I used the Literary Criticism Index (under 'Chaucer') to find 'Gentilesse' and found a reference to "BPE:144", which turns out to be:
 AUTHOR       Martinez, Nancy C. (Nancy Conrad)
 TITLE        Guide to British poetry explication / Nancy C. Martinez and
                Joseph G.R. Martinez.
 PUBLISHER    Boston, Mass. : G.K. Hall, 1991-
 Leyburn-Reference      PR311 .M34 1991 v. 1
I tried the same magic for 'Bradstreet' and found several references to general criticism. "SCAP:34-54" is:
 AUTHOR       Scheick, William J.
 TITLE        Seventeenth-century American poetry : a reference guide / William
                J. Scheick and JoElla Doggett.
 PUBLISHER    Boston : G. K. Hall, c1977.
 Leyburn Library        Z1227 .S3                      

and "Da:23" is:

 AUTHOR       Davis, Richard Beale.
 TITLE        American literature through Bryant, 1585-1830.
 PUBLISHER    New York, Appleton-Century-Crofts [1969]
 Leyburn-Reference      PS185 .D3                      
(we don't have the other two general criticism references)

Another source that might be useful, though it contains no references to these specific Chaucer and Bradstreet poems:

 AUTHOR       Alexander, Harriet Semmes, 1949-
 TITLE        American and British poetry : a guide to the criticism, 1925-1978
                / Harriet Semmes Alexander.
 PUBLISHER    Athens, Ohio : Swallow Press, c1984.
 Leyburn-Reference      PS303 .A44 1984

For Dickinson's "Those dying then..." Lit Crit Index pointed to two 
guides which both list the same article:

 AUTHOR       Ruppert, James.
 TITLE        Colonial and nineteenth-century / James Ruppert.
 PUBLISHER    Boston, Mass. : G.K. Hall, 1989.
 SUBJECT      American poetry --19th century --History and criticism --
              American poetry --Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 
              --History and criticism --Bibliography.

    LOCATION               CALL NO.                     
1 > Leyburn-Reference      PS201 .R66 1989

 AUTHOR       Alexander, Harriet Semmes, 1949-
 TITLE        American and British poetry : a guide to the criticism, 
                / Harriet Semmes Alexander.
 PUBLISHER    Athens, Ohio : Swallow Press, c1984.
 SUBJECT      American poetry --History and criticism --Bibliography.
              English poetry --History and criticism --Bibliography.

    LOCATION               CALL NO.                       
1 > Leyburn-Reference      PS303 .A44 1984   
(the article in question: Taylor, Carole "Kierkegaard and the ironic voices of Emily Dickinson. Journal of English and Germanic Philology 77 (October 1978) 573-74; a quick check in Annie reveals that we HAVE JEGP, and a trip to LL1 shows that the page numbers refer to the pages upon which the poem is discussed --the whole article is pp 569-581).