climaxed with this riddle: "What's untied? Whitsuntide! What's untied on Whitsuntide?" (answer: Lady Godiva's Girdle)